Text: Psychology Core Concepts: Zimbardo, Johnson and Hamilton 7TH EDITION (978-0-205183463) I cant found the text online maybe you can
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Type 1 page for each ½ hour video unit where you submit bullets outlining the content of each ½ hour lecture (not more than one page in length) AND, SEPARATELY, ANSWER ALL LEARNING OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS FROM THE ATTACHED/ENCLOSED PACKET( state each question before each of your responses. Make sure you cite page references from the text for each of your answers).
Week 8 Nov. 4 videos/Obj. units 15,16
Week 9 Nov.11 videos/Obj. units 17,18
Week 10 Nov. 18 videos/Obj. units 19,20
Week 4 Oct. 7 videos/Obj. units 7,8 Week 11 Nov. 25 videos/Obj. units 21/22
Week 5 Oct. 14 videos/Obj. units 9,10 Week 12 Dec. 2 videos/Obj. units 23/24
Week 6 Oct. 21 videos/Obj. units 11,12 Week 13 Dec. 09 videos/Obj. units 25/26
Week 7 Oct. 28 videos/Obj. units 13,14
Objective 7
After viewing the television program and completing the assigned readings, you should be able to:
1. Define and compare sensation and perception.
2. Describe how a visual stimulus gets translated into “sight” in the brain.
3. Describe the field of psychophysics.
4. Be able to distinguish distal and proximal stimuli.
5. Explain why illusions provide clues to perceptual mechanisms.
6. Describe Gestalt psychology.
7. Describe the phenomenon of perceptual constancy.
8. Describe the psychological dimensions of sound and the physiology of hearing.
9. Describe the difference between top-down and bottom up processing.
10. Discuss the senses of smell, taste and touch.
Objectives 8
After viewing the television program and completing the assigned readings, you should be able to:
1. Define learning.
2. Describe the process of classical conditioning and show how it demonstrates learning by association.
3. Cite examples of extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalizations, and discrimination.
4. Describe the process of operant conditioning.
5. Know the distinction between positive and negative punishment and between positive and negative reinforcement.
6. Describe how observational learning occurs.
7. Discuss the varieties of reinforcement schedules, including fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval and variable interval.
8. Describe cognitive influence on learning.
9. Describe biological constraints on learning and some possible effects that learning can have on the functioning of the body.
Objective 9
After viewing the television program and completing the assigned readings, you should be able to:
1. Define memory.
2. Compare implicit and explicit memory.
3. Compare declarative and procedural memory.
4. Describe the processes of encoding, storage, and retrieval.
5. Describe the characteristics of short-term, long-term, and sensory memory.
6. Define Schema.
7. Describe the accuracy of memory as a reconstructive process.
8. Define amnesia.
9. Describe processes of encoding and retrieval in Long Term Memory (LTM).
10. Describe short term memory (STM), note its limited capacity, and discuss two ways to enhance STM.
11. Compare semantic and episodic memory.
12. Discuss proactive and retroactive interference.
13. Describe chemical and anatomical factors involved in memory.
Objective 10
After viewing the television program and completing the assigned readings, you should be able to:
1. Compare inductive and deductive reasoning.
2. Define the concept, “problem”, in information processing terms and describe some ways to improve problem-solving abilities.
3. Discuss the “historical roots of methods for revealing mental processes.”
4. Describe the study of language production.
5. Explain how ambiguity in language can be resolved.
6. Give several examples of how context influences language and understanding.
7. Explain the role of visual imagery in cognition.
8. Discuss the importance of prototypes and schemas in cognition.
9. Describe what we know about the relation between cognition and brain activity.
Objective 11
After viewing the television program and completing the assigned readings, you should be able to:
