Write A JAVA Program
Write a JAVA program to solve the following problem. Your program should properly
compile and run. Your code MUST follow the documentation style used in your textbook.
You need to upload into Moodle the following:
The electronic version of your SINGLE source code file after you successfully
compiled and ran it. Please label your file appropriately.
i do the first steps you will find in the file name lab1
package KW . CH01 ;
* The class ATMbankAmerica
public class ATMbankAmerica implements ATM {
// Insert solution to programming exercise 4, section 1, chapter 1 here
// The following are all dummy methods
* Allows the user to select an account.
* @return a String representing the account selected
@ Override
public String selectAccount () {
return null ;
* Withdraws a specified amount of money
* @param account The account from which the money comes
* @param amount The amount of money withdrawn
* @return Whether or not the operation is successful
@ Override
public boolean withdraw ( String account , double amount ) {
return false ;
* Displays the result of an operation
* @param account The account for the operation
* @param amount The amount of money
* @param success Whether or not the operation was successful
@ Override
public void display ( String account , double amount , boolean success ) {
* Displays the result of a PIN verification
* @param pin The user's pin
* @param success Whether or not the PIN was valid
@ Override
public void display ( String pin , boolean success ) {
* Displays an account balance
* @param account The account selected
@ Override
public void showBalance ( String account ) {
// Insert solution to programming exercise 1, section 8, chapter 1 here
* Listing 1.2
* @author Koffman & Wolfgang
package KW . CH01 ;
* Class that represents a computer.
public class Computer {
// Data Fields
private String manufacturer ;
private String processor ;
private double ramSize ;
private int diskSize ;
private double processorSpeed ;
// Methods
* Initializes a Computer object with all properties specified.
* @param man The computer manufacturer
* @param processor The processor type
* @param ram The RAM size
* @param disk The disk size
* @param procSpeed The processor speed
public Computer ( String man , String processor , double ram ,
int disk , double procSpeed ) {
manufacturer = man ;
this . processor = processor ;
ramSize = ram ;
diskSize = disk ;
processorSpeed = procSpeed ;
// Insert solution to programming exercise 1, section 3, chapter 1 here
public double computePower () {
return ramSize * processorSpeed ;
public double getRamSize () {
return ramSize ;
public double getProcessorSpeed () {
return processorSpeed ;
public int getDiskSize () {
return diskSize ;
// Insert other accessor and modifier methods here.
// Insert solution to programming exercise 1, section 2, chapter 1 here
// Insert solution to programming exercise 2, section 3, chapter 1 here
// Inset solution to self-check exercise 2, section 3, chapter 1 here
public String toString () {
String result = "Manufacturer: " + manufacturer + "\nCPU: "
+ processor + "\nRAM: " + ramSize + " gigabytes"
+ "\nDisk: " + diskSize + " gigabytes"
+ "\nProcessor speed: " + processorSpeed + " gigahertz" ;
return result ;
* Compares power of this computer and it argument
* computer
* @param aComputer The computer being compared to this computer
* @return -1 if this computer has less power, 0 if the same, and
* +1 if this computer has more power.
public int comparePower ( Computer aComputer ) {
if ( this . computePower () < aComputer . computePower ()) {
return - 1 ;
} else if ( this . computePower () == aComputer . computePower ()) {
return 0 ;
} else {
return 1 ;
// Insert solution to programming exercise 1, section 5, chapter 1 here
* Listing 1.3
* @author Koffman and Wolfgang
package KW . CH01 ;
* Class that represents a notebook computer.
public class Notebook extends Computer {
// Data Fields
private double screenSize ;
private double weight ;
// Methods
* Initializes a Notebook object with all properties specified.
* @param man The computer manufacturer
* @param proc The processor type
* @param ram The RAM size
* @param disk The disk size
* @param procSpeed The processor speed
* @param screen The screen size
* @param wei The weight
public Notebook ( String man , String proc , double ram , int disk ,
double procSpeed , double screen , double wei ) {
super ( man , proc , ram , disk , procSpeed );
screenSize = screen ;
weight = wei ;
// Insert solution to programming exercise 1, section 3, chapter 1 here
// Insert solution to programming exercise 2, section 2, chapter 1 here
// Insert solution to programming exercise 3, section 3, chapter 1 here
// Insert solution to programming exercise 2, section 5, chapter 1 here
* Listing 1.4
* @author Koffman and Wolfgang
package KW . CH01 ;
* Class that represents a notebook computer.
public class Notebook2 extends Computer {
// Data Fields
private static final String DEFAULT_NB_MAN = "MyBrand" ;
private double screenSize ;
private double weight ;
// Methods
* Initializes a Notebook object with all properties specified.
