230 Chapter 18 ASSIGNMENT 18.2 - C.ODING MEDICINE REPORTS Instructions Assign the ICD-10-CM code(s) to diagnoses and conditions and assign the CPT medicine code(s) and the appropriate HCPCS level II and CPT modifier(s). Do not assign ICD-10-CM external cause codes. 1. CAROTID ULTRASOUND DIAGNOSIS: Screening exam, risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Multiple real-time images were made of both carotid arteries from the supraclavicular area to the bifurcation. The common carotid arteries are of normal caliber bilaterally with no evidence of any plaque formation or stenosis. The bifurcations are well demonstrated bilaterally and are normal. There is a very tiny calcified plaque involving the posterior wall of the left carotid artery just proximal to the bifurcation. This is only about 2 mm in size, and I do not think it is significant. CONCLUSION: Normal carotid ultrasound. 2. ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM (EEG) COMPLAINT: Seizure. CURRENT MEDICATIONS: Phenobarbital, Theo-Dur, Peri-Colace. STATE OF PATIENT DURING RECORDING: Awake. DESCRIPTION OF EEG: The background is not well developed. Much muscle tension artifact is superimposed; electrode artifact also present at times. No spike-wave discharges, paroxysmal slowing, or focal abnormality present. Hyperventilation procedure was not done. Sleep did not occur. Total recording time was 35 minutes. EEG INT ERPRETATION: Normal EEG. Copyright© 2018 Cengage Learning '" . All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Current Procedural Terminology© 2016 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved. CPT Medicine 231 3. SPEECH LANGUAGE EVALUATION Patient was administered a complete Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination test for aphasia and was placed in the 41st percentile of all aphasics. Individual test scores were characterized with a severe involvement in graphic abilities, a marked involvement in gestural abilities, a moderate involvement in verbal abilities, and a mild to moderate involvement in auditory and visual receptive abilities. During the testing, many responses were repeated and cued. Patient showed a moderate involvement in reading abilities. Patient also demonstrated a severe involvement in graphic abilities. However, this is misleading because patient refused to do any graphic tests. I am uncertain at this point as to how well this patient can do graphically. The test results on the graphic tests also dropped her overall score a great deal. However, a positive high/low gap was noted between the scores. This suggests that speech therapy will benefit this patient. Patient was given an oral exam, and no abnormalities were noted. Patient refused a hearing test. Patient was very, very nervous during the whole testing, and it was very hard to relax her. This may also have affected her test scores and helped in the refusing of the graphic part. Speech therapy is recommended daily for the patient. 4. STRESS TEST (OUTPATIENT) FINDINGS: The patient is a 62-year-old female who has paroxysmal atrial tachycardia and takes Inderal 40 mg four times a day and Lanoxin 0.25 mg daily for this. She has also complained of some chest discomfort and has had some mild hypertension for which she takes Dyazide once a day.