Develop Workplace Policies And Procedures For Sustainability
Assessment Tool
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Table of Contents
How Do I Use This Book? ................................................................................................................................... 4
Assessment Resource Summary ........................................................................................................................ 5
General Instructions to Student ......................................................................................................................... 6
General information on Assessment Methods .................................................................................................. 9
Learner Declaration ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Assessment 1 -Project ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Develop workplace sustainability policy .......................................................................................................... 13
Activity 1 -Meet with stakeholders .................................................................................................................. 15
Activity 2– Gather Information/Conduct an Audit .......................................................................................... 16
Sustainability Audit Report -Template ............................................................................................................. 17
Activity 3 – Report............................................................................................................................................ 20
Activity 4 -Create a Sustainability Policy .......................................................................................................... 21
Sustainability Policy – Guideline/Template ..................................................................................................... 22
Sustainability Policy Template ......................................................................................................................... 25
Assessor Use ONLY .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 28
Assessment 2 – Role Play ................................................................................................................................. 32
Communicate workplace sustainability policy ................................................................................................ 32
Assessor Use ONLY .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Assessment 3 –Report & Procedures............................................................................................................... 35
Implement workplace sustainability policy ..................................................................................................... 35
Report Guidelines ............................................................................................................................................ 36
Implementation Plan Template ....................................................................................................................... 37
Assessor Use ONLY .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 38
Assessment 4- Case Study & Report ................................................................................................................ 40
Review workplace sustainability policy implementation ................................................................................ 40
Part 1 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 41
Part 2 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 41
Monitoring strategy ..................................................................................................................................... 42
Assessor Use ONLY .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 43
Assessment 4 -Written Task............................................................................................................................. 46
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How Do I Use This Book?
Your assessor will go through this handbook and the assessment activities with you in detail, before the assessment process
This Handbook is divided into two sections:
• Section 1 -The introduction –
which provides general information about the unit(s) of competency you, will be assessed in.
• The second section contains
specific detailed information of the assessment component activities. You will need to complete each assessment activity completely and to the required standard explained to you by your trainer and in this handbook to achieve competence in this assessment process
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Welcome to your assessment on the following unit(s) of competency
Assessment Resource Summary Unit Details BSBSUS501 Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability
Assessment Type This is a summative assessment, which requires each student being able to practice prior to undertaking this assessment
Assessment Methods
Project Assessment 1
Develop a sustainability policy Activities 1-4
Role Play
Assessment 2 Communicate workplace sustainability
Assessment 3 Implement workplace sustainability
Case study/Report
Assessment 4 Review workplace sustainability policy
Written Assessment Assessment 5
Written Assessment
Unit Summary This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop and implement a workplace sustainability policy and to modify the policy to suit changed circumstances.
It applies to individuals with managerial responsibilities who undertake work developing approaches to create, monitor and improve strategies and policies within workplaces and engage with a range of relevant stakeholders and specialists.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
Unit Code Title Training package code and title
BSBSUS501 Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability
Industry Capability – Sustainability
*Prerequisite Unit Nil
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General Instructions to Student
Please read all the information before you proceed to complete the assessment tasks. If you do not understand any part of these instructions, please ask your trainer/assessor.
Objective of Assessment
The primary objective of assessment is to support and encourage your learning. Assessment results give the assessor an indication of how well you have learnt in class and or areas you may need extra support with. The assessments are intended to be equitable, fair and flexible. All the information, skills and knowledge being assessed by the assessments have been based on theory, practical and skills delivered by your trainer/assessor during classes, and or during self-directed study and meet the requirements of the unit of competency.
Assessment Feedback and Support throughout the Assessment Process
Students are encouraged to reflect on key observations and issues encountered during their studies to encourage learning. Knowing what you understand or have mastered and identifying where you need to improve the critical skills for successful learning.
