— BUSM4688 Cross Cultural Management Topic 7: Cultural Intelligence
Dr. Shea Fan School of Management
1. Why do we need cultural intelligence (CQ)? 2. What is CQ? 3. How can we develop CQ?
Content Chart
• The nature of culture
• Comparing cultures
• Beyond culture frameworks
Theory Applications
• Working in multicultural teams
• Communicating with culturally different others
• Cultural intelligence
• Understanding culturally diverse employees
• Managing cultural diversity
• Managing language in MNCs
Self-lead learning: discussions, presentations, team investigation
Intercultural effectiveness development: knowledge, self-reflection, attitudes & behavioral change
Pressing managerial questions
What is the difference between individuals that succeed in today’s multicultural, globalized world and those who fail?
Cultural intelligence
IQ Christopher Earley
Earley & Mosakowski (2004) HBR. Cultural intelligence
CQ: The essential intelligence for the 21st century
CQ: an individual’s capability to function effectively across national, ethnic and organizational cultures.
CQ: The essential intelligence for the 21st century
CQ predicts
Intercultural adjustment
Cross-border Leadership effectiveness
Trust & idea sharing Creative
collaboration Overall
What constitute CQ?
Cultural Intelligence(CQ)
Heart Motivation
& confidence
Head Knowledge
Head Strategies
Body Behavior
What constitute CQ?
1. Intrinsic interest: the degree to which a person derives enjoyment from culturally diverse situations
2. Extrinsic interest: the tangible benefits a person gains from culturally diverse experiences
3. Self-efficacy: the confidence that a person has about being effective in intercultural encounters
The heart (CQ motivation): the interest, confidence and drive to adapt
What constitute CQ?
1. Cultural general understanding a macro understanding of cultural systems and the cultural norms and values associated with different societies
2. Context-specific understanding understanding the relevance of culture to specific domains
The head (CQ knowledge): Understanding intercultural norms and differences.
What constitute CQ?
1. Planning: taking time to prepare for an intercultural encounter - anticipating how to approach the people, topic and situation in light of the cultural differences.
2. Awareness: being in tune with what is going on in one’s own mind and in the minds of others during an intercultural encounter
The head (CQ Strategy): The metacognitive aspect of cultural intelligence, measuring a person’s ability to strategize before, during and after crossing cultures.
3. Checking: comparing one’s actual experiences with prior expectations and adjusting mental models as appropriate
What constitute CQ?
1) Speech actions: the specific words and phrases used when communicating different types of messages.
2) Verbal actions: adjusting one’s volume, tone and pace of speech
3) Nonverbal behaviors: adapting gestures, proximity, and facial expressions as needed.
The body (CQ behaviors): the ability to act appropriately in a range of intercultural situations and effectively accomplish goals.
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Developing your CQ
Self- evaluation
Focused training
Seeking support
Gain direct experience
Re- evaluation
Earley & Mosakowski (2004) HBR. Cultural intelligence
Take home messages
1. The im portance
of CQ
2. The 4- aspects o
f CQ (mo tivation,
knowled ge, strate
gy and
behavior s)
3. Strate gies to d
evelop C Q