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Public Speaking for College & Career
Hamilton Gregory Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
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Published by McGraw-Hill, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Copyright © 2018 by Hamilton Gregory. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Previous editions © 2013, 2010, 2008, and 2005. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning.
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ISBN 978-0-07-803698-9 (student edition) MHID 0-07-803698-4 (student edition) ISBN 978-1-259-89992-8 (annotated instructor’s edition) MHID 1-259-89992-6 (annotated instructor’s edition)
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Gregory, Hamilton. Title: Public speaking for college & career / Hamilton Gregory. Other titles: Public speaking for college and career Description: Eleventh edition. | New York : McGraw-Hill, 2016. | Includes index. Identifiers: LCCN 2016040032 | ISBN 9780078036989 (alk. paper) Subjects: LCSH: Public speaking. Classification: LCC PN4121 .G716 2016 | DDC 808.5/1—dc23 LC record available at
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Dedicated to the memory of Merrell, my beloved wife and best friend
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Brief Contents
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Preface xi
Foundations of Effective Communication Chapter 1 Introduction to Public Speaking 2
Chapter 2 Managing Nervousness 20
Chapter 3 Listening 36
Developing a Focus Chapter 4 Reaching the Audience 52
Chapter 5 Selecting Topic, Purpose, and Central Idea 72
Preparing Content Chapter 6 Locating Information 88
Chapter 7 Evaluating Information and Avoiding Plagiarism 108
Chapter 8 Suporting Your Ideas 130
Chapter 9 Presentation Aids 148
Organizing the Speech Chapter 10 The Body of the Speech 178
Chapter 11 Introductions and Conclusions 198
Chapter 12 Outlining the Speech 216
Presenting the Speech Chapter 13 Wording the Speech 236
Chapter 14 Delivering the Speech 254
Types of Public Speaking Chapter 15 Speaking to Inform 280
Chapter 16 Speaking to Persuade 302
Chapter 17 Persuasive Strategies 322
Chapter 18 Speaking on Special Occasions 352
Chapter 19 Speaking in Groups 368
Glossary 384
Index 388
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Preface xi
Part 1 Foundations of Effective Communication
Chapter 1 Introduction to Public Speaking 2
Benefits of a Public Speaking Course 4
The Speech Communication Process 6
Elements of the Process 6
TIP 1 Seek Feedback 9
The Process in Everyday Life 10
The Speaker’s Responsibilities 10
Maintain High Ethical Standards 10
Enrich Listeners’ Lives 11
Take Every Speech Seriously 12
Speech Introducing Yourself or a Classmate 12
Sample Self-Introduction Speech 13
Sample Speech Introducing a Classmate 13
Quick Guide to Public Speaking 14
Preparation 14
Delivery 16
TIP 2 Avoid the Five Biggest Mistakes Made by Speakers 17
Resources for Review and Skill Building 17
Chapter 2 Managing Nervousness 20
Reasons for Nervousness 22
The Value of Fear 22
Guidelines for Managing Nervousness 23
In the Planning Stage 23
Immediately before the Speech 26
During the Speech 27
TIP 1 Prepare for Memory Lapses 30
Resources for Review and Skill Building 34
Chapter 3 Listening 36
Introduction to Listening 38
The Problem of Poor Listening Skills 38
How to Listen Effectively 39
Prepare Yourself 39
Be Willing to Expend Energy 39
Listen Analytically 40
Take Notes 40
TIP 1 Take Notes in Important Conversations and Small-Group Meetings 42
Resist Distractions 42
TIP 2 Learn How Listeners Show Respect in Different Cultures 43
Avoid Fake Listening 43
Give Every Speaker a Fair Chance 43
Control Emotions 44
The Listener’s Responsibilities 44
Show Courtesy and Respect 44
TIP 3 Confront Electronic Rudeness 46
Provide Encouragement 47
Find Value in Every Speech 47
Speech Evaluations 48
When Evaluating 48
TIP 4 Express Appreciation to a Speaker 49
When Receiving Evaluations 49
Resources for Review and Skill Building 50
Part 2 Developing a Focus
Chapter 4 Reaching the Audience 52
The Audience-Centered Speaker 54
TIP 1 Be Sensitive to Audience Discomfort 55
Getting Information about the Audience 55
Interviews 55
Surveys 56
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Audience Diversity 56
Gender 57
Age 58
Educational Background 58
Occupation 58
Religious Affiliation 58
Economic and Social Status 59
International Listeners 59
America’s Diverse Cultures 60
TIP 2 Work Closely with Interpreters 61
Listeners with Disabilities 62
Audience Knowledge 63
Audience Psychology 64
Interest Level 64
Attitudes 64
The Occasion 66
Time Limit 66
TIP 3 Be Prepared to Trim Your Remarks 67
Expectations 67
Other Events on the Program 67
Audience Size 68
Adapting during the Speech 68
Resources for Review and Skill Building 69
Chapter 5 Selecting Topic, Purpose, and Central Idea 72
Selecting a Topic 74
Select a Topic You Care About 74
Select a Topic You Can Master 74
Select a Topic That Will Interest the Audience 77
Narrow the Topic 78
The General Purpose 79
To Inform 79
To Persuade 79
To Entertain 79
TIP 1 Examine Your Hidden Purposes 80
The Specific Purpose 80
Begin the Statement with an Infinitive 81
Include a Reference to Your Audience 81
Limit the Statement to One Major Idea 81
Make Your Statement as Precise as Possible 81
Achieve Your Objective in the Time Allotted 82
Don’t Be Too Technical 82
The Central Idea 82
Devising the Central Idea 83
Guidelines for the Central Idea 84
Overview of Speech Design 85
Resources for Review and Skill Building 86
Part 3 Preparing Content
Chapter 6 Locating Information 88
Misconceptions about Research 90
Finding Materials Efficiently 90
Begin with a Purpose Statement 90
Plan Your Time 91
Searching Electronically 91
Libraries 92
Getting Help from Librarians 92
Books 93
Articles 93
Interlibrary Loan 94
Online Research 94
Search Engines 94
Specialized Research 95
Apps 95
Online Communities and Individuals 96
Field Research 96
Experiences and Investigations 97
Surveys 97
Interviews with Experts 97
Saving Key Information 101
TIP 1 Develop a Filing System for Important Ideas 102
Printouts and Photocopies 102
Notes 102
Resources for Review and Skill Building 105
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Chapter 7 Evaluating Information and Avoiding Plagiarism 108
Being an Honest Investigator 110
Finding Trustworthy Information 110
Applying Critical-Thinking Skills 111
Recognize Dubious Claims 111
Find More Than One Source 112
Examine Opposing Viewpoints 112
Be Cautious When Using Polls 113
Recognize the Fallibility of Experts 113
Beware of Groups with Misleading Names 114
TIP 1 Be Willing to Challenge Reports in the Media 115
Analyzing Internet Sites 115
Don’t Be Swayed by Widespread Dissemination 115
Watch Out for Web Manipulation 116
Don’t Be Dazzled by High-Tech Design 116
Investigate Sponsors and Authors 117
Look for Verifications 119
Avoiding Plagiarism 120
Types of Plagiarism 120
Giving Credit to Sources 121
TIP 2 Be Specific When Citing Internet Sources 124
Using Copyrighted Material 124
Resources for Review and Skill Building 126
Chapter 8 Supporting Your Ideas 130
Reasons for Using Support Materials 132 To Develop and Illustrate Ideas 132
To Clarify Ideas 132
To Make a Speech More Interesting 132
To Help Listeners Remember Key Ideas 132
To Help Prove a Point 133
Types of Support Materials 133 Definition 133
Vivid Image 134
Example 134
Narrative 134
Comparison and Contrast 136
Analogy 136
Testimony 137
TIP 1 Give Listeners Bonus Material 138
Statistics 139
Sample Speech with Commentary 143
Resources for Review and Skill Building 146
Chapter 9 Presentation Aids 148
Advantages of Visual Aids 150