Your assessor will give you feedback throughout the duration of the unit you are studying and after assessment results. The feedback given to you will always be to support your achievements and to monitor your progress throughout your studies.
Reasonable Adjustment or Special Needs
In the situation where you or your assessor feel that extra support needs to be given, your assessor will organise a time to meet with you and discuss the options available to you. Your assessors aim is to ensure the successful completion of your course with the least amount of difficulty.
Reasonable adjustment will be provided for students with a disability or learning difficulty according to the nature of the disability or difficulty. Reasonable adjustments are made to ensure that the student is not presented with artificial barriers to demonstrating achievement in the program of study. Reasonable adjustments may include the use of adaptive technology, educational support and alternative methods of assessment such as oral assessment.
In assessing the competence of individuals, assessors must provide for reasonable adjustments to ensure the assessment principles of fairness and flexibility are addressed. However, assessors must be confident that reasonable adjustments do not compromise the outcomes of the unit and the integrity of the qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued as certification of achievement.
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Achieving a Satisfactory Result and Reassessment
This qualification is based on Competency based training.
There are two outcomes for each assessment task level:
S (S) = Satisfactory
Or: (NS) = Not Satisfactory (requires more training and experience or evidence to complete the
You must achieve a satisfactory result for all components of the unit tasks to be deemed overall
Competent (C) in this unit.
▪ Should you not be successful in your attempt your assessor will provide directive feedback to guide to success in your second attempt; i.e. reassessment.
▪ You will be given two (2) re-assessment opportunities of which one will be at no cost to you but the second one will incur a fee. Please refer to the fee schedule located on the website.
▪ Assessment reasonable adjustment may be exercised by your assessor at their discretion.
Appeal an Academic Decision
Where a student does not agree with the Assessors decision they should first discuss the issue with the assessor and try to reach an understanding of the decision and a way forward to get the issue resolved.
If this informal approach does not lead to a satisfactory result for the student and he/she believes is unfair, then they may ask for another trainer/assessor to objectively re-mark their submission.
If the result and feedback from the 2nd re-marking is consistent with the first marking – yet the student still wishes to pursue the matter further - they may then lodge an appeal following the College’s Complaints and Appeals process. Please refer to the Victorian College of Education Complaints and Appeals Policy for further details.
Cheating and Plagiarism
Victorian College of Education will not tolerate Cheating and plagiarism from any student. Evidence of plagiarism and cheating are treated on a case by case basis and consequences for students engaging in such practices may include being deemed Not Yet Satisfactory in the assessment or Not Yet Competent in the unit or exclusion from the course If you are caught cheating, you will be required to re-enrol in the unit which will incur a fee. Please refer to the schedule of fees on the VCEA website.
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Submitting Assessment Tasks
You must submit all assessment tasks together with the provided cover sheet. Work submitted without a coversheet will be returned unmarked. ALL tasks must be completed in legible English. It is preferable that tasks are typed where this is not possible or where room is provided on a paper for short answers, you must write clearly.
Cover sheets Student must submit a completed coversheet with all assessment tasks, ensuring the student declaration section is signed. Assessment cover sheets are available from the front office.
Due dates Submissions must be made by the due date. Late submissions will be treated as reassessment unless the student gets the pre-approval from the trainer.
Referencing Students should follow the Harvard style of referencing on all assignments, reports and project submitted.
Student Access to Records
Students have the right to access current and accurate records of their participation and results at any time. Students can see their results by requesting the information from their trainer/assessor or can request a copy of records by contacting student administration.
Due Date and Extensions
Submit the task before or on due date. If you need extensions consult your trainer/assessor. Remember extension is an agreement between you and your trainer/assessor and this can be obtained if the need is genuine or under compassionate circumstances. You will be required to submit your request for extension in writing to your trainer and attach any supporting documents.
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General information on Assessment Methods
Assessment tasks may be structured with any combination of a) Written tasks assignment/projects. b) open book tests c) closed book exams d) role plays, e) Practical demonstrations.
