Visit the Career Center website and review the assessment area (Links to an external site.). Provide a review of the assessment that includes:
The name of the assessment
The advantages of completing assessments
The limitation of completing assessments
How business intelligence can be applied to assessment data to form decisions.
Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length and conform to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA. (Links to an external site.)
Visit the Career Center website via your CSU-Global student portal. The career services page on our website may give you an overview of what the career center offers. (Links to an external site.)
On the website you can view a YouTube video produced by the college to introduce you to the CSU-Global career services approach or you can view with this link CSU-Global Career Center (Links to an external site.)
The Career services area offers some assessments that you can take to further your understanding of your strengths and areas of improvement. You do not have to complete one of the assessments.
Describe the assessment you found interesting
Describe the advantages and limitations of completing assessments
Have you completed assessments before, did they expand your personal knowledge of your strengths and weaknesses?