Food Web -Everglades Ecosystem
Assignment for week 5-Presentation 10-12 slides with speaker notes:
Food Web week 5-
Ilustrate the energy flow among organisms of a food chain in a
particular ecosystem. See Ch. 20 of the text for details and
Determine the interdependency of life in your ecosystem by
examining its organisms.
Include the following:
List the organisms that can be found in your ecosystem.
Identify the structure and function of the main organs in at least
two organisms, and indicate why they are suited for that
Label major organisms that live in your selected ecosystem: P
for producers, C for consumers and D for decomposers.
Name types of consumers in your ecosystem.
List the food chains associated with your ecosystem. Address
the following items:
o Name of the plant or animal
o What it eats
o What eats it
o How it adapts to the ecosystem
Describe the ecosystem’s population growth and regulation
through community interactions.
Evaluate potential hazards caused by humans that might affect
your ecosystem’s stability, such as environmental pollution.
Utilize labels and associated details in the diagram.
Format consistent with APA guidelines.
Chapter 20 diagram-see below of copy and pasted diagram.-example of food chain
Food web Everglades Ecosystem
1. Introduction
2. Description of the Everglades ecosystem
3. The interdependency of life in the Everglades ecosystem
· List of the organisms that can be found in the Everglades ecosystem
· The structure and function of the main organs in selected organisms indicating why they are suited for those functions
4. Major organisms that live in the Everglades ecosystem
i. Labeling of organisms
· Producers
· Consumers
· Decomposers
ii. Types of consumers in the ecosystem.
5. The food chains associated with the Everglades your ecosystem
· Name of selected plant or animal
· What it eats
· What eats it
· How it adapts to the ecosystem
6. The Everglades ecosystem’s population growth and regulation through community interactions
7. Potential hazards caused by humans that might affect the stability of the Everglades ecosystem
· Air pollution
· Water pollution
· Noise pollution
· Other evident types of pollutions
8. Conclusion
Hello Everyone, Since you should be working on your Week 5 LT assignment, I thought I would give some suggestions. 1. Typically students will do a paper for this assignment, but you don’t have to, you could do a PowerPoint Presentation, or a brochure, be creative and don’t be afraid to think outside the box.
2. The energy flow diagram: For this assignment you are going to want to include a diagram similar to what is found in Chapter 20 of your text. You will probably be able to find a diagram for your ecosystem on the internet, and you are free to use this. You will want to insert the diagram within your paper, so that you may refer to it. Please be sure to reference the source if you use something like this. Otherwise, you are also free to make one, by using textboxes in Word, or you can use a table as well. 3. Keep it simple: These are complex ecosystems. Don't try and include every organism, plant, and animal. Rather, focus on one from each particular layer, let's say a bacteria, a plant, an animal that eats the plant, an animal that eats the smaller animal, and a large animal that eats the small animal. 4. In terms of the organisms involved in your ecosystem, please discuss the organisms that are included in your diagram. As a reader, it's frustrating to be shown a picture of what is in the ecosystem, and then talk about a animal that wasn't shown. For example, if you are doing the Florida Everglades, and show me a diagram with tertiary consumers of an alligator, and then proceed to talk about the panther. As a reader, I say, what, you just told me that it was an alligator. 5. As many of you have noted, there is no word limit. But you are going to want to include an introduction, a conclusion, the various organisms, and hazards, so there's no way you can hand in a one page paper and have done a good job. But since it's not a traditional paper, feel free to use bullets, tables, etc. 6. Lastly, write this as if you are telling your 10 yr old about the ecosystem. You wouldn't start off saying, "The teritary consumer of the Florida Everglades is the American Alligator". Your 10 yr old, would say wait a minute, what's an ecosystem, where are the Florida Everglades. You need to introduce this in your introduction.