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Cosmogony origin of the universe hinduism and jainism

31/12/2020 Client: saad24vbs Deadline: 12 Hours

WORLD RELIGIONS – REL 212 World Religions



Cosmogony - Origin of the Universe

Hinduism- believes the universe began and was created from an cosmic egg, compared to the developing a seed separating and emerging into earth. Sometimes The Big Bang theory is compare to this creation.

Jainism- believes that the origin of the universe was not created by anything nor anyone. Jani believes that the world just continues to go on and things only change into other forms.

Nature of God/Creator

Hinduism- Brahma the creator of all things

Jainism- Doesn’t believe in God as a creator of the universe, just a perfect being.

View of Human Nature

Hinduism- believes that we are all one. In some way all interconnect to nature and all beings. Also we are distinguishes as a persona or ego so to speak.

Jainism-believe all creatures have a soul. However, the soul has infinite power and wisdom beyond the universe and it can only be achieved through human souls.

View of Good & Evil

Hinduism- believes one cannot exist without the other, meaning that good needs evil in order to exist. Just like having light and darkness, they go hand and hand.

Jainism- non-Belief in God or any gods, but that all are worthy of praise,

View of Salvation

Hinduism -when the soul has been freed it is considered to be a god, only because it cannot do anything bad nor wrong.

Jainism- The three fold path of liberation, which is compared to a ladder , meaning its possible to ascend up if following the right conduct, right knowledge and right belief

View of After Life

Hinduism – believe in reincarnation, meaning that when one dies depending on how they lived their life they come back in another form.

Jainism- believes a person’s afterlife depends on ones karma during one’s life.

Practices and Rituals

Hinduism- Japa.

Worship in many ways no particular form or one official way. Visiting the temple daily is not necessary. Cleansing with water before partaking any ritual events.

Abstained from eating beef.

Jainism- Monasticism- Five Great vows

Celebrations & Festivals

Hindu-Holika Dahan

Jainism- Mahavira Jayanti

Week 2 - Sources






Cosmogony - Origin of the Universe

Buddhist believe Origin of the Universe beginning of this world and of life is inconceivable since they have neither beginning nor end.

Nature of God/Creator

Shakyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, was not God or a god.

View of Human Nature

Five aggregates- form, feelings, perceptions, karmic formations, and consciousness. These khandas come together at birth to form a human person. A person is a "self" in that he or she is a true subject of moral action and karmic accumulation, but not in the sense that he or she has an enduring or unchanging soul.

( Fisher p 130-131)

View of Good & Evil

Four Noble Truths-

Buddhist believe that every single human being is capable of acts of the most noble good, or the basest evil.(Fisher p.142)

View of Salvation

Nirvana- is not a place or a state, but the end of rebirth. The focus of alleviation of suffering is the key to full salvation. (Fisher p.147)

View of After Life

Buddhist believe in reincarnation, after one dies their body takes on a new one, basically like a life cycle.

Practices and Rituals

Buddhism incorporates a variety of rituals and practices, which are intended to aid in the journey to enlightenment and bring blessings on oneself and others. Some important ones are :Meditation, monastic robes, and Monasticism

Celebrations & Festivals

Vesak is the major Buddhist festival of the year as it celebrates the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha on the one day, the first full moon day in May.

Magha Puja Day- Celebration of Buddhist community. (Fisher p.172)

Week 3 - Sources

Fisher, M. P. (1999). Living religions. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.




Cosmogony - Origin of the Universe

Taoism teaches that there is a power in the universe that is higher, deeper and truer than

any force. They call it the Tao, The Way.

Daoism & Confucianism co-exist as complementary value systems.

A belief that the cosmos is a manifestation of an impersonal self-generating physical-

spiritual substance is called Qi, the “stuff” all things that exist are composed of.

Nature of God/Creator

They only believe in Tao, the way

Daoism does not refer to any specific incarnation of God (Fisher p.206)

View of Human Nature

Daoism-nature is connected to the body.

Confucianism- Has an optimistic view on human nature, believes a lot in humanity and that humans can be amazing.

View of Good & Evil

Daoism- that all actions contain some aspect of each good and bad, it represented in the yin-yang symbols. Any action would have some negative (yin) and some positive (yang) aspect to it.

Confucianism- nature itself is amoral; it cares nothing for individuals.

View of Salvation

Daoism and Confucianism - do not typically hold beliefs about the individual salvation or damnation of persons beyond this life, ancestor worship is an important part of Confucian faith and practice

View of After Life

Daoism- believe that a person of pure realization can become an immortal, and ascend spiritually into a cosmic heaven.

