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Charles Sturt University Subject Outline

ITC571 201730 SM I-26 January 2017-Version 1 Page of 1 31

ITC571 - Emerging Technologies and Innovation Session 1 2017 Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences School of Computing and Mathematics Internal Mode

Welcome to a new session of study at Charles Sturt University. Please refer to the University’s (http://student.csu.edu.au/study/acknowledgement-of-country).Acknowledgement of Country

This subject outline is accessible through mobile devices from .http://m.csu.edu.au

Subject Coordinator Rajasekaran Lakshmiganthan Email rlakshmiganthan@studygroup.com Phone 0399357900 Campus To be advised. Building/Room number To be advised.

Consultation procedures Any questions concerning the teaching of this subject can be made by contacting your Subject Lecturer.

Lecturer Name : Ather Saeed

Lecturer Email : ASaeed@StudyGroup.com

Email is the best option. Please send a brief message regarding the issue and include the subject name and subject code in your email ?it really helps to know which class you belong to, before I respond to your query. If your query is urgent then meet with your respective Course Coordinator on Level-4.

Class times and location General Timetable as below will be available at the following website before the start of 201730 semester, which can be accessed on any Mobile Phone or IPAD:


If you cannot contact your Subject Coordinator, please contact your teaching team using the contact details and consultation procedures provided on your Interact2 subject site.

What is your subject about? A brief overview This subject requires research and project work, at an advanced level, on a topic related to emerging technologies and innovation. In the context of professional practice, students will draw upon prior learning in their Masters course to execute an independent capstone project in a selected topic in Information Technology.

Learning outcomes On successful completion of this subject, you should:

be able to interpret and evaluate an overview of recent trends in emerging technologies and innovation; be able to perform literature searches and critically analyse the literature in the chosen topic; be able to critically reflect on and synthesize complex information, problems, concepts and theories in the chosen topic;




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be able to apply established research methodologies with autonomy; be able to apply project management and information and communication technologies (ICT) tools to plan, execute, record and present their research and project work as a capstone experience; be able to demonstrate advanced communication skills in transmitting their capstone experiences and ideas; be able to justify to an audience of peers any conclusions and professional decisions made that contribute to creating new knowledge.

Pass Requirements A student must obtain a total mark of at least 50% and a mark of at least 20/40 for assessment item 5 in order to pass this subject.

To be eligible for the grade Additional Assessment (AA) you must have submitted all assessment items in this subject. If you choose not to complete an assessment item and receive an overall mark between 45 and 49 then you will not be granted an AA.

Key Subjects Passing a key subject is one of the indicators of satisfactory academic progress through your course. You must pass the key subjects in your course at no more than two attempts. The first time you fail a key subject you will be 'at risk' of exclusion; if you fail a second time you will be excluded from the course.

The (https://policy.csu.edu.au/view.current.php?id=00250) sets out theAcademic Progress Policy requirements and procedures for satisfactory academic progress, for the exclusion of students who fail to progress satisfactorily and for the termination of enrolment for students who fail to complete in the maximum allowed time.

Assumed knowledge Academic integrity means acting with honesty, fairness and responsibility, and involves observing and maintaining ethical standards in all aspects of academic work. This subject assumes that you understand what constitutes plagiarism, cheating and collusion. If you are a new student we expect you to complete the modules called Academic Integrity at CSU (https://interact2.csu.edu.au/webapps/blackboard/execute/courseMain?course_id=_16412_1&task=true&src=).

Prescribed Text There is NO prescribed text for this subject. What you read and how much you read will depend on your chosen topic.

The textbooks required for each of your enrolled subjects can also be found via the Student Portal (http://student.csu.edu.au/study/study-essentials/textbooks) page.Textbooks

Subject and Assessment Schedule






Topics Learning activities

1 27 Feb 2017 Topic 1 How to find trends with emerging technologies & innovation

Selecting a topic and setup Interact Project site and/or use blog for documentation of weekly progress




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Topics Learning activities

2 06 March 2017

Topic 1 continued Capstone Research Topic is finalised and posted to main Discussion forum. is ready andProject Blog contains weekly progress reports

3 13 March


Topic 2 Project Planning Assessment Item 1 Project Blog for Weekly

Progress Reports (10%) is underway and continues each week until the end of semester.

Use software to develop a project plan with WBS, milestones and Gantt chart. e.g. Microsoft Project or open source tools like GanttProject (

) or ( http://www.ganttproject.biz/ OpenProj ) or http://sourceforge.net/projects/openproj

( )OpenProject https://www.openproject.org/about or ( )ProjectLibre http://www.projectlibre.org/

4 20 March 2017

Topic 3 Research Skills

Assessment Item 2 Capstone Project Proposal and Plan (10%) is due on 24 March 2017

5 27 March 2017

Topic 4 Extracting information from readings for critical analysis

Continue to work with Modules and your capstone project work.