Types of Visual Aids 150
Graphs 151
Charts 152
Drawings and Photos 153
Video and Animation 154
Objects and Models 155
TIP 1 Never Let Visuals Substitute for a Speech 156
Yourself and Volunteers 156
Presentation Software 156
Types of Software 157
PowerPoint Slides 157
Media for Visual Aids 166
Multimedia Projectors 166
Boards 166
Posters 166
Flip Charts 167
Handouts 167
Visual Presenters 168
Overhead Transparencies 168
Preparing Visual Aids 168
Choose Visuals That Truly Support Your Speech 168
Prepare and Practice Far in Advance 169
Choose the Appropriate Number of Visuals 169
Make Visual Aids Simple and Clear 169
Aim for Back-Row Comprehension 169
Use Colors Carefully 170
Presenting Visual Aids 170
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Choose the Best Time to Show Visuals 170
Never Circulate Visual Aids among the Audience 171
TIP 2 Ask a Friend to Assist You 172
Remove Physical Barriers 172
Make Sure Listeners Get Maximum Benefit from Visuals 172
Don’t Let Visuals Distract from Your Message 173
Don’t Talk to Your Visual Aid 173
Use Progressive Revelation 173
Plan for Emergencies 174
Communicating in Other Channels 174
Hearing 174
Taste and Smell 174
Touch and Physical Activity 175
Using Multiple Channels 175
Resources for Review and Skill Building 175
Part 4 Organizing the Speech
Chapter 10 The Body of the Speech 178
The Importance of Organization 180
Creating the Body 180
Devising Main Points 182
Limit the Number of Main Points 182
Restrict Each Main Point to a Single Idea 183
Avoid Announcements 183
Customize Points for Each Audience 183
TIP 1 Test and Verify Your Material 184
Use Parallel Language Whenever Possible 184
Organizing Main Points 185
Chronological Pattern 185
Spatial Pattern 186
Cause–Effect Pattern 186
Problem–Solution Pattern 187
Topical Pattern 187
Selecting Support Materials 189
Supplying Transitions 191
Bridges 191
Internal Summaries 192
Signposts 192
Spotlights 192
Simplifying the Process 193
Resources for Review and Skill Building 194
Chapter 11 Introductions and Conclusions 198
Introductions 200
Gain Attention and Interest 200
Orient the Audience 204
TIP 1 Use an “Icebreaker” to Start Off a Commu- nity Speech 205
Guidelines for Introductions 207
Conclusions 208
Signal the End 208
Summarize Key Ideas 208
Reinforce the Central Idea with a Clincher 209
Guidelines for Conclusions 211
Sample Introduction and Conclusion 211
Resources for Review and Skill Building 212
Chapter 12 Outlining the Speech 216
Guidelines for Outlining 218
Choose an Outline Format 218
Use Standard Subdivisions 221
Avoid Single Subdivisions 221
TIP 1 When No Time Limit Is Set, Speak Briefly 222
Parts of the Outline 222
TIP 2 Decide How You Will Reveal Your Sources 224
Sample Outline with Commentary 224
Speaking Notes 228
Guidelines for Preparing Notes 229
Options for Notes 230
Controlling Your Material 231
Sample Speech as Presented 232
Resources for Review and Skill Building 234
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Part 5 Presenting the Speech
Chapter 13 Wording the Speech 236
The Power of Words 238
Finding the Right Words 238 Using Appropriate Words 239
Use Gender-Neutral Terms 239
Avoid Gender-Biased Pronoun Usage 239
TIP 1 Omit Crude Language 240
Using Words Accurately 240 Use Precise Denotations 240
Control Connotations 241
Use Correct Grammar 241
Achieving Clarity 243 Use Simple Words 243
Use Concrete Words 243
Use Precise Words 243
Using Vivid Language 246 Imagery 246
Metaphors and Similes 247
Using Rhetorical Devices 247 Alliteration 247
TIP 2 Explore Rhetorical Devices 248
Antithesis 248
Parallel Structure and Repetition 248
Oral versus Written Language 249 Resources for Review and Skill Building 250
Chapter 14 Delivering the Speech 254
The Key to Good Delivery 256 Methods of Speaking 256
Memorization 256
Manuscript 257
Impromptu 258
Extemporaneous 259
Voice 260 Volume 260
Clarity 261
Expressiveness 261
Nonverbal Communication 265 Personal Appearance 266
Eye Contact 267
Facial Expressions 267
Posture 267
TIP 1 Decide Whether and How to Use a Lectern 268
Movement 268
Using Notes 268
Gestures 269
TIP 2 Deal with Distractions in a Direct but Good- Humored Manner 270
Beginning and Ending 270
The Question-and-Answer Period 271 Practice 273 Speaking in Front of a Camera 274
General Strategies 274
Strategies When You Are in Charge 275
Resources for Review and Skill Building 277
Part 6 Types of Public Speaking
Chapter 15 Speaking to Inform 280
Goals of Informative Speaking 282 Types of Informative Speeches 282
Definition Speech 282
Description Speech 283
Process Speech 285
Explanation Speech 287
Guidelines for Informative Speaking 289 Relate the Speech to the Listeners’ Self-Interest 289
Make Information Interesting 289
TIP 1 For Long Presentations, Plan a Variety of Activities 291
Avoid Information Overload 291
Tailor Information for Each Audience 291
Use the Familiar to Explain the Unfamiliar 292
Help Listeners Remember Key Information 292
Sample Informative Speech 293
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The Outline with Commentary 294
The Speech as Delivered 298
Resources for Review and Skill Building 299
Chapter 16 Speaking to Persuade 302
Goals of Persuasive Speaking 304 Types of Persuasive Speeches 304
Speech to Influence Thinking 304
Speech to Motivate Action 305
TIP 1 Use Role Play to Change Behavior 307
Patterns of Organization 307 Motivated Sequence 307
Problem–Solution Pattern 311
Statement-of-Reasons Pattern 311
TIP 2 View Persuasion as a Long-Term Process 312
Comparative-Advantages Pattern 312
Sample Persuasive Speech 313
The Outline with Commentary 313
The Speech as Delivered 317
After the Persuasive Speech 319
Resources for Review and Skill Building 320
Chapter 17 Persuasive Strategies 322
Knowing Your Audience 324
Analyze Listeners 324
Use a Persuasion Scale 324
Plan Your Strategy 324
TIP 1 Don’t Expect Universal Success 325
Building Credibility 327
Explain Your Competence 327
Be Accurate 327
Show Your Open-Mindedness 328
TIP 2 In a Debate, Be Reasonable and Fair 329
Show Common Ground with Your Audience 329
Providing Evidence 331
Using Sound Reasoning 332
Deduction 333
Induction 334
Fallacies in Reasoning 336
Appealing to Motivations 340
Some Common Motivations 340
Multiple Motivations 341
Arousing Emotions 341
Sample Persuasive Speech 343
The Outline with Commentary 344
The Speech as Delivered 346
Resources for Review and Skill Building 348
Chapter 18 Speaking on Special Occasions 352
Entertaining Speech 354
Techniques for Entertaining 354
TIP 1 Move Listeners Together 356
Sample Entertaining Speech 356
Speech of Introduction 358
Speech of Presentation 360
Speech of Acceptance 360
Speech of Tribute 361
Wedding Speeches 361
Toasts 362
Eulogies 363
Inspirational Speech 364
Resources for Review and Skill Building 364
Chapter 19 Speaking in Groups 368
Meetings 370
Responsibilities of Leaders 370
Responsibilities of Participants 373
The Reflective-Thinking Method 374
Group Presentations 377
Team Presentation 377
TIP 1 Strive to Improve Communication Skills 378
Symposium 379
Panel Discussion 379
TIP 2 Remember the Essentials 381
Resources for Review and Skill Building 382 Glossary 384
Index 388
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McGraw-Hill Connect: An Overview McGraw-Hill Connect offers full-semester access to comprehensive, reliable content and Learning Resources for the Public Speaking course. Connect’s deep integra- tion with most learning management systems (LMS), including Blackboard and Desire2Learn (D2L), offers single sign-on and deep gradebook synchronization. Data from Assignment Results reports synchronize directly with many LMS, allowing scores to flow automatically from Connect into school-specific gradebooks, if required.
