Julian Assange Case
Julian Assange is a computer programmer that has a genius IQ and a drive to fight for the underdog. Assange was born in Townsville, Australia to Christine and Brett Assange in 1971 but his parent divorced when he was young. Julian and his mother lived a gypsy life with Julian moving over 30 times during his childhood. When he was just a teenager his mother bought him a computer and he developed a love for computers. At the age of 20 Assange was arrested for hacking into the computers of Nortel, an Australian Telecommunication company and was only made to pay fines for his crime.
After Assange dealt with his criminal charges he began pursuing an education at the University of Melbourne in Mathematics and computer programming. Instead of staying at the University, Assange dropped out for moral reasons. He objected to university students working on military projects. Years later in 2006 Assange began to develop his infamous computer program, WikiLeaks (Shubert, 2010). Assange has always been justice driven even from a young age. After exploring and understanding the web and its capabilities Assange established WikiLeaks which was designed to leak the secrets of large organizations and governments.
Julian Assange used his hacking skills to gather data on Microsoft, the United Sates government, and many other organizations across the globe. Assange released a military manual on WikiLeaks giving the world detailed information of the layout of the Guantanamo Bay detention center and released the private email messages of Governor Sarah Palin (Schubert, 2010). Assange claims the reasons he releases this information is to ensure justice for those affected by the actions of powerful governments and organizations. By releasing sensitive information these organizations and governments can be exposed.
Assange hid in Sweden to prevent being arrested and tried in any of the countries in which he had hacked sensitive information and then released it to the global public. Many organizations and officials in England and the United States were angered at this release of sensitive information while his supporters find it is his free speech right to release this information to the public. This includes mass amounts of American intelligence on the war in Afghanistan. After releasing this mass amount of information on striking the ire of many powerful people across the globe Assange found himself in trouble with Swedish law.
While in England the Stockholm Criminal Court issued an international arrest warrant for Assange on two sexual assault cases. Instead of facing these charges Julian Assange turned himself into the London police and has fought extradition. To further avoid the charges of molestation and sexual assault on two underage girls, Assange sought asylum from the Ecuadorian government by stepping into an Ecuadorean Embassy in London (Leigh, 2011). Assange currently sits in this embassy and cannot leave. If he does he is on British soil and will be arrested and extradited to Sweden to face charges of sexual assault.
While Julian Assange claims his illegal hacking and then releasing private, sensitive documents to the world is for justice his action were simply for his own need for recognition of his computer, hacking abilities. Not once has Assange taken up for the poor or down trodden and instead took advantage of his celebrity to commit heinous rapes against two under aged girls. If Assange was so focused on justice he would be driven to face his current charges instead of hiding like a coward in an Ecuadorian Embassy. Someone that is truly passionate about the law would turn themselves in.
Assange claims he is innocent of the charges against him in Sweden and even though under Swedish law the crimes he is charged with will only result in two years in prison he does not have the courage to face the charges. Assange claims the charges are the result of political persecution but the Swedish are not interested in charging Assange with the hacking charges but instead for his crimes against the two young girls (Leigh, 2011). If Assange were a supporter of human rights he would take steps to fight for human rights. He has made no effort to ever help anyone but himself.
A man of justice would stand up and face the charges and not hide away. Assange is a threat to national security and jus because he can hack into anything does not mean he should. He should be arrested not only for his crimes against the two young girls but for his crimes against the United States government and all organization in which he stole and released private information. If a terrorist had hacked into private government databases they would be punished and so should Assange. He is not above the law and should face his criminal charges. Julian Assange believes what he does is for justice but justice is not hiding and it is not secretly hacking into databases. Justice is fighting for what is right no matter the consequences.