the Innovation Case Study is due. For this week, you are to select an organization you think is highly innovative and briefly describe why you think so. The purpose of this assignment is to get you jump-started on the case study. (one page)
You have recently graduated and are trying to decide whether to take a job at a large company or start your own company. Go through the process of evaluating, comparing and contrasting the risk of entrepreneurship and business ownership versus working for a large company. Outline and debate the risks and rewards of each.(one page )
Take a look at this resourceActions for a little inspiration.
Use the Customer Centered Job Mapping table located in your On InnovatioHow to innovaten book on pages 46-47. Thinking about your client's customers, how can you innovate at each stage of the customer job process? This may be difficult, so you will need to be creative. Note that some of your innovations may not fit within your client's existing business model or concept. Perhaps your innovation would fit better as a new business. That's okay. The point of the exercise is to think about products/services needs from the perspective of your client's customers. If you are having difficulty thinking through this, please contact me.
This website Actions may also provide additional insight into completing the Customer-Centered Innovation Map.
You can use this spreadsheetPreview the document to complete the job map, or you can complete it a Word document if you follow the same general outline.
Finally, in a separate document, briefly describe what you learned through completing this Customer-Centered Job Mapping exercise. How can customer-centered job mapping be used within the Design Thinking process?