Each unit will clearly show 1. How many tasks there are 2. What the nature of the task is – (see above)
You must complete all these units and gain a satisfactory result in all tasks to be deemed competent in the unit.
Written Tasks
• Ensure you are clear on the topic. If you are unsure, please ask questions to your trainer/assessor.
• If it is an open book test: -You will have to bring your own books for reference
• If this is a closed book exam – No books or smart phones will be allowed on your desk.
• Ensure you know what date and what time the test will start and what the duration can complete the test.
• In your responses please ensure you print clearly
• To achieve satisfactory, ALL questions MUST be answered CORRECTLY
• Use a pen. Assessments written in pencil or red pen will not be accepted. • If your writing is illegible your trainer may request, you to type your written task. You will then
need to sign the student declaration of authenticity. Your trainer at their discretion may also quiz you with verbal questions for deeming authenticity.
• Ask your assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she may be able to re-word the question for you.
• Do not talk to your classmates. If you are caught talking, you will be asked to leave, and your assessment will not be marked.
• Do not cheat. Anyone caught cheating will automatically be marked Not Satisfactory (NS) for this assessment. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.
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Practical Tasks:
Your trainer will: • Set a date for each task. • Set a preparation time to deliver your dishes – this is to reflect the realistic commercial time
constrains and pressures. • Advise students of the topic. • Allow opportunities for the student to ask questions • Provide you with standard recipes for the assessment task • The trainer will demonstrate how to prepare and present the dish. • You will also be given time to practice the dishes prior to practical observation of the task.
Practical units of competence offer the opportunity for the student to be graded on their competence at each class by what they have prepared and how they have prepared it. For a student to be competent - the final product should be one that could be sold in a commercial situation and purchased by a happy customer. If you would send it back if you were given the dish at a restaurant then quite clearly competence has not been achieved.
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Learner Declaration
I understand what is required to be completed in this assessment. I have been fully informed, and I am confident to proceed.
Learner Name: Learner Signature: Date:
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Assessment 1 -Project Develop workplace sustainability policy
This assessment involves several different activities that will require each to be completed and submitted correctly. Assessment 2 will result in a draft of a sustainability policy for the case study scenario.
For this assessment you will utilise a fictional/simulate business on which you will research, discuss and create a policy.
This task is aimed at helping you to investigate key elements of sustainability policy development, including developing the policy scope and statement, consultation, and addressing any environmental compliance issues for your workplace. You’ll also plan and develop workplace procedures and activities to implement and communicate the policy. This will lead to having a system in place to continually improve and review workplace sustainability practices.
Assessment 1 is a project that involves 4 activities:
All 4 activities must be completed correctly to gain a satisfactory outcome on this task.
• Activity 1 -Meet with stakeholders
• Activity 2– Gather Information/Conduct an Audit
• Activity 3 – Report
• Activity 4 -Create a Sustainability Policy
For this assessment you will utilise a fictional business. Please read the following case study scenario
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VCEA Resort You work as the manager of VCEA Resort, a 100-room hotel located in Melbourne.
VCEA resort is based off the Queensland coast on a beautiful tropical island. The resort is home to 1000 live on residents and houses a boutique style resort for tourists and guests. There are currently 200 staff that service the resort. The island is home to many natural fauna and flora that need protecting. The island is surrounded by undrinkable sea-salt and electricity is expensive that has been supplied form the mainland. Waste is becoming a building issue.
You have been instructed to review the hotel’s waste management policy and investigate the current use of resources at the hotel.
Sustainable awareness in the workplace is not one of your strengths, leading you to undertake some research on relevant regulatory requirements before moving forward. As a consultative manager, you thought it beneficial for your work group to participate in the review and arranged an information session to discuss the topic further.
During the information session, you discovered some passion amongst workers for sustainability and gathered some useful ideas enabling you to set targets and commence work on developing a plan of action.