The following tools and services are available as part of Connect for the Public Speaking course:
Tool Instructional Context Description
Connect Insight for Instructors
• SmartBook is an engaging and interactive reading experience for mastering fundamental Public Speaking content.
• The metacognitive component confirms learners’ understanding of the material.
• Instructors can actively connect SmartBook assignments and results to higher-order classroom work and one-on-one student conferences.
• Learners can track their own understanding and mastery of course concepts and identify gaps in their knowledge.
• Connect Insight for Instructors is an analytics resource that produces quick feedback related to learner performance and learner engagement.
• It is designed as a dashboard for both quick check-ins and detailed performance and engagement views.
• SmartBook is an adaptive reading experience designed to change the way learners read and learn. It creates a personalized reading experience by highlighting the most impactful concepts a student needs to learn at that moment in time.
• SmartBook creates personalized learning plans based on student responses to content question probes and confidence scales, identifying the topics learners are struggling with and providing Learning Resources to create personalized learning moments.
• SmartBook includes a variety of Learning Resources tied directly to key content areas to provide students with additional instruction and context. This includes video and media clips, interactive slide content, mini lectures, and image analyses.
• SmartBook Reports provide instructors with data to quantify success and identify problem areas that require addressing in and out of the classroom.
• Learners can access their own progress and concept mastery reports.
• Connect Insight for Instructors offers a series of visual data displays that provide analysis on five key insights:
• How are my students doing?
• How is this one student doing?
• How is my section doing?
• How is this assignment doing?
• How are my assignments doing?
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xii Preface
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Tool Instructional Context Description
Speech Assignment/ Video Submission Assignment
Connect Insight for Students
• Connect Insight for Students is a powerful data analytics tool that provides at-a-glance visualizations to help learners understand their performance on Connect assignments.
• Speech Assignment (Video Submission Assignment in student view) provides instructors with a comprehensive and efficient way of managing in-class and online speech assignments, including student self-reviews, peer reviews, and instructor grading.
• Connect Insight for Students offers details on each Connect assignment to learners. When possible, it offers suggestions for the learners on how they can improve scores. This data can help guide learners to behaviors that will lead to better scores in the future.
• The Speech Assignment tool allows instructors to easily and efficiently set up speech assignments for their course that can easily be shared and repurposed, as needed, throughout their use of Connect.
• Customizable rubrics and settings can be saved and shared, saving time and streamlining the speech assignment process from creation to assessment.
• Speech Assignment allows users, both students and instructors, to view videos during the assessment process. Feedback can be left within a customized rubric or as time-stamped comments within the video-playback itself.
Speech Preparation Tools
• Speech Preparation Tools provide learners with additional support and include Topic Helper, Outline Tool, and access to third-party Internet sites like EasyBib (for formatting citations) and Survey Monkey (to create audience-analysis questionnaires and surveys).
• Speech Preparation Tools provide learners with additional resources to help with the preparation and outlining of speeches, as well as with audience-analysis surveys.
• Instructors have the ability to make tools either available or unavailable to learners.
Instructor Reports
• Instructor Reports provide data that may be useful for assessing programs or courses as part of the accreditation process.
• Connect generates a number of powerful reports and charts that allow instructors to quickly review the performance of a given learner or an entire section.
• Instructors can run reports that span multiple sections and instructors, making it an ideal solution for individual professors, course coordinators, and department chairs.
Student Reports
• Student Reports allow learners to review their performance for specific assignments or for the course.
• Learners can keep track of their performance and identify areas with which they struggle.
Pre- & Post-Tests
• Instructors can generate their own pre- and post-tests from the test bank.
• Pre- and post-tests demonstrate what learners already know before class begins and what they have learned by the end.
• Instructors have access to two sets of pre- and post-tests (at two levels). Instructors can use these tests to create a diagnostic and post- diagnostic exam via Connect.
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Tool Instructional Context Description
Simple LMS Integration
Tegrity • Tegrity allows instructors to capture course material or lectures on video.
• Students can watch videos recorded by their instructor and learn course material at their own pace.
• Connect seamlessly integrates with every learning management system.
• Instructors can keep track of which learners have watched the videos they post.
• Learners can watch and review lectures by their instructor.
• Learners can search each lecture for specific bites of information.
• Learners have automatic single sign-on.
• Connect assignment results sync to the LMS’s gradebook.
Instructor’s Guide to Connect for Public Speaking for College & Career When you assign Connect you can be confident—and have data to demonstrate—that the learners in your course, however diverse, are acquiring the skills, principles, and critical processes that constitute effective public speaking. This leaves you to focus on your highest course expectations.
TAILORED TO YOU. Connect offers on-demand, single sign-on access to learners— wherever they are and whenever they have time. With a single, one-time registration, learners receive access to McGraw-Hill’s trusted content. Learners also have a courtesy trial period during registration.
EASY TO USE. Connect seamlessly supports all major learning management systems with content, assignments, performance data, and LearnSmart, the leading adaptive learning system. With these tools you can quickly make assignments, produce reports, focus discussions, intervene on problem topics, and help at-risk learners—as you need to and when you need to.
Public Speaking for College & Career SmartBook A PERSONALIZED AND ADAPTIVE LEARNING EXPERIENCE WITH SMARTBOOK. Boost learner success with McGraw-Hill’s adaptive reading and study experience. The Public Speaking for College & Career SmartBook highlights the most impactful public speaking concepts the student needs to learn at that moment in time. The learning path continuously adapts and, based on what the individual learner knows and does not know, provides focused help through targeted question probes and Learning Resources.
ENHANCED FOR THE NEW EDITION! With a suite of new Learning Resources and question probes, as well as highlights of key chapter concepts, SmartBook’s intui- tive technology optimizes learner study time by creating a personalized learning path for improved course performance and overall learner success.
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xiv Preface
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HUNDREDS OF INTERACTIVE LEARNING RESOURCES. Presented in a range of interactive styles, Public Speaking for College & Career Learning Resources support learners who may be struggling to master, or simply wish to review, the most important public speaking concepts. Designed to reinforce the most important chapter concepts—from topic selection and research skills to the outlining and delivery of presentations—every Learning Resource is presented at the precise moment of need. Whether video, audio clip, or interactive mini-lesson, each of the 200-plus Learning Resources was created for the new edition and was designed to give learners a lifelong foundation in strong public speaking skills.
