Story and Novel Terms 11This list of terms builds on the preceding lists you have been given in grades 9-10. It contains all the terms you were responsible for learning in the past, as well as the new terms you are now responsible for learning for the exam. oNew terms that have been added since grade ten are marked with (NT): New Term. Short Stories: GeneralShort Story:A fictional tale of a length that is too short to publish ina single volume like a novel. Short stories are usually between five and sixty pages; as a result, they can be read in a single sitting. Usually, short storiesconcentrate on a single event with only one or two characters. The short story has three elements: plot, characterization, and setting. In addition, short stories also contain other devices/features including: theme, conflict,point of view, suspense, foreshadowing, flashback, deus ex machina, and in medias res. Theme is so vital to the short story, however, that some critics consider it the fourth element, rather than a device or feature.Short Story ElementsA.Plot: The events of the story or the series of actions that make up the story are referred to as the plot. Basically, the plot is what happens in the story. Traditionally, it is divided into five parts.1.Introduction: The reader meets the characters and discovers the setting. Reader interest is aroused here. The conflict that drives the story’s action is discovered at the end of the introduction, with the initiating incident.2.Rising action: Builds up the story (the longest part)—a series of steps that lead to the climax. You get more information about conflict and character here. 3.Climax: Here, the reader finds out what happens to the conflict, or how the conflict might be resolved. The storymay not yet be finished, but the reader now has a good understanding of what way it is going to go.4.Falling Action: The plot begins to wrap up in this section of the story, which is usually brief. 5.Denouement/Conclusion/Resolution: This part follows quickly after theclimax and provides the last pieces of information for the reader. “Denouement”is French for “unknotting”; you may therefore think of denouement as the “unknotting”or “untangling”of the plot. Other words for denouement are conclusion or resolution (think about it asthe resolution of the climax). However, not all conclusions provide resolution.5.A. There are four types of conclusionsand they have a variety of names: 1.Expository Happy: All loose ends are tied up and explained and the ending is happy.2.Expository Sad: All loose ends are tied up and explained and the ending is sad.
3.Surprise or Twist: Something happens that thereader does not expect at all.4.Unresolved/Indeterminate/Cliffhanger: The reader is left with questions and has to, in part, supply the ending him or herself. Someloose ends are left to dangle.5.B. Anti-Climax: A dull or disappointing ending to something after increasing excitement. For example: After the weeks of preparation, the concert itself was a bit of an anticlimax.In connection to a story or novel, it means an ending that doesn’t measure up to the plot events that precedeit(the ending is anti-climactic). Plot Diagram:Also known as Freytag’s Pyramid, the story diagram or plot diagram, was invented in 1864 by Gustav Freytag to visually represent the five plot parts and their relationship with one another. Modern stories may or may not tidily fit Freytag’s Pyramid.B. Characterization:The collection of characters, or people, in a short story is called its characterization. A character, of course, is usually a person in a story, but it can also be an animal (think about Flounder the fish in Disney’s Arielor Simba in Disney’s The Lion Kingor the dogs in 8 Below).Character Types Protagonist: The main character in the story. The protagonist is usually, but not always, a “good guy.”Antagonist: The force against the protagonist. The antagonist isusually another character, but not always, especially if the conflict is “person against self.”The antagonist is usually described as “the bad guy”, although that description doesn’t work if the conflict is person against self or person against environment. Flat: This is a minor character with one or maybe two sides to the personality. These characters might not seem very realistic or life-like because so little is known about them.Round: These characters are believable and complex people with several sides to their personality. They are lifelike and behave like real people would, if real people were in those same situations.IntroductionInitiating incidenRising actionClimaxFallinactionConclusion/Denouement