1. Describe contrasting views of why human thinking is irrational and prone to error.
2. Explain the notions of heuristic thinking and analytical thinking.
3. Compare definitions of problem solving and decision making.
4. Describe the anchoring bias, availability heuristic, and representativeness heuristic.
5. Discuss why the way a problem is framed can influence a decision.
6. Define decision aversion.
7. Describe how risk affects decision making.
8. Describe at least one way in which memory and decision making can affect each other.
Objective 12
After viewing the television program and completing the assigned readings, you should be able to:
1. Compare emotion and motivation and describe their interrelationships.
2. Describe three theories concerning the sources of motivation.
3. Discuss some of the forces that drive the motivation to eat.
4. Describe some of the factors behind the motivation for sex.
5. Define the need for achievement.
6. Outline the attributions for success and failure in terms of a locus of control orientation.
7. Describe the major theories of emotion and the universality of its expression.
8. Describe the relationship between physical states and the experience of emotions.
Objectives 13
After viewing the program and completing the reading assignment, you should be able to:
1. Describe the functions of consciousness.
2. Describe the different levels of consciousness and the kinds of processing that occur at each level.
3. Define circadian rhythms and describe their relation to the 24-hour day cycle.
4. Describe the stages of sleep.
5. Identify the major sleep disorders and the effects of sleep deprivation.
6. Discuss the difference between night dreaming and day dreaming, and describe lucid dreaming.
7. Explain Freud’s theory of dreaming and contrast it with the Hobson-McCarley theory and the information-processing theory.
8. Give examples of the difference between a dream’s manifest content and latent content.
9. Describe the issues concerning sleep that will arise as people’s lives become more driven and as world travel becomes easier.
Objectives 14
After viewing the program and completing the reading assignment, you should be able to:
1. Describe hypnotic techniques, experiences, and applications.
2. Explain the difference between psychological dependence and physical addiction.
3. Define the major drug categories, and compare the effects of specific drugs, such as stimulants and depressants.
4. List and describe the characteristics of the various extended states of consciousness, such as lucid dreaming, hypnosis, mediation, hallucinations, and drug use.
5. Describe the three levels of consciousness.
6. Explain the phenomenon of “discovered memory.”
Objectives 15
After viewing the program and completing the reading assignment, you should be able to:
1. Define personality.
2. Compare type and traits theories of personality.
3. List and describe “The Big Five” dimensions of personality.
4. Describe Freud’s theory of personality development and the role of the id, ego, and superego in the conscious self.
5. Describe how post-Freudian theories differ from Freudian theories.
6. Describe the major humanistic theories and their contribution.
7. Describe social learning and cognitive theories and their contribution.
8. List the five most important differences in assumptions about personality across theoretical perspectives.
9. Compare the value and accuracy of standardized and projective tests of personality.
Objectives 16
After viewing the program and completing the reading assignment, you should be able to:
1. Define assessment.
2. Describe several ways to measure the reliability and validity of a psychological test.
3. Identify the contributions of Galton, Binet, Terman and Weschler to the science of measuring intelligence.
4. Explain how IQ is computed.
5. Summarize Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences.
6. Describe the evidence for the genetic and environmental bases of intelligence.
7. List the four methodological techniques used the gather information on a person.
8. Discuss the links among intelligence, creativity, and madness.
9. Explain the function of vocational interest tests.
10. Discuss the controversies surrounding intelligence assessment.
Objectives 17
After viewing the program and completing the reading assignment, you should be able to:
1. Define and compare the difference among these terms: sex, gender, gender identity, and gender role.
2. Explain the role of pheromones in sexual arousal.
3. Describe evolutionary theory as it applies to sexual behavior.
4. Describe the similarities in and differences between males and females in the sexual response cycle and mating.
5. Summarize current research on homosexuality.
Objectives 18
After viewing the program and completing the reading assignment, you should be able to:
1. Describe Erikson’s eight psychosocial stages.
2. List the physical changes associated with aging.
3. Summarize the tasks of adolescence.
4. Discuss the central concerns of adulthood.
5. List the strengths and weaknesses of Kohlberg’s cognitive approach to moral development, describe the controversies around the issues of gender and cultural differences in moral judgment, and discuss the distinction between moral behavior and moral judgment.