01 April 2017 - 16 Apr 2017

Mid Session Break Continue to work with Modules and your capstone project work.

6 17 April 2017 Topic 4 Continued Continue to work with Modules and your capstone project work.

7 24 April 2017 Topic 5 Preparing and writing a literature review or capstone report

Assessment Item 3 Annotated Bibliography (25%) is due on 28 April 2017

8 01 May 2017 Topic 5 continued Assessment Item 4 Research, Innovation and Ethical Analysis Quiz (15%) is due on 12 May 2017

9 08 May 2017 Topic 6 Presenting a seminar

Prepare/Edit Final Project Report and Seminar that documents ALL of the Capstone Project.

10 15 May 2017 Capstone Project Report and Seminar

Assessment Item 5 Capstone Project Report and Seminar (40%) is due on 29 May 2017

11 22 May 2017 Capstone Project Presentations

Capstone Project Presentations

12 29 May 2017 Capstone Project Presentations

Capstone Project Presentations

05 June 2017 - 16 Jun 2017

Exam Period There is no Final Exam for this Subject





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Subject Content There are number of topics that you will cover in this subject. These include the following:

How to find trends with emerging technologies and innovation Project planning Research skills Extracting information from reading for critical analysis Preparing and writing a literature review or capstone project report Presenting a seminar for capstone project

Subject Delivery

Class/tutorial times and location If you are enrolled in an internal offering of this subject, your class times can be found at Timetable @

(http://timetable.csu.edu.au). If you are enrolled in the online offering of the subject, thisCSU timetable will not apply. Find out how to use Timetable @ CSU via the Student Portal Class

(http://student.csu.edu.au/study/study-essentials/timetable) page.Timetable

Learning, teaching and support strategies How you are expected to engage with the subject

There will be three (3) hour weekly face to face lecture/tutorial conducted throughout the session.

All of your subject materials are available on the Interact site under the Topics link in the left hand side menu. I suggest that for each topic you read the learning objectives carefully, read the overview, quickly skim the text to get an idea of the topic. Once you have an idea of the topic's content, try and make a good set of notes under each of the headings in the topic. This will start to give you a good understanding of the topic and will assist you remember everything in the assignments.

In this subject. there will be 12 face to face classes in total each having a duration of three hour. Before you come to the online session, you need to have looked at the topic in the Interact site and read the text so that you can contribute to the class and derive more meaning from the activities that we will do online.

It is helpful to have a small task to complete early in the session so that you have a focus in the subject from the very first day, and so I have set a small task (selecting a topic and setting up the project interact site) in week 2 as part of your assessment item 1. If you don’t attempt this task, I may contact you by phone or email to have a chat about study and if there are any issue that I can help with. You can also contact an adviser through Student Central on the following number: 1800 275 278 (or +61 2 6933 7507 from outside Australia).

Library Services The CSU Library website provides access to online material and print, using Primo Search to find online journal articles, eBooks, hardcopy books from CSU Library (see Library Manager for Interlibrary Loan Requests), company & government reports, eJournals, dissertations, theses, newspapers including Business & Financial newspapers in Factiva (See Business & IT Journal Databases), and other reference resources (eg. Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian standards, online encyclopaedias & dictionaries to be read on the computer). You will also find library guides, Subject Reserve for any readings eg. ITC100, ACC100, etc., and online assistance to help you use the Library's resources such as Ask a Librarian – Live Chat and Ask a Librarian - Web Form.

You can find Library Services on both the SGA library online catalogue: http://primo.unilinc.edu.au/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?vid=SGA

The SGA library online catalogue allows students to Sign In, My Account shows student’s current library record including all books on loan, Renew your borrowed books online before the due date,






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also Search and Request all books in the SGA library, even if unavailable due to high demand from students. Students can Request books when all books are on loan to other students. When the requested book is returned to the SGA library, the student who requested the book receives an email immediately to pick up the book from the SGA library. View your library record online 24/7 at the above web link for SGA library.

And also CSU Library online: - CSU Library Services including Primo Search & Subject Reservehttp://student.csu.edu.au/library

online with 24/7 access, online and video tutorials in research skills, finding journal articles for assignments, topic analysis, download Endnote referencing program and many other online library services to help you successfully complete your assignments for all CSU courses.

- Powerful search engine from National Library of Australia to access manyhttp://trove.nla.gov.au/ different online resources on any subject from one search.

Contact Details for renewing loans, locating books and other information:

SGA Melbourne Library: Marian Lees - Director, Library Services Ph: (03) 9935 7921 Email: MLees@studygroup.com

Library Help -contacts Friendly and quick assistance is available. Ask for helphttp://student.csu.edu.au/library/help

finding information and navigating the library's extensive eResources.

