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Your case study is titled, Success at the bottom of the pyramid (BoP)? P&G's Gillette Guard shows it's possible.
You are required to answer the 3 questions at the end of the case. Please make sure you include your sources in the reference section if you cite any sources.
CHAPTER 12 12-9 Why might a person’s social class not change when he or she earns more money? 12-10 What are some of the problems we encounter when we try to measure social class? 12-11 How do the worldviews of blue-collar and white-collar consumers differ? 12-12 What is a taste culture? 12-13 Describe the difference between a restricted and an elaborated code. Give an example of each. Income and Social Class 451 12-14 What is cultural capital, and why is enrolling in etiquette class a way to accumulate it? 12-15 How do you differentiate between “old money” versus “nouveau riche” consumers? 12-16 What roles do status symbols play in purchase decisions? 12-17 What is conspicuous consumption? Give a current example. 12-18 What is a current example of parody display? 12-19 Describe what we mean by the term mass class and summarize what causes this phenomenon. CONSUMER BEHAVIOR CHALLENGE ■ DISCUSS 12-20 Sears, JC Penney and Walmart tried hard in recent years to upgrade their images and appeal to higher-class consumers. How successful have these efforts been? Do you believe this strategy is wise? 12-21 What are some of the obstacles to measuring social class in today’s society? Discuss some ways to get around these obstacles. 12-22 What consumption differences might you expect to observe between a family we characterize as underprivileged and one whose income is average for its social class? 12-23 How do you assign people to social classes, or do you at all? What consumption cues do you use (e.g., clothing, speech, cars, etc.) to determine social standing? 12-24 In today’s economy, it’s become somewhat vulgar to flaunt your money—if you have any