6. Identify cultural factors that place youth at risk for unhealthy development.
7. Discuss the importance of attachment in social development.
8. List the biological and social factors that can affect health and sexuality in later life.
9. Describe the risk factors for an elderly person in a nursing home.
Objectives 19
After viewing the program and completing the reading assignment, you should be able to:
1. Describe Philip Zimbardo’s prison experiment and his conclusions about how people’s behavior is constrained by social situations.
2. Describe Solmon Asch’s experiment and his conclusions on the conditions that promote conformity.
3. Compare the major leadership styles in Lewin’s experiment and describe their effects on each group of boys.
4. Describe Stanley Milgram’s obedience experiments and his conclusions about conditions that promote blind obedience.
5. Describe the phenomenon of bystander intervention and how it reflects another aspect of situational forces.
6. Describe Serge Moscovici’s work on the influence of the minority on the majority.
7. Discuss various factors that contribute to aggressive behavior.
8. Explain why experimental research is necessary for understanding social influences on behavior.
Objectives 20
After viewing the program and completing the reading assignment, you should be able to:
1. Explain the fundamental attribution error.
2. Describe attribution theory.
3. Explain self-perception theory.
4. Summarize Rosenthal’s experiment that demonstrates the Pygmalion effect and explain its relation to self-fulfilling prophecies.
5. Describe the effect of cognitive dissonance on behavior and attitude change.
6. Describe the techniques used by cults to maintain control over their members.
Objectives 21
After viewing the program and completing the reading assignment, you should be able to:
1. Identify the seven criteria commonly used to determine abnormal behavior.
2. Describe the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and how it is used.
3. Explain how psychological disorders are classified.
4. List and describe the major types of psychological disorders.
5. List the biological and psychological approaches to studying the etiology of psychopathology.
6. Summarize the genetic and psychosocial research related to the origins of schizophrenia, including subtypes and etiology.
If you’re wondering why we’re bringing you a new edition of Psychology: Core Concepts . . .
1 In the new seventh edition, we feature new cutting-edge research on the neuroscience of social interaction, cul- tural influences on perception, daydreaming, taste, and meditation, as well as updates on bullying, the slower rise of IQ scores (the Flynn effect) in developed coun- tries, the myth of multitasking, and much more. We also introduce readers to a groundbreaking modification of Maslow’s famous hierarchy of needs, newly framed by evolutionary psychologists.
2 Our lead author Philip Zimbardo has recently published a detailed description and analysis of his famous Stanford Prison Experiment in The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil. We are pleased to include in Psychology: Core Concepts some of the insights he presented in Lucifer—particularly the notion of the effect of impersonal social systems, as well as social situations, on human behavior. Ours is the only introductory text in which you will find a discussion of how these social systems, such as organizations and bureaucracies, create a context that can profoundly influence the behavior of groups and individuals.
3 Dr. Zimbardo has also done important new work on the differences among people in their time perspective, re- ferring to a focus on the past, the present, or the future. This text is the only introduction to psychology to dis- cuss the powerful influence of time perspective on our decisions and actions.
4 In this edition, Read on MyPsychLab icons appear in the margins indicating that additional readings are
available for students to explore. For example, one of the Read features in Chapter 3 (Sensation and Percep- tion) deals with the classic study of backward masking. In Chapter 12 (Disorders and Therapy), you can read more about an African perspective on mental disorder.
5 One of our goals in this new edition is, again, to help you learn to “think like psychologists.” To do so, we have placed new emphasis on two kinds of psychological think- ing: (1) problem solving and (2) critical thinking. Every chapter begins with a Problem and ends with a critical analysis of an important psychological question, such as gender differences or repressed memory.
6 We have made a special effort in the seventh edition to provide clues throughout the chapter to help you un- derstand the solution to the chapter-opening Problem— which proved to be a popular feature in the last edition. The Chapter Summary now gives a brief “answer” to the problem as well.
