Total points: 30 must work individually
a) Use the PP presentation: “Introduction to Telecommunications” and the “OSI model” as your main source of information when answering the questions in this HW.
b) THEN if you want to complement your answer with a material found in a web source feel free to do it. However, beware that “copy and paste “is not allowed but you can summarize the information on the web and REFER THE SOURCE appropriately.
c) Multiple choice questions can be answered by doing a detailed reading of the PP presentation. (In the end, quiz one and possibly the final, will test your understanding of the PP presentation NOT necessarily the web sources you have found)
d) Beware that unless you have a lot of experience in the telecomm field there are MANY web source materials not well explained. You might get more confused with the concepts by using the web as your main source instead of the PP presentation.
1. Go to
a. What is the “SPEED” or “TRANSFER RATE” (if can be known from the advertisement) of each one of the 3 different promotions? (explain please) (1/2 point)
b. What is the BANDWIDTH (If it can be known) of each one the three different promotions? (1/2 Point) (explain please)
c. What is the CAPACITY of each one of the three different promotions? (1/2 point) (explain please)
d) Why is the main reason the download speed is typically different from the upload speed? (1/2 point) (explain please)
2. Read the Following sources (3 points)
a. PowerPoint presentation “Intro to telecomm”
b. http://ecomputernotes.com/computernetworkingnotes/communication-networks/broadband-versus-baseband
c. http://fiberbit.com.tw/differences-between-baseband-and-broadband-transmission/
Submit 200 to 250 words integrated summary (An integrated summary is NOT a summary of the three sources separately, but a ONE you do AFTER reading the three sources, condensate in ONE). The quality of your summary will give you the points. BEWARE of PLAGIARISM, must be in your own words, there will be no excuses.
3. If a cable (MEDIUM) has been adapted to have a fmin = 0.5 GHz and fmax= 2 GHZ, (G is for GIGA). Which of the following statements are NOT correct?
a. It is possible to change the BW of the media if we change the coding and modulation technique.
b. A signal with BW = 1 GHZ will be severely attenuated when transmitted by this medium
c. The BW of the media can’t be calculated however, the capacity and the speed are easily calculated.
d. The BW can’t be increased by improving equalization and by reducing the noise on the line.
e. A signal of 5,000 KHZ will have no problem moving along this cable
Briefly ( i.e. ~ 50 words) explain the choices that you believe are NOT CORRECT and why. No explanation NO credit! (if more than one answer is NOT correct you tell me which ones are right and why… PLEASE Only explain the one(s) that is (are) NOT CORRECT) (4 points)
4. Make a 200 to 250 summary about the following link (Own Words please or heavy penalties) (2 points)
5. 4.Which of the following statements (or statement is) are NOT CORRECT about Signal to noise ratio (S/N) or Carrier to Noise (C/N) (4 points)
a. We must increase both, the signal and the noise power so there is no need for an equalizer.
b. The lower the Signal-to-Noise ratio the worst it is for telecomm.
c. When the signal has low power and the noise has high power, the C/N (S/N) ratio is low.
d. C/N ratio is better when we diminish the noise power so the signal can be better differentiated
e. C/N ratio could not be calculated or controlled at all because the average noise and the signal level can’t be measured.
f. C/N ratio is directly proportional to the BW of the media and then directly proportional to the media Capacity.
Briefly explain the NOT correct choices only (Even if you have the correct choice, if your explanation is not technically correct no credit)
5. Which of the following statements are correct? (if any) (2 points)
a. Broadband can’t transmit Voice, Video and Data at the same time
b. Baseband can transmit Voice, Video and Data at the same time
c. Broadband can divide the channel in many phase slots so it can transmit different signals in different phases of the wave.
d. Baseband is capable of transmitting voice, data and video however it must divide the BW is different frequencies to allow the transmission.
e. Broadband and baseband use FDM and TDM respectively to transmit signals.
Briefly explain your choices (Please explain only the correct statements only …. if the explanation is not technically sound no credit)
6. If 5000 equal signals are transmitted in 50 seconds. The Period (In seconds or milliseconds) and frequency (in KHertz) of each signals is____ (Show your calculations or no credit) (1 point)
a. T= 1 second and 0.1 KHz
b. T = 0.01 milliseconds and 0.01 KHz
c. T= 0.01 milliseconds and 100 KHz
d. T= 0.01 seconds and 10 KHz
e. None of the above
7. Which of the following factors do(es) not affect the “transfer rate” in a connection (1 point)
a. The receiver’s ability to receive the data
b. The transmitter’s ability to put data on the media
c. The amount of or machines connected to the server demanding data (i.e. The server you are downloading from)
d. The noise of the media involved in the connection
e. The size of the file transmitter
Briefly explain your choice(s) (choices with not sound or correct explanation no credit)
8. A synchronous transmission uses the sequence “1100100100100100000000000” to synchronize the equipment and the sequence “0011011011011011111111111” to let the equipment know the transmission has ended. In this transmission line 10,000 bits of information are transmitted at once (NOT including the above sequences which are added for sync purposes) what is the efficiency of this synchronous transmission channel assuming there is no noise? Explain, show your calculations (2 points) give your efficiency in percentage with 4 digits’ precision (i.e. 90.9193%)
9. Your transmitter can transmit up to 5 Gigabits/second, your receiver can receive up to 7 Gigabits/second and the Capacity of the channel is 10 Gigabits/second. Which of the following statements are wrong IF any? (Assume there is no noise, and when one change is mentioned, assume the other parameters are maintained the same)
a. Changing the transmitter to a one capable of transmitting 7 Gigabits/second will increase the Bandwidth of the channel.
b. Changing the receiver to a one capable of receiving 15 Gigabits/second will increase the speed of the channel to 15 Gigabits/second.
c. If another media with capacity 15 Gigabit/second is used this will ensure to increment the BW to 15 Gigabits/second.
d. Changing the transmitter to a one capable of transmitting 10 Gbits/second will optimize the transmission from beginning to end.
e. Changing ALL (transmitter, receiver and media) to 10 gigabits/second in capacity will ensure the Bandwidth is 10 GHZ per second.
(5 points) Briefly explain your WRONG choices only (no sound explanation for your choices no credit)
10. Prepare a 400-hundred-word summary (in your own words) of the following link (a couple of figures can be inserted as fare as you explain tem in your own words) (4 points)
Again, I will stress to read the plagiarism policy in the Syllabus before submitting, you can’t claim ignorance or that “it is your first time” or that it is your first semester. This is valid for ANY of the above questions too.