SmartBook highlights the key concepts of every chapter, offering the learner a high-impact learning experience. Here, highlighted text and an illustration together explain the researching process (left). Highlights change color (right) when a student has demonstrated his or her understanding of the concept.
MORE THAN 1,000 TARGETED QUESTION PROBES. Class-tested at col- leges and universities nationwide, a treasury of engaging question probes—new and revised, more than 1,000 in all—gives learners the information on public speaking they need to know, at every stage of the learning process, in order to thrive in the course. Designed to gauge learners’ comprehension of the most important Public Speaking for College & Career chapter concepts, and presented in a variety of
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interactive styles to facilitate student engagement, targeted question probes give learners immediate feedback on their understanding of the material. Each question probe identifies a learner’s familiarity with the instruction and points to areas where additional remediation is needed.
INFORMED BY THE LATEST RESEARCH. The best insights from today’s lead- ing public speaking scholars infuse every lesson and are integrated throughout Public Speaking for College & Career.
FRESH EXAMPLES ANCHORED IN THE REAL WORLD. Every chapter of Public Speaking for College & Career opens with a vignette exploring both public speaking challenges and successes. Dozens of additional examples appear throughout the new edition, each demonstrating an essential element of the public speaking process. Whether learners are reading a chapter, responding to a question probe, or reviewing key concepts in a Learning Resource, their every instructional moment is rooted in the real world. McGraw-Hill research shows that high-quality examples reinforce academic theory throughout the course. Relevant examples and practical scenarios—reflecting interactions in school, the workplace, and beyond—demonstrate how effective public speaking informs and enhances students’ lives and careers.
FEATURES. Critical-thinking skills are vital in the classroom, on the job, and in the community. Students who build these skills will be better speakers, listeners, and citizens as they strive to understand and evaluate what they see, hear, and read. The new edition of Public Speaking for College & Career includes a variety of boxed and end-of-chapter features to support student learning and enhance critical-thinking skills.
∙ “Examining Your Ethics” exercises provide real-world scenarios that pose ethical dilemmas and ask students to make a choice. Students can check their answers at the end of the chapter.
48 Part 1 Foundations of Effective Communication
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speaker’s mistakes?” Here is an example of how one business executive profited from a poor speech:
At a convention recently I found myself in an extremely boring seminar (on listening, ironically enough). After spending the first half-hour wishing I had never signed up, I decided to take advantage of the situation. I turned my thought, “This guy isn’t teaching me how to run a seminar on listening,” into a question: “What is he teaching me about how not to run a seminar?” While providing a negative example was not the presenter’s goal, I got a useful lesson.17
“When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade,” some wise person once advised. If you look for value or a how-not-to-do-it lesson in every poor speech, you will find that the sourest oratorical lemon can be turned into lemonade. “Know how to listen,” the Greek writer Plutarch said 20 centuries ago, “and you will profit even from those who talk badly.”18
Speech Evaluations Both evaluators and speakers profit from a speech evaluation. Evaluators gain insights into what works and what doesn’t work in speechmaking, and speakers can use sugges- tions to improve their speaking skills.
When Evaluating Evaluating speeches should not be limited to a public speaking class. You also can apply these techniques to speeches that you hear in your career.
Establish criteria. Before you listen to a speech, decide upon the criteria for judging it. This will keep you from omitting important elements. For classroom speeches, your instructor may give you a checklist or tell you to analyze certain features of a speech. Otherwise, you can use the “Quick Guide to Public Speaking” found in the introduction to public speaking chapter for your criteria.
Listen objectively. Keep an open mind. Don’t let yourself be swayed emotionally by the speaker’s delivery or appearance. If, for example, a speaker sounds ill at ease and uncer- tain, this doesn’t necessarily mean that her arguments are inferior. Don’t let your own biases influence your criticism; for example, if you are strongly against gun control, but the speaker argues in favor of it, be careful to criticize the speaker’s ideas fairly and objectively.
Take notes. Jot down your observations throughout the speech so that you capture key elements.
Look for both positive and negative aspects. Emphasize the positive (so that the speaker will continue doing what works well) in addition to pointing out opportunities for improvement.
Give positive comments first. When it comes to public speaking, most people have easily bruised egos. If you start out a critique with negative remarks, you can damage the
Examining Your Ethics
Suppose that a classmate is rude and inattentive when you are giving a speech. When he gives his speech, which of the following is the best approach for listening to him?
A. As he speaks, show him how awful distractions are for a speaker by staring him down with a disapproving facial expression.
B. Ask him unfriendly and difficult questions during the question- and-answer period.
C. Listen to his speech attentively and politely.
For the answer, see the last page of this chapter.
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xvi Preface
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∙ “Tips for Your Career” boxes in every chapter give students insight about the types of things they will need to think about as presenters in their professional lives.
∙ “Building Critical- Thinking Skills” features at the end of each chapter give students practice in this valuable skill.
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Chapter 3 Listening 49
speaker’s confidence and self-esteem. Always begin by discussing his or her strengths. Point out positive attributes that might seem obvious to you but may not be obvious to the speaker. For example, you might say, “You looked poised and confident.”
Couple negative comments with positive alternatives. When you point out a flaw, immediately give a constructive alternative. For example, you can inform a speaker that she seems to be reading long sentences from a script, and then you can suggest an alternative: “Use note cards with just a few words on each card so that you can look at the audience most of the time and sound conversational.”
In most cases, ignore nervousness. Because most people cannot help being jittery, don’t criticize nervousness—unless you can give a useful tip. For example, it is unhelpful to say, “You looked tense and scared,” but it is helpful to say, “Your hands trembled when you held your note cards, and this was distracting. Next time, put your notes on the lectern.”
Be specific. Instead of saying, “You need to improve your eye contact,” say, “You looked at the floor too much rather than at the audience.” Instead of “You did great,” say, “Your introduction captivated me, and your stories were extremely interesting.”
When Receiving Evaluations To get maximum benefit from evaluations, follow these guidelines:
Don’t be defensive. Try to understand criticism and consider its merits. Don’t argue or counterattack.
Seek clarification. If an evaluator makes a comment that you don’t understand, ask for an explanation.
Strive for improvement. In your next speech, try to correct problem areas. But don’t feel that you must eliminate all errors or bad habits at once.
Whenever you find a speech enjoyable or profitable, let the speaker know. No matter how busy or important he or she is, genuine feedback will be greatly appreciated.
After giving a speech, some speakers are physically and emotionally exhausted, and they sit down with a nagging doubt: Did it go okay? A word of thanks or a compliment from a listener is refreshing and gratifying. (If you can’t express your appreciation in person right after the speech, write the speaker a brief note or send an e-mail or text message.)
Be sure to say something positive and specific about the content of the speech. A corporation president told me of a commencement address he had delivered to a col- lege several years before. “I sweated blood for a whole month putting that speech together and then rehearsing it
Tips for Your Career
Express Appreciation to a Speaker
dozens of times—it was my first commencement speech,” he said. “When I delivered the speech, I tried to speak straight from my heart. I thought I did a good job, and I thought my speech had some real nuggets of wisdom. But afterwards, only two people came by to thank me. And you know what? They both paid me the same compliment: they said they were grateful that I had kept the speech short! They said not one word about the ideas in my speech. Not one word about whether they enjoyed the speech itself. It’s depressing to think that the only thing noteworthy about my speech was its brevity.”