7 We have designed the Critical Thinking applications at the end of each chapter to build upon a set of critical thinking skills introduced in Chapter One. Each of these focuses on an issue that is popularly misunderstood (e.g., the Mozart Effect) or contentious within the field (e.g., the evidence- based practice debate within clinical psychology). In this edition, we have also included the gist of the Critical Thinking section in the Chapter Summary.
8 Reflecting advances in multicultural and cross-cultural research, we have added even more coverage of culture and gender throughout the text. Our goal here is two- fold: We want you to see the relevance of psychology in your life, and we want you to understand that psychol- ogy is the science of behavior and mental processes that both generalizes and differs across cultures.
Why Do You Need This New Edition?
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Philip G. Zimbardo Stanford University
Robert L. Johnson Umpqua Community College
Vivian McCann Portland Community College
Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River
Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris
Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City São Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul
Singapore Taipei Tokyo
Seventh Edition
Core Concepts
Student Edition ISBN-10: 0-205-18346-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-205-18346-3 Instructor’s Review Copy
ISBN-10: 0-205-21513-0 ISBN-13: 978-0-205-21513-3
Books à la Carte ISBN-10: 0-205-21505-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-205-21505-8
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Zimbardo, Philip G.
Psychology : core concepts / Philip G. Zimbardo, Robert L. Johnson, Vivian McCann. -- 7th ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-205-18346-3
ISBN-10: 0-205-18346-8
1. Psychology. I. Johnson, Robert L. (Robert Lee) II. McCann, Vivian. III. Title.
BF121.Z53 2012
1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 Mind, Behavior, and Psychological Science 2 2 Biopsychology, Neuroscience, and Human Nature 40 3 Sensation and Perception 86 4 Learning and Human Nurture 132 5 Memory 170 6 Thinking and Intelligence 212 7 Development Over the Lifespan 264 8 States of Consciousness 322 9 Motivation and Emotion 362 10 Personality: Theories of the Whole Person 412 11 Social Psychology 458 12 Psychological Disorders 514 13 Therapies for Psychological Disorders 554 14 From Stress to Health and Well-Being 596 Glossary G-1 References R-1 Answers to Discovering Psychology Program Review Questions A-1 Photo Credits C-1 Name Index I-1 Subject Index I-7
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CHAPTER 1 Mind, Behavior, and Psychological Science 2
PROBLEM: How would psychologists test the claim that sugar makes children hyperactive? 3
1.1 What Is Psychology—And What Is It Not? 4 Psychology: It’s More Than You Think 4 Psychology Is Not Psychiatry 6 Thinking Critically about Psychology
and Pseudo-Psychology 7
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology 10
1.2 What Are Psychology’s Six Main Perspectives? 11 Separation of Mind and Body and the Modern Biological
Perspective 12 The Founding of Scientific Psychology and the Modern
Cognitive Perspective 13 The Behavioral Perspective: Focusing on Observable
Behavior 16
The Whole-Person Perspectives: Psychodynamic, Humanistic, and Trait and Temperament Psychology 17
The Developmental Perspective: Changes Arising from Nature and Nurture 19
The Sociocultural Perspective: The Individual in Context 19 The Changing Face of Psychology 20
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Psychology as a Major 22
1.3 How Do Psychologists Develop New Knowledge? 23 Four Steps in the Scientific Method 24 Five Types of Psychological Research 27 Controlling Biases in Psychological Research 31 Ethical Issues in Psychological Research 32
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: The Perils of Pseudo-Psychology 33
CRITICAL THINKING APPLIED: Facilitated Communication 35
Chapter Summary 36 Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide 38
PROBLEM: What does Jill Bolte Taylor’s experience teach us about how our brain is organized and about its amazing ability to adapt? 42
2.1 How Are Genes and Behavior Linked? 43 Evolution and Natural Selection 43 Genetics and Inheritance 45
