CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017
Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 1
Arizona State University
School of Criminology & Criminal Justice Department
Course Number: CRJ 412: Summer II, June 29th – August 8th, 2017
Course Title: International Terrorism
Credits; 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites None
Adjunct Faculty
Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, (Ed.D.)
Retired Commander (September 2011) Phoenix Police Department
Work & Cell Phone; 602-332-8380
E-mail ASU or or
When emailing me, please include the course number “CRJ 412” in the subject of your email, so I
can prioritize it over other emails that are not course related.
OFFICE HOURS: Available Monday through Friday 0900 to 1700 and arrangements can be made to
meet at one of the following locations or text, email or call me and any of the numbers or emails
listed please.
ASU West Campus
ASU Downtown Campus
Glendale Community College
This course uses a “Three before Me” policy for student to faculty communications. When questions
arise during the course of this class, please remember to check three sources for an answer before
emailing your instructor:
1. Course Syllabus
2. Announcements in Blackboard
3. The Q & A Forum
This policy will help you in potentially identifying answers before I can get back to you, and it also
helps your instructor from answering similar questions or concerns multiple times.
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Catalog Description:
CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017
Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 2
This course provides the student with a systematic examination of the structural, organizational
and political characteristics that affect the topic of international terrorism.
Learning Goals
At the completion of this course, students will be able to: provide you with understanding &
knowledge of the Homeland Security Issue from both an international and international perspective
and the many facets associated within law enforcement profession.
Competencies /Objectives:
1. Be able to describe international threats from both political and religious perspectives
2. Explain the philosophical concepts associated with the will to harm individuals in large
3. Identify & discuss the multiple theoretical approaches to defending against
international threats and examine historical significance of past events
4. Explain international threats as they apply in today’s world
5. Be able to describe the history of terrorist events and, through weekly reading and
postings, explain the historical progression of international terrorist events
6. Explain international threats as they apply in today’s world regarding the Middle East,
Africa, Central and East Asia.
7. Be able to describe the history of terrorist events and, through weekly reading and
postings, explain the historical progression of international terrorist events concerning
Europe, North and South America.
8. From a futurist perspective, explain in detail, through discussions, research and
postings, a specific application of preventative measures against international security
9. From a futurist perspective and from postings and class presentations, explain how the
world is more secure post-9/11 from a threat perspective
10. From a futurist standpoint, explain the role of being a “leader in a changing threat
environment” as it relates to solving short and long-term dynamic issues facing the
international community
CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017
Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 3
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