Sad to say, there were probably dozens of people in the audience whose hearts and minds were touched by the eloquent wisdom of the speaker—but they never told him.
50 Part 1 Foundations of Effective Communication
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Summary Listening effectively is often a difficult task, but it can be rewarding if you are willing to make the effort. Guidelines for effective listening include the following: 1. Prepare yourself intellectually and physically. Do back-
ground research to maximize your understanding of the new material in the speech. Get some exercise before the speech if necessary.
2. Listen analytically. Focus on main ideas and evaluate supports.
3. Take notes, not only to record key points but also to keep your mind from wandering.
4. Resist distractions, both external and internal. Use rigor- ous self-discipline to focus on the speaker’s remarks.
5. Avoid fakery. Don’t pretend to be listening when in fact your mind is wandering. This kind of behavior can settle into a hard-to-break habit.
6. Give every speaker a fair chance. Don’t discount a speaker because of personal appearance or the organiza- tion he or she represents.
7. Control your emotions. Don’t mentally argue with a speaker or else you might misunderstand what he or she is really saying.
As a listener you have three important obligations to a speaker: show courtesy and respect, provide encouragement, and find value in every speech. The more support you give a speaker, the better the speech will be, and the more you will profit from it.
Evaluating speeches can help you improve your own speechmaking skills. Look for both positive and negative aspects of a speech, and give specific, constructive suggestions. When you are on the receiving end of evaluations, don’t be defensive. Try to understand the criticism and then make improvements.
Key Terms hearing, 39 listening, 39
1. When a person is truly and deeply listening to you, what behaviors do you detect in his or her tone of voice, facial expression, eyes, and overall body language?
2. Science writer Judith Stone wrote, “There are two ways to approach a subject that frightens you and makes you
Building Critical-Thinking Skills feel stupid: you can embrace it with humility and an open mind, or you can ridicule it mercilessly.” Translate this idea into advice for listeners of speeches.
Resources for Review and Skill Building
1. What is the difference between hearing and listening? 2. Name at least four problems caused by ineffective listening. 3. What is the difference between listening to easy material
and listening to complex material? 4. List at least two ways in which you can prepare yourself
physically and intellectually to listen to a speech. 5. What two speech elements should a listener examine
Review Questions 6. List two advantages of taking notes during a speech. 7. The text lists four types of distractions: auditory, visual,
physical, and mental. Give two examples of each type. 8. How can texting during a meeting hurt you in your career? 9. When you are a listener, how can you encourage a speaker? 10. When you evaluate a speech, how should you handle
both the positive and the negative aspects that you observe?
Speech Assignment/Video Submission Assignment Designed for use in face-to-face, real-time classrooms, as well as online courses, Speech Assignment (Video Submission Assignment in student view) allows you to evaluate your learners’ speeches using fully customizable rubrics. You can also create and manage peer review assignments and upload videos on behalf of learners for optimal flexibility.
Learners can access rubrics and leave comments when preparing self-reviews and peer reviews. They can easily upload a video of their speech from their hard drive or use Connect’s built-in video recorder. Learners can even attach and upload additional files or documents, such as a works cited page or a PowerPoint presentation.
PEER REVIEW. Peer review assignments are easier than ever. Create and manage peer review assignments and customize privacy settings.
SPEECH ASSESSMENT. Speech Assignments let you customize the assignments, including self- reviews and peer reviews. It also saves your fre- quently used comments, simplifying your efforts to provide feedback.
SELF-REFLECTION. The self-review feature allows learners to revisit their own presentations and compare their progress over time.
Data Analytics Connect Insight provides at-a-glance analysis on five key insights, available at a moment’s notice from your tablet device. The first and only analytics tool of its kind, Insight will tell you, in real time, how individual students or sections are doing (or how well your assign- ments have been received) so that you can take action early and keep struggling students from falling behind.
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Preface xvii
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Instructors can see how many learners have completed an assignment, how long they spent on the task, and how they scored.
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xviii Preface
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Instructors can see, at a glance, indi- vidual learner performance: analytics showing learner investment in assign- ments, and success at completing them, help instructors identify and aid those who are at risk.
Connect Reports Instructor Reports allow instructors to quickly monitor learner activity, making it easy to identify which learners are struggling and to pro- vide immediate help to ensure those learners stay enrolled in the course and improve their performance. The Instructor Reports also highlight the concepts and learning objectives that
the class as a whole is having difficulty grasping. This essential information lets you know exactly which areas to target for review during your limited class time.
Some key reports include:
Progress Overview report—View learner progress for all modules, including how long learners have spent working in the module, which modules they have used outside any that were assigned, and individual learner progress.
Missed Questions report—Identify specific probes, organized by chapter, that are problem- atic for learners.
Most Challenging Learning Objectives report—Identify the specific topic areas that are challenging for your learners; these reports are organized by chapter and include specific page references. Use this information to tailor your lecture time and assignments to cover areas that require additional remediation and practice.
Metacognitive Skills report—View statistics showing how knowledgeable your learners are about their own comprehension and learning.
Classroom Preparation Tools Whether before, during, or after class, there is a suite of Gregory products designed to help instructors plan their lessons and to keep learners building upon the foundations of the course.
ANNOTATED INSTRUCTOR’S EDITION. The Annotated Instructor’s Edition provides a wealth of teaching aids for each chapter in Public Speaking for College & Career. It is also cross-referenced with SmartBook, Connect, and other supplements that accompany Public Speaking for College & Career.
POWERPOINT SLIDES. The PowerPoint presentations for Public Speaking for College & Career provide chapter highlights that help instructors create focused yet individualized lesson plans.
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TEST BANK. The Test Bank is a treasury of more than 1,000 examination questions based on the most important public speaking concepts explored in Public Speaking for College & Career; more than 100 of the questions are new or revised for this edition.
Support to Ensure Success
∙ Digital Success Academy—The Digital Success Academy on Connect offers a wealth of training and course creation guidance for instructors and learners alike. Instructor support is presented in easy- to-navigate, easy-to-complete sections. It includes the popular Connect how-to videos, step-by-step Click through Guides, and First Day of Class materials that explain how to use both the Connect platform and its course-specific tools and features. http:// wordpress-mu/success-academy/
∙ Digital Success Team—The Digital Success Team is a group of special- ists dedicated to working online with instructors—one-on-one—to demonstrate how the Connect platform works and to help incorporate Connect into a customer’s specific course design and syllabus. Con- tact your digital learning consultant to learn more.
∙ Digital Learning Consultants—Digital Learning Consultants are local resources who work closely with your McGraw-Hill learning technology consultants. They can provide face-to-face faculty support and training.
∙ Digital Faculty Consultants—Digital Faculty Consultants are experienced instructors who use Connect in their classrooms. These instructors are avail- able to offer suggestions, advice, and training about how best to use Connect in your class. To request a Digital Faculty Consultant to speak with, please e-mail your McGraw-Hill learning technology consultant. http://connect.customer.
∙ National Training Webinars—McGraw-Hill offers an ongoing series of webinars for instructors to learn and master the Connect platform, as well as its course-specific tools and features. We hope you will refer to our online sched- ule of national training webinars and sign up to learn more about Connect!
CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER SUPPORT TEAM McGraw-Hill is dedicated to supporting instructors and learners. To
contact our customer support team, please call us at 800-331-5094 or visit us online at
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xx Preface
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Chapter-by-Chapter Changes to the New Edition: Highlights New and updated material in this edition of Public Speaking for College & Career reflects the latest research in the field and the current available technology. Chapter 14 now includes a new section on how to speak in front of a camera, which provides guid- ance for being filmed for interviews or speeches, as well as for personally conducting online video interviews and filming speech assignments.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Public Speaking: New sample self-introduction speech, sample speech introducing a classmate, and chapter opening vignette
Chapter 2 Managing Nervousness: Updated coverage of public figures who experi- ence speech anxiety; new chapter opening vignette
Chapter 3 Listening: Updated images and examples
Chapter 4 Reaching the Audience: Revised sections on audience diversity; new Tips for Your Career box about being sensitive to audience discomfort; new chapter opening vignette
Chapter 5 Selecting Topic, Purpose, and Central Idea: Updated figure; revised sec- tion on selecting a topic; new chapter opening vignette
Chapter 6 Locating Information: Updated graph on research options; expanded coverage on library resources, research misconceptions, and searching electronically; revised examples and MLA formatting in Table 1; updated Tips for Your Career box on filing important ideas; new chapter opening vignette
Chapter 7 Evaluating Information and Avoiding Plagiarism: Updated coverage on recognizing dubious claims, being wary of groups with misleading names, and analyz- ing Internet sites; revised Tips for Your Career box on being willing to challenge reports in the media
Chapter 8 Supporting Your Ideas: Revised sections on definition, vivid images, and statistics; revised Tips for Your Career box on giving listeners bonus material; new chapter opening vignette
Chapter 9 Presentation Aids: Updated examples of visual aids; expanded coverage of linear versus non-linear presentation software; revised coverage of using colors care- fully; placement of PowerPoint slide problems and their solutions from an appendix to within the chapter; new Examining Your Ethics box on presenting appropriate visual aids; new chapter opening vignette
Chapter 10 The Body of the Speech: Updated section on devising main points; new Examining Your Ethics box on organizing a speech; revised Tips for Your Career box on testing and verifying material; new chapter opening vignette
Chapter 11 Introductions and Conclusions: Updated images and examples
Chapter 12 Outlining the Speech: Revised Tips for Your Career box on speech time limits, including new information on TED talks; new Examining Your Ethics box on devising an appropriate speech title; revised section on using a full sheet of paper for notes
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Chapter 13 Wording the Speech: Revised sections on using words accurately and achieving clarity; updated examples; new chapter opening vignette
Chapter 14 Delivering the Speech: New section on speaking in front of a camera; revised Tips for Your Career box on dealing with distractions while giving a speech; new chapter opening vignette
Chapter 15 Speaking to Inform: Revised sections on definition speeches and on mak- ing information interesting; new sample process speech
Chapter 16 Speaking to Persuade: Revised section of speeches to motivate action; new section, “After the Persuasive Speech,” with tips on creating “leave behinds” for an audience; new example of the motivated sequence; new chapter opening vignette
Chapter 17 Persuasive Strategies: Revised sections on knowing your audience, providing evidence, and using sound reasoning; new examples of choosing evidence from credible sources and arousing emotions during a persuasive speech; new chapter opening vignette
Chapter 18 Speaking on Special Occasions: New sample entertainment speech; expanded coverage of using humor; new chapter opening vignette
Chapter 19 Speaking in Groups: New Tips for Your Career box on essential public speaking advice; revised chapter opening vignette
Speeches Online To view 24 videos of full-length sample student speeches and dozens of video speech clips, visit the media bank in the Gregory Connect site. Included in the media bank are all the major speeches presented in this text, plus many more, including thirteen videos that are brand new to this edition. See below for a list of many of the full-length speeches available in Connect:
∙ House Arrest ∙ How to Hide Valuables ∙ Humanoid Robots ∙ Inmates and Tomatoes ∙ Not as Healthy as They Sound ∙ One Slip—and You’re Dead ∙ Scars and Bruises ∙ Sleep Deficiency ∙ Wedding Crashers ∙ Would You Vote for Aardvark? ∙ Your Body Needs Detoxification
(Needs Improvement)
∙ Animal Helpers (Needs Improve- ment Version)
∙ Animal Helpers (Improved Version)
∙ The Deadliest Natural Disaster ∙ Do You Need Detox? (Improved
Version) ∙ Failed to Get the Job? (Needs
Improvement) ∙ Failed to Get the Job? (Improved
Version) ∙ The Four-Day Work Week—Pros
and Cons ∙ Gold Fever
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xxii Preface
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Acknowledgments Over 200 instructors have reviewed this book in its successive editions. Their advice has not only shown me how to improve the book but has also helped me to improve my own classroom teaching. I am grateful to the reviewers for their insights, encourage- ment, and willingness to help a colleague.
For this edition, reviewers include Ferald J. Bryan, Northern Illinois University; Michele Daniels, Kilgore College; Jill Dietze, Northeast Texas Community College; Brandon Gainer, De Anza College; Carla J. Harrell, Old Dominion University; Dr. Pamela D. Hopkins, East Carolina University; Carolyn Jones, Medgar Evers College; Linda Levitt, Stephen F. Austin State University; William Maze, Northwest Mississippi Community College; Brad Nason, Ph.D., Pennsylvania College of Technology; Andrea Patterson-Masuka, Ph.D.,Winston-Salem State University; Lawrence J. Timko, Frederick Community College; Michael L. Tress, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Dr. Mary Tripp, Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College; and Carolyn Weber, Minnesota West Community and Technical College.
From the earliest days of this book, Betty Dvorson, an inspiring and popular instructor at City College of San Francisco, has given me lots of valuable advice and enthusiastic support. For their creative ideas, special thanks to Barbara Guess, Forsyth Technical Community College; Ruth Bennett, Betty Farmer, and Jim Manning, all of Western Carolina University; and Tom W. Gregory, Trinity College in Washington, D.C.
For this edition, I profited from working with Victoria DeRosa, a sagacious editor who helped me adapt the book to the needs and interests of today’s college students. I also benefitted from the support and vision of Nancy Huebner, Brand Manager; Lisa Pinto, Lead Product Developer; Laura Kennedy, Marketing Manager; Meghan Campbell, Director of Product Development; Sally Constable, Market Development Manager; and Michael O’Loughlin, Product Developer. I also appreciate the whole- hearted backing I have received from McGraw-Hill executives David Patterson, Managing Director, and Michael Ryan, Vice President and General Manager of Products & Markets.
Program Manager Jennifer Shekleton displayed admirable skill and care (and patience with me!) in guiding the book through the production stages, aided by Samantha Donisi-Hamm, Content Project Manager; Debra Kubiak, Design Manager; Jessica Serd, Designer; Janet Byrne Smith, Digital Product Analyst; Shawntel Schmitt and DeAnna Dausener, Content Licensing Specialists; Deb DeBord, proof- reader; and Christopher Greene, copyeditor.
Special thanks go out to the team behind the scenes who built and continue to maintain speech assignment functionality on Connect: Irina Blokh-Reznik, Vijay Kapu, Swathi Malathi, Rishi Mehta, Bob Myers, Bhumi Patel, Dan Roenstch, Ayeesha Shaik, Kapil Shrivastava, and Udaya Teegavarapu.
A new section in Chapter 14, “Speaking in Front of a Camera,” was derived from the ideas and insights of three communication instructors: Stephanie O’Brien, a member of the Director’s Guild of America who worked in Los Angeles on award-winning television series and motion pictures for 17 years as an assistant director and currently teaches communication and media studies courses at Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College; Jan Caldwell, a communication instructor at the same college; and Melody Hays, Continuing Education Planner at Mountain Area Health Education Center in Asheville, North Carolina.