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Choosing Your Children’s Genes 48
2.2 How Does the Body Communicate Internally? 49 The Neuron: Building Block of the Nervous System 50 The Nervous System 56 The Endocrine System 58
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: How Psychoactive Drugs Affect the Nervous System 60
2.3 How Does the Brain Produce Behavior and Mental Processes? 62 Windows on the Brain 63 Three Layers of the Brain 65 Lobes of the Cerebral Cortex 69 Cerebral Dominance 73
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology 79
CRITICAL THINKING APPLIED: Left Brain versus Right Brain 80
Chapter Summary 81 Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide 84
CHAPTER 2 Biopsychology, Neuroscience, and Human Nature 40
CHAPTER 3 Sensation and Perception 86
PROBLEM: Is there any way to tell whether the world we “see” in our minds is the same as the external world—and whether we see things as most others do? 88
3.1 How Does Stimulation Become Sensation? 89 Transduction: Changing Stimulation to Sensation 90 Thresholds: The Boundaries of Sensation 91 Signal Detection Theory 93
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Sensory Adaptation 93
3.2 How Are the Senses Alike? How Are They Different? 94 Vision: How the Nervous System Processes Light 94 Hearing: If a Tree Falls in the Forest . . . 100 How the Other Senses Are Like Vision and Hearing 104 Synesthesia: Sensations across the Senses 108
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: The Sense and Experience of Pain 109
3.3 What Is the Relationship between Sensation and Perception? 112 Perceptual Processing: Finding Meaning in Sensation 112 Perceptual Ambiguity and Distortion 114 Theoretical Explanations for Perception 117 Seeing and Believing 124
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology 125
CRITICAL THINKING APPLIED: Subliminal Perception and Subliminal Persuasion 126
Chapter Summary 128 Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide 130 vii
viii C O N T E N T S
CHAPTER 4 Learning and Human Nurture 132
PROBLEM: Assuming Sabra’s fear of flying was a response she had learned, could it also be treated by learning? If so, how? 134
4.1 What Sort of Learning Does Classical Conditioning Explain? 136 The Essentials of Classical Conditioning 137 Applications of Classical Conditioning 139
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Taste Aversions and Chemotherapy 142
4.2 How Do We Learn New Behaviors By Operant Conditioning? 142 Skinner’s Radical Behaviorism 143 The Power of Reinforcement 143 The Problem of Punishment 149 A Checklist for Modifying Operant Behavior 152 Operant and Classical Conditioning Compared 153
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology 155
4.3 How Does Cognitive Psychology Explain Learning? 156 Insight Learning: Köhler in the Canaries with Chimps 157 Cognitive Maps: Tolman Finds Out What’s on a
Rat’s Mind 158 Observational Learning: Bandura’s Challenge to
Behaviorism 159 Brain Mechanisms and Learning 161 “Higher” Cognitive Learning 162
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Fear of Flying Revisited 162
CRITICAL THINKING APPLIED: Do Different People Have Different “Learning Styles”? 164
Chapter Summary 166 Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide 168
CHAPTER 5 Memory 170
PROBLEM: How can our knowledge about memory help us evaluate claims of recovered memories? 172
5.1 What Is Memory? 172 Metaphors for Memory 173 Memory’s Three Basic Tasks 174
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Would You Want a “Photographic” Memory? 175
5.2 How Do We Form Memories? 177 The First Stage: Sensory Memory 178 The Second Stage: Working Memory 180 The Third Stage: Long-Term Memory 184
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: “Flashbulb” Memories: Where Were You When . . . ? 189
5.3 How Do We Retrieve Memories? 190 Implicit and Explicit Memory 190 Retrieval Cues 191 Other Factors Affecting Retrieval 193
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: On the Tip of Your Tongue 194
5.4 Why Does Memory Sometimes Fail Us? 195 Transience: Fading Memories Cause Forgetting 196 Absent-Mindedness: Lapses of Attention Cause
Forgetting 198 Blocking: Access Problems 198 Misattribution: Memories in the Wrong Context 199 Suggestibility: External Cues Distort or Create Memories 200 Bias: Beliefs, Attitudes, and Opinions Distort Memories 201 Persistence: When We Can’t Forget 202 The Advantages of the “Seven Sins” of Memory 202 Improving Your Memory with Mnemonics 203
