English Writing Assingment
Week 1 - Written Response
To wrap up this unit on evaluating sources, you will now read an essay from your textbook. Note how Boyd (2019) effectively makes her argument, using examples and interviews she conducted. As you read her essay, consider how you can use examples in your essay to support your argument. Also consider how she writes her paper towards a specific audience. Your writing, too, should be directed towards a specific audience. We will define who that audience is in Week 2.
Read Boyd (2019). Wikipedia as a site of knowledge production. In R. Bullock & M.D. Goggin (Eds.), The Norton field guide to writings with readings (5th ed., pp. 816-822). W.W. Norton.
Answer "Engaging with the Text," Question 2 on p. 822.
Your response should be 200+ words.
Be sure to quote, cite, and reference Boyd's essay.
Additional outside sources are optional.