Online Tutorials http://student.csu.edu.au/library/study-research/training-tutorials-videos

Learn how to: • use Primo Search to find eReserve material and journal articles • search journal databases and web resources for information for your assessments • identify appropriate sources of information and peer reviewed material, and evaluate resources.

Bookmark your Subject Library Resource Guide Subject Library Guides are a great way to get started with research. Each online guide is tailored to a specific area of study, including Accounting, Business & Information Technology outlining how to research in your area and where to look for information. http://libguides.csu.edu.au/

Academic Learning Support Assistance Visit the learning support website for advice about assignment preparation, academic reading and note-taking, referencing, and preparing for exams at: http://student.csu.edu.au/study

You may also contact:

Name: Monique Moloney Email: MMoloney@studygroup.com Phone: (03) 9935 7919

Name: Bethany Winkler Email: BWinkler@studygroup.com Phone: (03) 9935 7953

Name: Gail Ekici Email: GEkici@studygroup.com Phone: (03) 9935 7965

For appointments, please see Reception at Level 1.







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Queries regarding the content of this subject should be directed to your subject lecturer.

Residential school You are not required to attend a residential school for this subject.

Your workload in this subject Each week you should spend around 9 - 11 hours studying this subject – obviously some weeks may require more time than other depending on how you work – but the following is a guide for your information.

Supporting readings 3.0 hours

Participation in weekly face to face lecture 3.0 hour

Participation in discussion forum 2.0 hours

Preparation of assessment items 3 hours

Assessment Items Item


Title Type Value Due date* Return


1 Project Blog for Weekly Progress Reports Assignment 10% Variable -

2 Project Proposal and Plan Assignment 10% 24-Mar-2017 18-Apr-2017

3 Annotated Bibliography Assignment 25% 28-Apr-2017 19-May-2017

4 Research Innovation and Ethical Analysis Quiz Assignment 15% 12-May-2017 02-Jun-2017

5 Project Closure: Project Report (Blog) and Seminar

Assignment 40% 29-May-2017 20-Jun-2017

* due date is the last date for assessment items to be received at the University

** applies only to assessment items submitted by the due date

Assessment item 1 Project Blog for Weekly Progress Reports

Value: 10% Due date: Variable

Return date: - Submission method options

Interact2 Discussion Board



Project Blog and Weekly Progress Reporting

Set up and develop your as required for this task and later assessment task. TheProject Blog

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blog will store entries made by you throughout the subject to document the project stages and milestones, seminar notes and other important notes. Your local lecturer may advise on a suitable alternative process if studying on-campus. You can use site at (use your CSU LoginCSU's Thinkspace http://thinkspace.csu.edu.au/ ID) or a . CSU Thinkspace is recommended or else Wordpress,blog site of your own choice Google's Blogger (https://www.blogger.com/home) are common blogging systems, but you may have your own favourite site to use. Choose and develop a limited blogger profile and enter a suitable TITLE for your blog (e.g. Joe’s Wireless Technology Project) – not your full name. For WEB ADDRESS - use your student number as your account name (URL) or other unique identifier.

- remember to save,Make a first post - a short introduction about you and the project then Publish the blog entry. Check with a friend or family member to ensure that he/she can see your first posting. This is also to check you have the right URL to include in this proposal and plan for your project.

to to the DISCUSSION FORUM to share with othersPost a copy of the BLOG address and to demonstrate that you are underway in the subject. For each week from , add a blog post for each Week 2 to Week 12 inclusive Weekly

as described below.Progress Report

Weekly Progress Reports


From Weeks 2 to 12 in the Schedule, you are required to Submit/Bring or Present a Weekly Progress Report on your Capstone project. The Weekly Reports will you make in Assessment Item 2 Project Proposalfollow the plan and Plan. The format will be described by the local lecturer as student are studying in various learning modes either in weekly classes or online weekly (on Project Blog) via Online Study mode. The template below can be modified for use:


The helps you to document your project and to " " as you develop,Project Blog think by writing manage and record the project delivery as well as your "learning journey". This is good knowledge


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ITC571 201730 SM I-26 January 2017-Version 1 Page of 8 31



Some students think that they can pass the subject by just submitting the final assignment meeting the requirements and marking criteria. That is incorrect according to the Subject Outline. Please read the PASS Requirements for ITC571.

This task considers the students weekly progress work which may include class attendance to submit/bring/present any weekly progress work. For students studying in the Online Study mode or special cases, a collection of time-stamped weekly progress reports can be made via Project Blog.

Marking criteria

Project Blog and Weekly Progress Reporting 10%

Satisfactory = 1 Unsatisfactory = 0

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Charles Sturt University Subject Outline

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a. b. c. d. e.






Additional Comments:


The Presentation formats include: • In class each week for on-campus students. • Online via a BLOG site address with the website address of the PROJECT BLOG in the DISCUSSION FORUM before the start of Week 3.

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