GOAL: Read Cliff Stoll’s book, Cuckoo’s Egg (any edition), and write a paper on the intrusion
detection and incident response techniques used in the book. Identify proper techniques (what
will you use as your reference?) used and those that did not work. Make sure you also discuss
the ethical and legal issues that arose during the investigation. This is not a book report, it is an
If you have read this book in a previous UTSA class then the alternate text is: Fatal System
Error: The Hunt for the New Crime Lords Who are Bringing Down the Internet.
GRADING: This project is worth 100 points. The grade will come from your paper only.
Papers that clearly describe the techniques and provide an analysis of how the techniques led to
the capture of the hacker will be graded higher. Papers that are well formatted, properly
referenced, and cohesive will score higher. Writing a book report with little to no analysis will
score much lower.
COLLABORATION POLICY: No collaboration allowed—individual effort only. The work
on the paper will be an individual effort only
TURN-IN REQUIREMENT: Papers will be 7 to 15 single spaced pages in length, font Times
New Roman, size 12. The title page should clearly state the title of your paper will include your
name and UTSA abc123 ID number. The title page and bibliography do not count as one of the
pages for the report. All references will be properly cited. Papers should be numbered. Pictures
and Tables can be embedded within the paper if properly labeled. But embedded figures or tables
should not be used a way to reduce meeting the desired page count. Submit your paper on
Blackboard in PDF format with the file naming convention: lastname_abc123_6353_Cuckoo