You can think about this assignment as a “term paper,” however, you will present the project in a Microsoft PowerPoint format with Talking Points displayed in the note section of each PowerPoint slide.
The final PowerPoint project should be approximately 10-15 slides in length, excluding a cover page.
A reference section should be included at the end of the presentation.
A minimum of 5 credible references should support your presentation.
Address the following questions:
1. Describe how employee benefits fit into the total compensation function
2. Identify the varieties of internal and external information that organizations consider when planning a benefits program. Which pieces of information do you believe are most important to this planning process? Least important? Explain your answers.
3. Organizations possess limited budgets to fund employee benefits. Identify ways that employers can control the costs of employee benefits.
4. From an employee's perspective, which employee benefits practices should be funded? Which employee benefits are dispensable? Now respond to these questions as a organizational representative. Explain your answers
5. Provide suggestions to lessen the entitlement mentality among employees toward employee benefits.
Helpful Material - Right-Click and Watch:
- How to Create a PowerPoint Presentation
- How to Write Talking Points
Use the online library and other research resources to deepen your understanding of the topic and the relevant research that has been done. Use your textbook and online course material to support your work plus at least 5 credible references . All textual and digital material must be properly referenced according to APA’s (6th Edition) Style and Formatting guidelines. Check for spelling, grammar, word usage and punctuation. (Review to the following Grading Criteria before preparing/submitting your Presentation.)
Total Points
Student Submission
• Student’s Post follows the provided instructions, and
o is substantive
o addresses each part of the Assignment
o posted by the deadline
o has a structure this is clear, logical and easy to follow (including an introduction and conclusion)
o transitions well between sections
o is directed to the appropriate audience
o has a tone that is appropriate to the content and assignment
o is free of errors related to word usage, punctuation, grammar and spelling
o meets the PPT-length requirement with detailed Talking Points
o is supported by references (5+ references) with APA formatting