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology 204
CRITICAL THINKING APPLIED: The Recovered Memory Controversy 206
Chapter Summary 207 Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide 210
C O N T E N T S ix
CHAPTER 7 Development Over the Lifespan 264
PROBLEM: Do the amazing accounts of similarities in twins reared apart indicate we are primarily a product of our genes? Or do genetics and environment work together to influence growth and development over the lifespan? 266
7.1 What Innate Abilities Does the Infant Possess? 268 Prenatal Development 268 The Neonatal Period: Abilities of the Newborn Child 269 Infancy: Building on the Neonatal Blueprint 271
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Not Just Fun and Games: The Role of Child’s Play in Life Success 277
7.2 What Are the Developmental Tasks of Childhood? 279 How Children Acquire Language 279 Cognitive Development: Piaget’s Theory 282 Social and Emotional Development 288
7.3 What Changes Mark the Transition of Adolescence? 296 Adolescence and Culture 296
Physical Maturation in Adolescence 297 Adolescent Sexuality 298 Neural and Cognitive Development in Adolescence 299 Moral Development: Kohlberg’s Theory 300 Social and Emotional Issues in Adolescence 302
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology: Cognitive Development in College Students 304
7.4 What Developmental Challenges Do Adults Face? 305 Early Adulthood: Explorations, Autonomy, and Intimacy 306 The Challenges of Midlife: Complexity and Generativity 308 Late Adulthood: The Age of Integrity 310
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: A Look Back at the Jim Twins and Your Own Development 313
Chapter Summary 316 Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide 320
CHAPTER 6 Thinking and Intelligence 212
PROBLEM: What produces “genius,” and to what extent are the people we call “geniuses” different from others? 214
6.1 What Are the Components of Thought? 215 Concepts 215 Imagery and Cognitive Maps 217 Thought and the Brain 218 Intuition 219
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Schemas and Scripts Help You Know What to Expect 221
6.2 What Abilities Do Good Thinkers Possess? 223 Problem Solving 223 Judging and Making Decisions 227 Becoming a Creative Genius 229
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology 232
6.3 How Is Intelligence Measured? 233 Binet and Simon Invent a School Abilities Test 234 American Psychologists Borrow Binet and Simon’s Idea 235 Problems with the IQ Formula 236 Calculating IQs “on the Curve” 237 IQ Testing Today 238
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: What Can You Do for an Exceptional Child? 239
6.4 Is Intelligence One or Many Abilities? 242 Psychometric Theories of Intelligence 242 Cognitive Theories of Intelligence 243 The Question of Animal Intelligence 247
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Test Scores and the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy 249
6.5 How Do Psychologists Explain IQ Differences Among Groups? 250 Intelligence and the Politics of Immigration 251 What Evidence Shows That Intelligence Is Influenced
by Heredity? 251 What Evidence Shows That Intelligence is Influenced
by Environment? 252 Heritability (Not Heredity) and Group Differences 253 PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Stereotype Threat 256
CRITICAL THINKING APPLIED: The Question of Gender Differences 258
Chapter Summary 259 Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide 262
CHAPTER 8 States of Consciousness 322
PROBLEM: How can psychologists objectively examine the worlds of dreaming and other subjective mental states? 324
8.1 How Is Consciousness Related to Other Mental Processes? 324 Tools for Studying Consciousness 326 Models of the Conscious and Nonconscious Minds 327 What Does Consciousness Do for Us? 329 Coma and Related States 330
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology 331
8.2 What Cycles Occur in Everyday Consciousness? 332 Daydreaming 332
Sleep: The Mysterious Third of Our Lives 333 Dreaming: The Pageants of the Night 338
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Sleep Disorders 341
