Counter Narrative Essay
Directions: Students will prepare a read an article or story as a “resistance reading” and respond to it through counter narratives. Using what you have discovered during resistance reading, you will craft a response to the text following one of two patterns.
Option 1: A rebuttal to the author or the text calls out what is questionable, exclusionary, inflammatory, or oppressive. You can write this as a letter to the author, as an essay, or in the style of an “op-ed” article.
Option 2: Rewrite the original text/story from a different perspective. This works especially well if the text is fictional. For example, you can write as a marginal character from the story or create your own character in order to share a viewpoint that was missing.
You can do use one of three stories:
· READING 1 to the story “the three little pigs” found here
· READING 2 to the article “US lost track of 1,500 immigrant children, but says it's not 'legally responsible'” found here
· A story or article that you choose. Please let me know what you are doing before you start so I can make sure it is appropriate.
Remember that your essay needs to introduce the original reading and author, summarize the author’s view and the reading, and THEN explain the counter narrative in one of the two options above.
Requirements: This essay is developed with details, examples and support, so make sure that the body paragraphs go in to sufficient detail.
It should have a minimum of five paragraphs: one introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and one concluding paragraph. The final draft of the essay should be at least 2 pages long.
1. There should be three body paragraphs with clear topic sentences that have controlling ideas. There should be supporting sentences with specific examples of situations that give readers an understanding of each topic sentence. A concluding sentence may appear at the end of a body paragraph.
2. Because you read an article on this topic from an outside source, you MUST include this information in your paper.—remember to use citations when using an outside source. You must cite it IN the paper and then again at the END of the paper in a “reference list”
3. A concluding paragraph will have three parts: a restatement of the thesis statement, a summary of main points, and a reflection, prediction, or recommendation.
4. Your essay should be typed with 12 point font, Arial or Times New Roman, double spaced, 1 inch margins, academic in tone, proper heading, and page numbers.
Due Dates:
First Draft: by end of day Thursday, July 5, 2018
+You should uploaded it into ecampus AND bring one copy PRINTED OUT to class
Final Draft: by end of day, Thursday, July 12, 2018
+Please turn in to ecampus.
If you revise the final draft after receiving feedback from me, the score for this essay will be the HIGHEST GRADE of all your drafts. If you decide not to revise the final draft a second time, your grade will be the final draft itself.
· To cite in a paper, after you give the information from the source, you will use the last name of the author and year it was published. So for example:
The effects of the study showed that people spoke differently depending on where they lived (Andone, 2018). This means that the location of where you live and where you grew up can determine the way you speak and the words you use.
Reference List
Andone, D. (2018). US lost track of 1,500 immigrant children, but says it's not 'legally responsible'. CNN. Retrieved from:
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