Confucianism- Because Confucius was convinced that human beings understood far too little of life here and now to waste it planning for a hereafter they understood even less, so no they have no views on afterlife .

Practices and Rituals

Daoism- Taoists don't lie, steal, commit adultery, commit murder, drink, steal, or curse. The practice of Tai Chi is an exercise to discipline mind and body to help control those urges

Confucianism- Ancestor worship

Celebrations & Festivals

Daoism- Tomb Sweeping Day- the people feed their ancestors cold food,

The Ghost Festival- descendants pay homage to their ancestors

Confucianism-Qing ming, Confucianism go to the graves of their ancestors and give them offerings such as, paper money and paper cloths

Confucius birthday September 28, holiday last 10 days , to honor the founder of Confucianism

Week 4 - Sources


Fisher, M. P. (1999). Living religions. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.



Cosmogony - Origin of the Universe

Kami, which is a single essence manifesting in multiple places, are the spirits perceived in

the natural world. Kami means “That which is above” and also refers to that which evokes

wonder and awe in us. The Kami harmonize in heaven and earth and also guide the solar

system and the cosmos.

The Kami are known to have created the universe, this is told in the Kojiki. Kami means

'god's although they are not like the traditional concept Gods as in many monotheistic

religions. The Kojiki tells of the Kami beginning as the center of heaven, then giving birth

and growth to all other Kami through the kami brother and sister. They also gave birth to

Japan's Eight Great Islands (Fisher p.224)

Nature of God/Creator

They are polytheistic, meaning they worship or believe in multiple deities

View of Human Nature

They believe humans are part of the natural realm which is sacred. (Fisher 224-225)

View of Good & Evil

Shinto’s understanding of good and evil. Shinto believes that humans are born pure, and that badness or sins come later in life with living in an tempting society. Cleansing or purifying rituals can be used to wash away badness or sin.

View of Salvation

In Shinto, the concept of salvation is based on the belief that all living things have an essence, soul

or spirt known as “kami”. Kami lives and walks among us rather than in a glorified heaven.

View of After Life

People who die violently, lead unhappy lives. Or have lonely with no family to care for their kami become hungry ghost, causing troubled for the living. The focus is on immortal kami, and death is not

directly addressed. (Fisher p.226)

Practices and Rituals

Purification practices are done by washing with water, and this symbolically removes the dust and

impurities that covers one’s inner mind. The Shinto religion does not have weekly religious services, they

instead visit shrines, some visit daily, and

some on the

1st and 15th of each month. Shrines are seen as the home of kami.( Fisher p.227)

Celebrations & Festivals

Each Shinto shrine has several major festivals each year including the Spring Festival and the Harvest

Festival. At these festivals various special rites may be held, like the water purification and confinement

in shrines. Ceremonial feast, sumo wrestling and a lion dance are some of the events held at these festivals. (Fisher 229-230)

Week 5 - Sources

Fisher, M. P. (1999). Living religions. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.




Cosmogony - Origin of the Universe

Divine singular God made all that exists.

Everything in the universe was created by God and only by

God. Judaism completely rejects the dualistic notion that evil was created by Satan or some other deity.

All comes from God. (Fisher p. 253)

Nature of God/Creator

He is a single, whole, complete indivisible entity. He cannot be divided into parts or described by

attributes. Any attempt to ascribe attributes to God is merely man's imperfect attempt to understand the

infinite. (Fisher p. 253)

View of Human Nature

Humans were created in the image of God, meaning in his nature and essence. Humanity was formed with

two impulses: a good impulse and an evil impulse. People have the ability to choose which impulse to

follow: the yetzer tov or the yetzer ra. That is the heart of the Jewish understanding of free will. The

Talmud notes that all people are descended from Adam, so no one can blame his own wickedness on his

ancestry. On the contrary, we all have the ability to make our own choices, and we will all be held

responsible for the choices we make.

View of Good & Evil

Good and evil are spoken of as light and darkness in Judaism. Both were created by God. Humans have

the capacity to make that choice for either good or selfless acts or the evil which is the desire to meet

one’s own selfish needs and desires

View of Salvation

In the Jewish Bible salvation comes from the Lord and is a favor bestowed upon the nation as a whole. In

Deuteronomy 28:23 and following, Moses reminds the children of Israel of the consequences of

disobedience: dispersion and bondage among the nation, a desolate land, sufferings and hunger.