8.3 What Other Forms Can Consciousness Take? 344 Hypnosis 345 Meditation 347 Psychoactive Drug States 348
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Dependence and Addiction 354
CRITICAL THINKING APPLIED: The Unconscious—Reconsidered 356
Chapter Summary 358 Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide 360
x C O N T E N T S
CHAPTER 10 Personality: Theories of the Whole Person 412
PROBLEM: What influences were at work to produce the unique behavioral patterns, high achievement motivation, and consistency over time and place that we see in the personality of Mary Calkins? 414
10.1 What Forces Shape Our Personalities? 415 Biology, Human Nature, and Personality 416 The Effects of Nurture: Personality and the Environment 416 The Effects of Nature: Dispositions and Mental
Processes 417 Social and Cultural Contributions to Personality 417 PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Explaining Unusual People
and Unusual Behavior 418
10.2 What Persistent Patterns, or Dispositions, Make Up Our Personalities? 420
Personality and Temperament 421 Personality as a Composite of Traits 422 PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Finding Your Type 426
10.3 Do Mental Processes Help Shape Our Personalities? 428 Psychodynamic Theories: Emphasis on Motivation
and Mental Disorder 428
Humanistic Theories: Emphasis on Human Potential and Mental Health 439
Social-Cognitive Theories: Emphasis on Social Learning 442
Current Trends: The Person in a Social System 445 PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn
Psychology 445
10.4 What “Theories” Do People Use to Understand Themselves and Others? 447
Implicit Personality Theories 447 Self-Narratives: The Stories of Our Lives 448 The Effects of Culture on Our Views of Personality 449 PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: The Personality of Time 450
CRITICAL THINKING APPLIED: The Person–Situation Controversy 453
Chapter Summary 454 Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide 456
CHAPTER 9 Motivation and Emotion 362
PROBLEM: Motivation is largely an internal and subjective process: How can we determine what motivates people like Lance Armstrong to work so hard at becoming the best in the world at what they do? 364
9.1 What Motivates Us? 364 Why People Work: McClelland’s Theory 365 The Unexpected Effects of Rewards on Motivation 367 PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn
Psychology 368
9.2 How Are Our Motivational Priorities Determined? 369 Instinct Theory 369 Drive Theory 370 Freud’s Psychodynamic Theory 371 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 372 Putting It All Together: A New Hierarchy of Needs 373
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Determining What Motivates Others 374
9.3 Where Do Hunger and Sex Fit into the Motivational Hierarchy? 375 Hunger: A Homeostatic Drive and a Psychological
Motive 376 The Problem of Will Power and Chocolate Cookies 379
Sexual Motivation: An Urge You Can Live Without 380 Sex, Hunger, and the Hierarchy of Needs 384
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: The What and Why of Sexual Orientation 385
9.4 How Do Our Emotions Motivate Us? 387 What Emotions Are Made Of 388 What Emotions Do for Us 389 Counting the Emotions 389 Cultural Universals in Emotional Expression 390
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Gender Differences in Emotion Depend on Biology and Culture 391
9.5 What Processes Control Our Emotions? 392 The Neuroscience of Emotion 393 Arousal, Performance, and the Inverted U 396 Theories of Emotion: Resolving Some Old Issues 397 How Much Conscious Control Do We Have Over Our
Emotions? 399
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Detecting Deception 403
CRITICAL THINKING APPLIED: Do Lie Detectors Really Detect Lies? 405
Chapter Summary 407 Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide 410
C O N T E N T S xi
CHAPTER 11 Social Psychology 458
PROBLEM: What makes ordinary people willing to harm other people, as they did in Milgram’s shocking experiment? 461
11.1 How Does the Social Situation Affect Our Behavior? 462 Social Standards of Behavior 463 Conformity 465 Obedience to Authority 471 Cross-Cultural Tests of Milgram’s Research 475 Some Real-World Extensions of the Milgram Obedience
to Authority Paradigm 477 The Bystander Problem: The Evil of Inaction 478 Need Help? Ask for It! 480
