This short (2-3 page) paper is intended to keep you up-to-date on current entrepreneurship and small business management happenings and issues occurring both domestically and internationally.Please utilize current articles as they will allow you to most directly apply your knowledge to what is happening outside the classroom in the “here and now”.
I. Select and read a current article on entrepreneurship and/or small business management from any number of business periodicals, to include Business Week, Fortune, The Economist, Newsweek or from a newspaper, such as The Wall Street Journal, the business section of the Washington Post or Baltimore Sun. An article can also be selected from a reputable news source on the Internet, such as
Include a copy of the article with your written report or a URL to the article on the Internet.
II. Following an introductory paragraph introducing the article and its main theme, provide a brief and concise summation of the article.The summation will be an outline of the major issues presented. Depending on your article, the summation should be between 2-3 paragraphs in length.
III. Next, perform an analysis of how the business topics presented in the article relates to class discussions and/or topics covered in your textbook.Your ability to analyze and synthesize the information presented in the article is critical. Without a well done analysis, you cannot earn higher than a “C” grade. Your analysis should be approximately 2-3 paragraphs as well.
For example, here is a start to the analysis section:
“In presenting the different forms of business ownership popular in China today, Smith (2016) in her Business Week article entitled “Roaring China” illustrates how China is moving towards a more capitalistic society and one focused on promoting entrepreneurship among its citizens.This article assisted in expanding upon the role of the entrepreneur in society as presented in Chapter 5 of the text as well as outlined various forms of business ownership as was discussed in class and in Chapter 4. It also explored the various economic systems in the world today as illustrated in Chapter 1 in our discussion of economics.”