Conversely, the following chapter states that if they repent their blessings shall be restored (Deut. 30:1-


View of After Life

Jewish teachings on the subject of afterlife are sparse: The Torah, the most important Jewish text, has no

clear reference to afterlife at all ( Fisher p.280,285)

Practices and Rituals

Kosher Diets

The study of Torah, Boys are ritually circumcised in the brit milah ceremony when they are eight days old, to honor the seal of God’s commandment to Abraham ( Fisher p.285)

Sabbath runs from sunset Friday night to sunset Saturday night (Fisher p.285)

Celebrations & Festivals

High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah- is a time of spiritual renewal in remembrance of the original creation of the world.

Yom Kippur- completes the High Holy Days, renewing the sacred covenant with God in a spirit of atonement and cleansing

Hanukkah, the Feast of Dedication (Fisher p.288)

Week 6 - Sources

Fisher, M. P. (1999). Living religions. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

English Standard Version. Bible Gateway. Web. 10 Feb. 2017.



Cosmogony - Origin of the Universe

God created everything in his infinite wisdom. Creation was purposeful, not arbitrary, and therefore the

universe is not morally neutral, but fundamentally good. In this purposeful creation, everything and

everyone is intrinsically valuable. God's design or purpose for creation reflects God's intention that all

creatures enjoy perfect love and justice (Fisher p.308)

Nature of God/Creator

Very similar to the beliefs of Judaism he is the Supreme Being ( Fisher p.308,309)

View of Human Nature

Fundamental to the Christian understanding of human nature is the belief that the first humans were

created in the image of God.

The nature people were created with was good (cf. Gen. 1:31), but according

to the Bible people were given a free will with which to choose for God or against him, and in the Garden

of Eden Adam and Eve were persuaded by the serpent to rebel and as a result sin entered the world (cf.

Gen. 3:1-19) and afflicted the human race

View of Good & Evil

Christians have faith in a good and loving Creator who has a plan for creation that is also good and

loving. This tenet of faith has prompted Christians to seek explanations or justifications for suffering.

Human suffering takes many forms: emotional, natural, and moral. Loneliness, anxiety, and grief are

examples of emotional suffering. Fires, tornados, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunami, and physical illnesses

(e.g., cancer) are examples of natural suffering. Moral suffering is brought on by the deliberate acts of

fellow human beings to cause suffering, something Christians call a moral evil.( Fisher p.347)

View of Salvation

Christians believe that by their trust and belief in the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ, the son of the Supreme

Being they will reach salvation. According to Christian belief, salvation is made possible by the life,

death, and resurrection of Christ, which in the context of salvation is referred to as the "atonement” ( Fisher p. 306)

View of After Life

Christian beliefs about the afterlife vary slightly between denominations and individual Christians, but the

vast majority of Christians believe heaven is a place where believers go upon dying in order to enjoy the

presence of God as well as other believers. In heaven, people are also freed from sin and all its various

manifestation, like suffering and pain. The Bible teaches that heaven is an actual place (e.g. John 14:1-6).

Practices and Rituals

There are many rituals and religious practices in Christianity and they vary between

denominations, an individual church, or an individual Christian. Yet other practices are

common in all Christianity. Most Christians attend worship services at church on

Sundays, which generally include singing, prayer, and a sermon. Most churches have a

special ritual for ordination, or designating a person fit for a leadership position in the

church. At home, most practicing Christians pray regularly and many read the Bible.

Many Christians will have been baptized, either as an infant or as an adult, and regularly

participate in communion. Baptism and communion are consider sacraments- sacred

rituals instituted by Christ himself. The Catholic Church recognized five additional

sacraments, as well as many other distinctive practices that are known as “sacramental”

or devotions and include praying, the rosary, and pilgrimage.( Fisher p. 344,347)

Celebrations & Festivals

Holidays appear to have been a part of Christianity from the beginning, with the Lord’s

Day witch usually is Sunday and Easter being the oldest holidays. The earliest Christians

encourage the observance of holidays as a way to be reminded of important spiritual

things. ( Fisher p.355)

Week 7 - Sources

Fisher, M. P. (1999). Living religions. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall

English Standard Version. Bible Gateway. Web. 19 Feb. 2017.





Cosmogony - Origin of the Universe

Allah, the supreme being created everything and everyone

Nature of God/Creator

There is one God, whose name is Allah. The most important belief about Allah uses the concept of

Tawhid. Tawhid is the idea that there is one God and teaches that oneness is centered around the nature of

Allah. In Islam, Allah has no partners; he knows all things, can do anything and is the God over

Humankind ( Fisher p. 375-376)

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