Your job is to create a ‘green team’ to help you identify areas that need attention, improvement and to develop your new ‘Sustainability policy. This will be done in the classroom either as a class group discussion or in smaller groups. (Alternatively, in certain circumstances – at the discretion of the assessor it may be done as homework through research – however it is highly recommended that a group discussion is the preferred method.)
The main task is to develop a sustainability policy for the scenario business. You will need to do some research and then brainstorm ideas in the stakeholder meeting.
Please read each of the activities and follow the instructions to complete assessment 1 satisfactory.
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Activity 1 -Meet with stakeholders –
Gather information from a range of sources to help you plan and develop a sustainability policy
Some handy websites for information on the environment and sustainability are:
Meet with your ‘green team’/stakeholders and have a group discussion of some of the important and unique areas being a remote island that you need to focus. (This may be done as a class discussion or divide into smaller group)
Your trainer will observe your contribution to the discussion.
Using the scenario and some of your research on environmental and sustainability issues, brainstorm different ideas and different parts of the business that need to be given priority. Consider the following in your discussion and ideas:
• Minimising resource use
• Resource efficiency
• Reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use
• Employing life cycle management approaches
• Continuous improvement
Have one person in the group record the ideas as your basis for the next step…
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Activity 2– Gather Information/Conduct an Audit
For this task you will perform an audit on this simulated business. You may do this as a group activity or part of the discussion, but you need to submit your own individual work. You may also do this as homework.
The audit may examine the following areas:
➢ Type/s of business activities ➢ Location of premises ➢ Number of personnel ➢ Energy usage levels ➢ Potential environmental impacts ➢ Level and types of emissions ➢ Any strategies already in place for environmental management ➢ Your company’s level of commitment to environmental sustainability. ➢ Once these have been identified you need to check with environmental authorities to establish if
licences/permits have or need to be obtained to comply with legislation and regulations.
You may use the Audit template in this booklet to assist you and further analyse each category of the business in relation to sustainability.
Complete each of the categories and submit to your assessor by the due date.
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Sustainability Audit Report -Template
Name of organisation
Date of audit
Venue Unit/Topic Policy and sustainability
Name of person conducting audit
Authorised by:
Consider types of technology and equipment that require energy. What equipment uses the most/least energy? Are switches left on overnight/weekend? Is the sleep mode/screen saver used? What practices are currently in place to help minimise energy wastage? Is there an existing policy and procedure for sustainable energy practices?
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Consider the levels of water usage. How is water used daily? What things/tasks use up the most water? Are staff using water sensibly? What practices or policies are in place to support effective water use?
What is considered waste at the workplace? Describe the types of things which are classified as wastage. Explain whether there are some areas of the workplace which accumulate more waste than others. Are staff conscious with waste management practices?
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Describe products used in the workplace that consist of chemical substances. What are they used for? Is there an existing policy or procedure for management of chemicals? Are staff responsible with the handling of chemicals?
Describe your overall thoughts on the types of sustainability practices currently in place. Overall, is the workplace environmentally friendly? Why/Why not? What sustainable practice strategies could you recommend improving each area?
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Activity 3 – Report From your discussions you are to prepare short report (min 3 pages) to submit to your CEO (Assessor)
In this report you’ll look at defining the scope of the resort’s workplace sustainability policy and the development process. This will involve consultation with stakeholders/green team, identifying strategies for minimising resource use and planning the implementation of the policy and related procedures.
Scope refers to a summary of what your policy involves and aims to achieve. It is usually at the beginning of the policy
It can include such things as:
➢ How broadly the policy will apply within your organisation. ➢ Will it be applied across the whole company or within a section or department? ➢ Determine what your policy will cover. ➢ An essential consideration is compliance with relevant environmental laws and regulations and
codes of conduct ➢ List and describe which relevant laws/regulations and codes of conduct apply to the resort. ➢ What is the purpose of this policy. ➢ Who will be involved? ➢ What are the key factors to measure and monitor your success.