* @param man The computer manufacturer
* @param proc The processor type
* @param ram The RAM size
* @param disk The disk size
* @param procSpeed The processor speed
* @param screen The screen size
* @param wei The weight
public Notebook2 ( String man , String proc , double ram , int disk ,
double procSpeed , double screen , double wei ) {
super ( man , proc , ram , disk , procSpeed );
screenSize = screen ;
weight = wei ;
/** Initializes a Notebook object with 6 properties specified. */
public Notebook2 ( String proc , int ram , int disk ,
double procSpeed , double screen , double wei ) {
this ( DEFAULT_NB_MAN , proc , ram , disk , procSpeed , screen , wei );
@ Override
public String toString () {
String result = super . toString () + "\nScreen size: "
+ screenSize + " inches" + "\nWeight: " + weight
+ " pounds" ;
return result ;
// Insert solution to programming exercise 2, section 2, chapter 1 here
package KW . CH01 ;
* Person is a class that represents a human being.
* @author Koffman and Wolfgang
public class Person {
// Constants
* The age at which a person can vote
private static final int VOTE_AGE = 18 ;
* The age at which a person is considered a senior citizen
private static final int SENIOR_AGE = 65 ;
// Data Fields
* The given name
private String givenName ;
* The family name
private String familyName ;
* The ID number
private final String IDNumber ;
* The birth year
private int birthYear = 1900 ;
// Constructors
* Construct a person with given values
* @param given The given name
* @param family The family name
* @param ID The ID number
* @param birth The birth year
public Person ( String given , String family , String ID , int birth ) {
givenName = given ;
familyName = family ;
IDNumber = ID ;
birthYear = birth ;
* Construct a person with only an IDNumber specified.
* @param ID The ID number
public Person ( String ID ) {
IDNumber = ID ;
// Modifier Methods
* Sets the givenName field.
* @param given The given name
public void setFirstName ( String given ) {
givenName = given ;
* Sets the familyName field.
* @param family The family name
public void setLastName ( String family ) {
familyName = family ;
* Sets the birthYear field.
* @param birthYear The year of birth
public void setBirthYear ( int birthYear ) {
this . birthYear = birthYear ;
// Accessor Methods
* Gets the person's given name.
* @return the given name as a String
public String getGivenName () {
return givenName ;
* Gets the person's family name.
* @return the family name as a String
public String getFamilyName () {
return familyName ;
* Gets the person's ID number.
* @return the ID number as a String
public String getIDNumber () {
return IDNumber ;
* Gets the person's year of birth.
* @return the year of birth as an int value
public int getBirthYear () {
return birthYear ;
// Other Methods
* Calculates a person's age at this year's birthday.
* @param year The current year
* @return the year minus the birth year
public int age ( int year ) {
return year - birthYear ;
* Determines whether a person can vote.
* @param year The current year
* @return true if the person's age is greater than or equal to the voting
* age
public boolean canVote ( int year ) {
int theAge = age ( year );
return theAge >= VOTE_AGE ;
* Determines whether a person is a senior citizen.
* @param year the current year
* @return true if person's age is greater than or equal to the age at which
* a person is considered to be a senior citizen
public boolean isSenior ( int year ) {
return age ( year ) >= SENIOR_AGE ;
* Retrieves the information in a Person object.
* @return the object state as a string
@ Override
public String toString () {
return "First name: " + givenName + "\n" + "Last name: "
+ familyName + "\n" + "ID number: " + IDNumber + "\n"
+ "Year of birth: " + birthYear + "\n" ;
* Compares two Person objects for equality.
* @param per The second Person object
* @return true if the Person objects have same ID number; false if they
* don't
public boolean equals ( Person per ) {
if ( per == null ) {
return false ;
} else {
return IDNumber . equals ( per . IDNumber );
// Insert solution to programming exercise 2, section 1, chapter 1 here
public int compareTo ( Person per ) {
if ( familyName . compareTo ( per . familyName ) == 0 ) {
return givenName . compareTo ( per . givenName );
} else {
return familyName . compareTo ( per . familyName );
// Insert solution to programming exercise 3, section 1, chapter 1 here
public void changeFamilyName ( boolean justMarried , String newFamily ) {
if ( justMarried ) {
familyName = newFamily ;
// Inset solution to self-check exercise 3, section 3, chapter 1 here
// Insert solution to programming exercise 1, section 1, chapter 1 here
// Insert solution to programming exercise 2, section 8, chapter 1 here
// Insert solution to programming exercise 1, section 4, chapter 1 here
// Insert solution to programming exercise 2, section 4, chapter 1 here
package KW . CH01 ;
* Class Airplane example for Exercise 1.5.3
public class Airplane {
private Engine eng ;
private Rudder rud ;
private Wing [] wings = new Wing [ 2 ];
// Insert solution to programming exercise 3, section 5, chapter 1 here
// Dummy classes to allow exercise to compile
class Engine {
class Rudder {
class Wing {