CSIT 355
Midterm Paper This assignment/project asks you to write an essay on the data model you are assigned to below. The essay must be your own unique, independent work, and meet these requirements: Length: at least 2000 words excluding the references. Structure: You should organize your essay using the following reference structure: • Cover Page: with title, author's full name, id number and date. • Introduction: single section, a few paragraphs, including a brief introduction/description
of the topic you will write about, an overview of your essay structure, and the goal (a sin- gle short paragraph).
• Main body: exposition and development of ideas, etc.; preferably divided into a number of subsections.
• Conclusion: single section of a few paragraphs: a summary of your essay. • References: adhere to standard format for references; each reference must be cited from
within your text. Use IEEE Format. Grading Rubric: You will need to submit the following: Completed Paper on June 29th @ 11:59pm **Remember, the paper is about data modeling. Concentrate on the aspects related to computer science and information technology. You can include case studies, examples of it working, ex- amples of it not working, comparisons between your assigned model and another model. Completed Paper:70% : June 29th @ 11:59pm • Paper is well written and logical • Presents an overview of the topic while concentrating on the computer science and in-
formation technology related areas • Uses IEEE citations • Meets the word count • Uses minimal direct quoting text • References are appropriate – unprofessional references like Wikipedia are not used. • Conforms to academic honesty guidelines • Is G-Rated
Literature search: 25% : June 22nd @ 11:59pm • 5 resources are presented with the author, date accessed and working link. • A one paragraph summary is given for the resource
Resources: I am expecting you to use Sprague Library and the ACM and IEEE libraries (both of these digital libraries can be accessed via Sprague library). Understanding if Resources are a good resource: https://widener.libguides.com/EvalWebPages/ Criteria (Links to an external site.)
Always think of the C.R.A.A.P test – Currency, relevance, accuracy, authority, and purpose. IEEE format: https://pitt.libguides.com/citationhelp/ieee (Links to an external site.)
Literature Search
1. Object-role Modeling Fundamentals: A Practical Guide to Data Modeling with ORM
Author: Terry Halpin Date Accessed: June 19, 2020
This ebook talks about what object-role modeling (ORM) is in depth and how to model it
for business domains. ORM is a fact-based approach. Every object has a role it plays. The meth-
ods discussed throughout help business owners understand this structure. This book also includes
the 7 steps for the ORM Conceptual Schema Procedure, which is used to design fairly small
schemas to suitably manage a single unit, as well as examples.
2. Temporal Capabilities in Support of Conceptual Process Modeling using Object-Role
Modeling Authors: Daniele Gianni, Paolo Bocciarelli and Andrea D’Ambrogio Date Accessed:
June 19, 2020
Temporal modeling is provided to different conceptual modeling languages, including
Object-role Modeling. Since ORM doesn’t address Facts temporal properties, this paper provides
an ORM overlay methodology to lay the foundation for conceptual modeling structures. It in-
cludes steps for these capabilities supporting conceptual process modeling using ORM. This
document is loaded with different examples to further explain every aspect of this approach.
3. Object-Role Modeling: an Overview Author: Terry Halpin Date Accessed: June 22nd, 2020
This paper talks about ORM in detail, the pros and cons about it. The seven steps for
CSDP are included with plenty of examples involved and explained. Towards the end of the pa-
per, Halpin talks about conceptual queries. He mentions how ORM is ideal for information
querying and talks about it a bit. This is a perfect example of ORM being used in the real world
for a query tool called “ActiveQuery”.
4. Modeling Business Rules using Fact-Orientation and Object-Orientation
Author: Dr. Terry Halpin Date Accessed: June 22nd, 2020
This powerpoint provides straight to the point facts about ORM. It compares ORM to UML and
typical ER. Each of their constraints are listed. A schema for each is included. Details of each are
provided, which will help with making comparisons in my paper. Examples of the different char-
acteristics are also provided for deeper understanding.
5. Static and Dynamic Aspects of Application Domains: An Inductively Defined Modeling
Technique That Allows Decomposition Authors: Theo P. van Der Weide, Fiona P. Tulinayo and
Patric van Bommel Date Accessed: June 22nd, 2020
This paper introduces another way of ORM: an inductive definition. This allows for the integra-
tion of different methods. It’s not meant to create a completely new method. Background infor-
mation and history of ORM is discussed in the second section. Conceptual language and con-
straints are also mentioned. In depth explanations are made with examples for each step of the