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I wish to thank the following colleagues for ideas, inspiration, and support: Kenet Adamson, Jennifer Browning, Jan Caldwell, Angela Calhoun, Jim Cavener, Patricia Cutspec, Rebecca Davis, Michael Flynn, Lynne Gabai, Deborah L. Harmon, Cris Harshman, Melody Hays, Peggy Higgins, Patrizia Hoffman, David Holcombe, Rusty Holmes, Lisa Johnson, Dennis King, Erika Lytle, Deb Maddox, Mary McClurkin, Celia Miles, Stephanie O’Brien, Jim Olsen, Rolfe Olsen, Susan Paterson, Ellen Perry, Heidi Smathers, Beth Stewart, Mary Sugeir, and Heather Vaughn.
I am indebted to the hundreds of students in my public speaking classes over the years who have made teaching this course a pleasant and rewarding task. From them I have drawn most of the examples of classroom speeches.
And for their support and patience, special thanks to my late wife Merrell and to our children, Jess, Jim, and June.
— Hamilton Gregory
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Benefits of a Public Speaking Course
The Speech Communication Process
The Speaker’s Responsibilities
Speech Introducing Yourself or a Classmate
Quick Guide to Public Speaking
OBJECTIVES After studying this chapter, you should be able to
1. Explain five benefits of a public speaking course. 2. Identify and explain the seven elements of the speech
communication process.
3. Describe the main responsibilities that speakers have toward their listeners.
4. Prepare a speech introducing yourself or a classmate.
UPSET WHEN THEY DISCOVERED that African-American students were being
barred from joining sororities on their campus, two University of Alabama students—
Khortlan Patterson of Houston, Texas, and Yardena Wolf of Corvallis, Oregon—felt
compelled to speak out. They led a march of 400 students and professors to the
steps of the administration building, where they both gave speeches calling for an
end to the segregated system.
Their message was heard loud and clear. University president Judy Bonner quickly
proclaimed that “the University of Alabama will not tolerate discrimination of any
kind,” and a few days later, she announced that traditionally white sororities had
invited 11 African-American students to join.1
Both Patterson and Wolf had taken a public speaking course, so they knew how
to plan a speech and manage their nerves. Patterson says she calmed herself by
Introduction to Public Speaking
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focusing on “the message [she] wanted to convey.”2 Wolf used positive
thoughts: “I realized that it wasn’t really about me, rather about the big-
ger picture, and that not speaking wasn’t an option.”3
Patterson and Wolf not only displayed courage by speaking out, but they
also demonstrated that public speakers can touch lives and make contri-
butions to society.
University of Alabama students Khortlan Patterson, left, and Yardena Wolf speak out against the university’s segregated sorority system.
© Dave Martin/AP Images
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4 Part 1 Foundations of Effective Communication
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Benefits of a Public Speaking Course Many college graduates say that of all the courses they took, public speaking proved to be one of the most valuable.4 Here are some of the reasons:
1. You learn how to speak to an audience. Being able to stand up and give a talk to a group of people is a rewarding skill you can use throughout your life. Imagine yourself in these public speaking scenarios:
∙ In one of your college classes, you must give a 30-minute presentation on a research project.
∙ To 50 colleagues at work, you give a brief speech appealing for contributions to the United Way charity drive.
∙ In court, you explain to a jury why a traffic accident was not your fault.
2. You learn skills that apply to one-on-one communication. Although the emphasis of this course is on speaking to groups, the principles that you learn also apply to communication with individuals.5 Throughout your lifetime you will be obliged to talk in situations such as these:
∙ In a job interview, a human resources manager says, “We’ve got 50 well- qualified applicants for this job. Why should we hire you?” If you know how to give a reply that is brief, interesting, and convincing, you obviously improve your chances of getting the job. In a public speaking course, you learn how to organize and present persuasive messages.
∙ You sit down with a bank executive to ask for a loan so that you can buy a new car. The skills of nonverbal communication (such as eye contact and facial expres- sion) that you learn in a public speaking course should help you convey to the banker that you are a trustworthy and reliable person who will repay the loan.
After taking a public speaking course, many students report that their new skills help them as much in talking to one person as in addressing a large audience. 3. You develop the oral communication skills that are prized in the job market.
When you go to a job interview, which of the following is most likely to influence the employer when he or she decides whether to hire you?
∙ The reputation of your school ∙ Your grade-point average ∙ Letters of reference ∙ Technical knowledge in your field ∙ Oral communication skills—speaking and listening ∙ Written communication skills—reading and writing
Research shows that “oral communication skills” is the correct answer—a finding that surprises many students.6 Surely “technical knowledge in your field” is the most important factor for jobs in science and technology, isn’t it? Not according to employ- ers. You can be brilliant in your field, says one executive, but if you can’t communicate successfully with co-workers and the public, your brilliance is of little value.7
Once you have a job, being a good communicator can help you win advancement. Michael Wolfe, CEO of Pipewise, Inc., describes the qualities of those who win promo- tions: “Being a good communicator. Being visible. Being helpful. Building relation- ships. You can’t be a leader without doing those things.”8
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Chapter 1 Introduction to Public Speaking 5
4. You learn in an ideal environment for gaining experience and building confidence. The classroom is a perfect place to practice and develop your skills. No one will deny you a job or a loan on the basis of your classroom speeches. Your audience is friendly and sympathetic—all your classmates are going through the same experience.
The critiques given by your instructor and by fellow students are valuable parts of the course. If, for example, you say “um” or “uh” so often that it distracts your listeners, you are probably unaware of this unconscious habit. Being told of the problem is the first step toward correcting it.
If you are like most students, your public speaking class will help you gain self- confidence. You will enjoy the pride that comes from meeting a challenge and handling it successfully.
5. You can make a contribution to the lives of other people. While attending a funeral service for a beloved aunt, my former student Karen Walker heard the minis- ter give a brief eulogy and then say, “Would anyone like to say a few words?”
A few people went to the microphone and shared some memories, but most audi- ence members were silent. “I wanted to pay tribute to my aunt, but I was too scared,” said Walker. “I felt really bad because there were a lot of important things about my aunt and her life that were never said.” A few years later, Walker took a public speaking class, and a year or so afterward, she attended another funeral—for her grandfather. “This time I vowed that I would not pass up the opportunity to honor a wonderful person. I asked to be part of the service, and I spoke about my childhood memories of my grandfather.”
Victor Ulloa, a star player for the Major League Soccer club FC Dallas, demonstrates how public speaking allows a person to contribute positively to the lives of others. He gives talks to students at Dallas-area middle schools and high schools about the importance of staying in school and receiving a quality education.
© Cooper Neill/Getty Images
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6 Part 1 Foundations of Effective Communication
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The eulogy, said Walker, was appreciated by her family members, who told her that she had expressed beautifully what they would have said if they had possessed the cour- age and the skills to stand up and speak. “It gave me a good feeling to know that I could represent the family in this way,” she said.
Being able to speak in public—offering a toast, sharing information, providing encouragement, attempting persuasion—can bring pleasure and joy to yourself and to others. Walker said that her success was possible because of what she had learned in her public speaking class.
The Speech Communication Process When a speaker gives a speech, does communication take place?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no—because speaking and communicating are not the same thing. You can speak to a listener, but if the listener does not understand your message in the way you meant it to be understood, you have failed to communicate it.
