• Differentiate between a compound microscope and a stereomicroscope (dissecting microscope) in terms of: i. Magnification (which of the two microscopes has a higher magnification); ii. Working distance (which of the two microscopes has a larger working distance) – look in Lab Protocol section to determine definition of working distance; iii. Type of image formed by microscope (one of the microscope produces an erect image while the other produces an inverted image) – look in Lab Protocol section to determine definition of these types of images; Type of specimen viewed; Size (one of the microscopes is better for small, thin specimens while the other is better for large, thick specimens) Number of objective lenses (one of the microscopes has four objective lenses while the other has two objective lenses) vi. Location of light source (one of the microscopes has the light source below the stage while the other has the light source above the stage) iv. V