Next you will refer to the audit you completed in activity 2 and the group consultation (activity 1) with the stakeholders/green team.
From the audit report you will select and focus on the following Five (5) areas of the business for sustainability.
1. minimising resource use 2. resource efficiency 3. reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use 4. employing life cycle management approaches 5. continuous improvement
For each of these 5 you will prepare at least two strategies or activities to meet the objective you have set.
Your recommendations to the CEO must align with VCEA Hotels budget and vison and mission. They must be based on their suitable effectiveness, timeframes and costs.
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Activity 4 -Create a Sustainability Policy
Based on your previous activities you will now collate all your research, discussions and consultations, audit and prepare a draft sustainability policy for review to the CEO. Ensure you develop a policy that reflects the scenario and the organisation’s commitment to sustainability
as an integral part of business planning and as a business opportunity
If you have not prepared a sustainability policy previously you may like to refer to the guide with examples in this booklet on how to structure your policy and what to include. And then create your policy using the Policy Template in this booklet
Ensure you complete all the sections in the template fully and in as much detail as possible.
When setting your sustainability goals utilise the SMART method of setting your goals and objectives.
This will assist in the next assessments where you will review your performance against your objectives.
Your policy must include the following:
• Agreed outcomes
• Performance indicators
• Activities to be undertaken
• Assigned responsibilities
• Record keeping, review and improvement processes
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Sustainability Policy – Guideline/Template
Vision The vision statement should be a sentence of approximately 10 words that concisely describes your
ideal outcome, product or service.
We strive to produce better events for a better planet.
Principles As you plan events you will need touch-points that help you decide what is important. A list of principles that are most relevant to you will help you know how to best respond to an opportunity or challenge in a way that aligns with your sustainability vision. In this section you may also want to reference important
protocols or commitments your company may already have. For example, if you are a signatory to the UN Global Compact, or another principles-based document.
Our approach to business is guided by commitments to the following principles: Leadership,
Inclusivity, Transparency, Integrity, Stewardship and Continuous Improvement.
Important Issues There are many important issues in the world. Which ones are most important to your organization? Here
is one way to understand how issues and principles are different: If Issues are the things you think are important to address, Principles guide how you approach and respond to issues.
Our business faces many challenges and opportunities. Due to their direct impact on us and our stakeholders we have prioritized the following issues that need to be addressed: Climate change, water
conservation, accessibility, health and safety and financial solvency.
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Our Commitment & Scope Sometimes, your ability to act on your policy can be affected by what you control and influence. So, it makes sense your policy should clarify any boundaries. Are there certain individuals, organizations or
events to which it will always apply? Are there variations? In addition to any voluntary commitments to act,
you should also touch on your duty to act under prevailing law. This gives important guidance, especially if you operate in jurisdictions where laws may be different.
• This policy will apply to all events hosted by our organization. This is assumed to include events we host and pay for, including sponsorships. Staff and contractors are fully expected to uphold objectives under this policy possible within prevailing budgets. And to inform management of financial and other barriers to achieving goals.
• We acknowledge we have limited influence over third parties whose events we may attend but do
not organize, such as trade shows where we exhibit. While we cannot control the decisions of these parties, we commit to educate them of our policy and encourage them to align operating practices with policy objectives.
• Our attention to environmental, social and economic responsibility includes working
within the law and voluntarily exceeding legal requirements to be innovative and
demonstrate leadership on the issues that are important to us and our stakeholders. As
we design experiences, execute events and evaluate our success we can choose every
day in big and small ways how our actions and words build a better quality of life for our
employees, clients, event participants and suppliers.
Objectives Your commitment should be broken down into key objectives that are SMART: specific, measurable,
achievable, relevant and timely. Your operational policies and projects can go more specifically into how you
apply these objectives. Strong sustainability policies will also be specific on how each objective is measured by
identifying an indicator and a target. An indicator is what you measure while targets state what level of
performance you want to achieve for what is measured. Try to make your targets reasonable and achievable to
ensure that you can reach your goals and build on your successes in a positive way.