For example, at a business dinner at a restaurant in Atlantic City, New Jersey, Joe Lentini told the server that he knew little about wine and asked her to “recommend something decent.” She suggested a bottle of cabernet sauvignon sold under the name Screaming Eagle, and she said the price was “thirty-seven fifty.” Lentini thought she meant $37.50, and he approved. But when the bill arrived at the end of the meal, he was astonished and dazed to see that the cost was $3,750.9
This incident illustrates that speaking and communicating are not synonymous. As a slogan of the Hitachi Corporation puts it: “Communication is not simply sending a message. It is creating true understanding—swiftly, clearly, and precisely.”
To help you send messages that truly communicate, it is helpful to understand the process of speech communication. As we discuss the process, use Figure 1 as a visual reference.
Elements of the Process The speech communication process has seven distinct components.
Speaker When you are a speaker, you are the source of a message that is transmitted to a lis- tener. Whether you are speaking to a dozen people or 500, you bear a great responsibil- ity for the success of the communication. The key question that you must constantly ask yourself is not “Am I giving out good information?” or “Am I performing well?” but, rather, “Am I getting through to my listeners?”
Listener The listener is the recipient of the message sent by the speaker. The true test of commu- nication is not whether a message is delivered by the speaker but whether it is accurately received by the listener. “A speech,” says management consultant David W. Richardson of Westport, Connecticut, “takes place in the minds of the audience.”10
If communication fails, who is to blame—the speaker or the listener? It could be either, or both. Although speakers share part of the responsibility for communication, listeners also must bear some of the burden. They must focus on the speaker, not day- dream or text a friend. They must listen with open minds, avoiding the tendency to prejudge the speaker or discount a speaker’s views without a fair hearing.
speaker the originator of a message sent to a listener.
listener the receiver of the speaker’s message.
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Chapter 1 Introduction to Public Speaking 7
Figure 1 The Speech Communication Process In this model of the speech communication process, a speaker creates a message and sends it via a channel to the listener, who interprets it and sends feedback via a channel to the speaker. Interference is whatever impedes accurate communication. The situation refers to the time and place in which communication occurs.
Speaker Interference
Speaker creates message
Speaker interprets feedback
Listener interprets message
Listener sends feedback
Ch ann
el Messa
Feedbac k
Cha nne
The speech communication process is often dynamic, with communicators sending and receiving messages in rapid sequence, sometimes even simul- taneously. In this informal business presentation, the speaker sends mes- sages while receiving feedback (both verbal and nonverbal) from listeners. At various times, a speaker and a listener may exchange roles.
© Pressmaster/Shutterstock
Message The message is whatever the speaker communicates to the listeners. The message is sent in the form of symbols—either verbal or nonverbal.
Verbal symbols are words. It’s important for you to recognize that words are not things; they are symbols of things. If you give me an apple, you transfer a solid object from your hand to mine. But if you make a speech and you mention the word “apple,” you do not transfer a concrete thing. You transfer a verbal symbol.
message whatever is commu- nicated verbally and nonverbally to the listener.
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8 Part 1 Foundations of Effective Communication
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Nonverbal symbols are what you convey with your tone of voice, eyes, facial expression, gestures, posture, and appearance.
So far, the process sounds simple, but now we enter a danger zone. As a speaker transmits verbal and nonverbal symbols, the listeners must receive and interpret them. Unfortunately, listeners may end up with a variety of interpretations, some of them quite different from what the speaker intended. Consider our simple word apple. One listener may think of a small green fruit, while another conjures an image of a big red fruit. One listener may think of crisp tartness, while another thinks of juicy sweetness.
If such a simple word can evoke a variety of mental pictures, imagine the con- fusion and misunderstanding that can arise when abstract words such as imperial- ism, patriotism, and censorship are used. The term censorship may mean “stamping out filth” to some listeners, but it may mean “total government control of the news media” to others.
As a speaker, use symbols that are clear and specific. Don’t say, “Smoking may cause you a lot of trouble.” The phrase “a lot of trouble” is vague and might be interpreted by some listeners to mean “coughing,” by others to mean “stained teeth,” or by still others to mean “cancer.” Be specific: “Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer.”
Sometimes a speaker’s verbal symbols contradict his or her nonverbal symbols. If you say to an audience at the end of a speech, “Now I would like to hear your views on this subject,” but your expression is tense and your voice sounds irritated, the listeners are getting a mixed message. Which will they believe, your words or your nonverbal behavior? Listeners usually accept the nonverbal behavior as the true message. In this case, they will conclude that you do not welcome comments.
Make sure the nonverbal part of your message reinforces, rather than contradicts, the verbal part. In other words, smile and use a friendly tone of voice when you ask for audience participation.
Channel The channel is the medium used to communicate the message. In everyday life, you receive messages via televisions, phones, the Internet, and direct voice communication. For public speaking, your main channels are auditory (your voice) and visual (gestures, facial expressions, visual aids). You can also use other channels—taste, smell, touch, and physical activity—which will be discussed in the chapter on presentation aids.
Feedback Feedback is the response that the listener gives the speaker. Sometimes it is verbal, as when a listener asks questions or makes comments. In most public speeches, and cer- tainly in the ones you will give in the classroom, listeners wait to give verbal feedback until the question-and-answer period.
Listeners also give nonverbal feedback. If they are smiling and nodding their heads, they are obviously in agreement with your remarks. If they are frowning and sitting with their arms folded, they more than likely disagree with what you are saying. If they are yawning, they are probably bored or weary. “A yawn,” wrote English author G. K. Chesterton, “is a silent shout.”11
If you receive negative feedback, try to help your listeners. If, for example, you are explaining a concept, but some of your listeners are shaking their heads and giving you looks that seem to say, “I don’t understand,” try again, using different words, to make your ideas clear.
channel the pathway used to transmit a message.
feedback verbal and nonverbal responses made by a listener to a speaker.
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Some speakers develop unconscious habits when they speak, such as smoothing their hair or straightening their clothes. The best way to discover and discard these quirks is to get feedback from your listeners in the form of an evaluation. Although feedback is valuable for pinpoint- ing delivery problems, it is even more important as a way to assess the content of your speech: are your remarks enlightening or confusing to the listeners?
You don’t need an evaluation of every speech in your career, but you should seek feedback occasionally. Strive to get both positive input and constructive suggestions so that you can keep the good and eliminate the bad. Here are four good methods:
1. Ask several friends or colleagues to critique your speech. Don’t make an imprecise request like “Tell me how I do on this” because your evaluators will probably say at the end of your speech, “You did fine—good speech,” regardless of what they thought of it, to avoid hurting your feelings. Instead give them a specific assignment: “Please make a note of at least three things that you like about the speech and my delivery, and at least three things that you feel need
Tips for Your Career
Seek Feedback
improvement.” Now your listeners know exactly what you need. As a result, you are likely to get helpful feedback.
2. Use an evaluation form. Distribute sheets to all lis- teners, asking for responses to a series of questions about your delivery and the content of your speech. To protect anonymity, you can have someone collect the forms.
3. Ask a small group of listeners to sit down with you after a meeting to share their reactions. This is especially useful in finding out whether the listen- ers understood and accepted your message. Try to listen and learn without becoming argumentative or defensive.
4. Record your presentation on video. Invite colleagues to watch the video with you and help you evaluate it. Because many people are never pleased with either themselves or their speeches on video, colleagues often can provide objectivity. For example, an intro- duction that now seems dull to you might strike your colleagues as interesting and captivating.