We commit to:
1. Minimize environmental impacts in the areas of waste, water, energy and
air quality. o kWh energy use at office: Reduce to under than 21,000
kWh this year. o Emissions produced by staff air travel: Reduce to fewer than 15 MT per FTE project manager.
2. Give back to communities by volunteering and donating resources. o Value of pro-bono work: $60,000.
3. Ensure our supply chain has responsible social and environmental practices.
o Percentage of vendors used who meet company minimum sustainability guidelines: 75% of vendors compliant.
4. Create innovative approaches to minimize negative environmental impacts, improve economic bottom lines and integrate the social elements in to delivering meetings.
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o Number of sustainability innovations introduced for client projects: 5 minimum.
Reporting State your intention to report progress against your sustainability goals.
1. We will externally report on our progress against these goals once per year.
2. Internal senior reviews will be held at least once per year.
3. Management reviews will be conducted quarterly.
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Sustainability Policy Template Student name Assessment
Supervisor Unit/Topic Policy and sustainability
Workplace Policy date
Policy contributors
Policy owner
Important Issues
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Strategies to achieve goals
Policy Scope
Policy goals and objectives
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Evaluation methods
Methods of continuous review and improvement
Review period:
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Assessment 1 -Assessor Checklist – Assessor Use ONLY
This checklist is to be used when assessing the students in the associated task. This checklist is to be completed for each student. Please refer to separate mapping document for specific details relating to
alignment of this task to the unit requirements.
Please complete below
Student Name:
Student ID No:
Did the student: Satisfactory Comments
Activity 1 -Meet with stakeholders
Did the student conduct some research on environmental and sustainability legislation and purposes?
Yes No
Did the student read and show understanding of the scenario
Yes No
Did the student gather information from a range of sources to help them plan and develop a sustainability policy?
Yes No
Identify and consult stakeholders as a key component of the policy development process
Yes No
Consult and communicate with relevant stakeholders to generate engagement with sustainability policy development, implementation and continuous improvement
Yes No
Did the student participate in an active discussion with other ‘stakeholders’
Yes No
Did the student show the ability to apply learned knowledge to the scenario?
Yes No
At the end of the discussion/brainstorming session does the student have some identified areas and suggestions to improve sustainability practices?
Yes No
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Activity 2 - Gather Information/Conduct an Audit
Gather information from a range of sources to plan and develop policy i.e. the websites provided, internal stakeholders and the audit
Yes No
Did the student complete the audit successfully Yes No
Did the student complete the review of each section with specific areas to monitor and recorded current usage (If applicable)
Yes No
Activity 3 - Report
Did the student submit a professional report sing the correct report writing structure, match to the scenario and addressed all the necessary criteria?
Yes No
Did the student articulate and define the SCOPE of the sustainability policy matching to the scenario
Yes No
Identified a minimum of the following 5 areas:
1. minimising resource use
2. resource efficiency
3. reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use
4. employing life cycle management approaches
5. continuous improvement
Yes No
Made recommendations of a minimum of 2 strategies for each of the above 5 areas.
Yes No
Include appropriate strategies in policy at all stages of work for minimising resource use, reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use and employing life cycle management approaches
Yes No
Make recommendations for policy options based on likely effectiveness, timeframes and cost
Yes No
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Activity 4 - Create a Sustainability Policy
Submitted a completed sustainability policy matching the scenario in the appropriate structure
Yes No
Include appropriate strategies in policy at all stages of work for minimising resource use, reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use and employing life cycle management approaches
Yes No
Make recommendations for policy options based on likely effectiveness, timeframes and cost
Yes No
Developed a policy that reflects the organisation’s commitment to sustainability as an integral part of business planning and as a business opportunity