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: On Being “Shoe” at Yale U 482
11.2 Constructing Social Reality: What Influences Our Judgments of Others? 483 Interpersonal Attraction 484 Loving Relationships 488
Making Cognitive Attributions 490 Prejudice and Discrimination 492
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Stereotype Lift and Values Affirmations 498
11.3 How Do Systems Create Situations That Influence Behavior? 500 The Stanford Prison Experiment 500 Chains of System Command 502 Preventing Bullying by Systematic Changes and Reframing 504
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology 507
CRITICAL THINKING APPLIED: Is Terrorism “a Senseless Act of Violence, Perpetrated by Crazy Fanatics”? 508
Chapter Summary 510 Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide 512
PROBLEM: Is it possible to distinguish mental disorder from merely unusual behavior? That is, are there specific signs that clearly indicate mental disorder? 516
12.1 What Is Psychological Disorder? 517 Changing Concepts of Psychological Disorder 518 Indicators of Abnormality 521 A Caution to Readers 522
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: The Plea of Insanity 522
12.2 How Are Psychological Disorders Classified in the DSM-IV ? 524 Overview of the DSM-IV Classification System 524 Mood Disorders 526 Anxiety Disorders 530 Somatoform Disorders 534 Dissociative Disorders 535 Schizophrenia 537
Developmental Disorders 541 Personality Disorders 542 Adjustment Disorders and Other Conditions: The Biggest
Category of All 544 Gender Differences in Mental Disorders 544
12.3 What Are the Consequences of Labeling People? 545 Diagnostic Labels, Labeling, and Depersonalization 546 The Cultural Context of Psychological Disorder 546
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology 547
CRITICAL THINKING APPLIED: Insane Places Revisited—Another Look at the Rosenhan Study 548
Chapter Summary 550 Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide 552
CHAPTER 12 Psychological Disorders 514
xii C O N T E N T S
Glossary G-1 References R-1 Answers to Discovering Psychology Program Review Questions A-1 Photo Credits C-1 Name Index I-1 Subject Index I-7
CHAPTER 14 From Stress to Health and Well-Being 596
PROBLEM: Were the reactions and experiences of the 9/11 firefighters and others at the World Trade Center attacks typical of people in other stressful situations? And what factors explain individual differences in our physical and psychological responses to stress? 598
14.1 What Causes Distress? 600 Traumatic Stressors 601 Chronic Stressors 606
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Student Stress 611
14.2 How Does Stress Affect Us Physically? 613 Physiological Responses to Stress 614 Stress and the Immune System 617
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Cognitive Appraisal of Ambiguous Threats 619
14.3 Who Is Most Vulnerable to Stress? 620 Type A Personality and Hostility 622 Locus of Control 623 Hardiness 624
Optimism 625 Resilience 626
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology 628
14.4 How Can We Transform Negative Stress Into Positive Life Strategies? 629 Psychological Coping Strategies 630 Positive Lifestyle Choices: A “Two-for-One” Benefit to Your
Health 634 Putting It All Together: Developing Happiness and Subjective
Well-Being 637
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Behavioral Medicine and Health Psychology 639
CRITICAL THINKING APPLIED: Is Change Really Hazardous to Your Health? 641
Chapter Summary 643 Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide 646
CHAPTER 13 Therapies for Psychological Disorders 554
PROBLEM: What is the best treatment for Derek’s depression: psychological therapy, drug therapy, or both? More broadly, the problem is this: How do we decide among the available therapies for any of the mental disorders? 556
13.1 What Is Therapy? 556 Entering Therapy 557 The Therapeutic Alliance and the Goals of Therapy 557 Therapy in Historical and Cultural Context 559
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Paraprofessionals Do Therapy, Too 560
13.2 How Do Psychologists Treat Psychological Disorders? 561 Insight Therapies 562 Behavior Therapies 568 Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy: A Synthesis 571 Evaluating the Psychological Therapies 574
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Where Do Most People Get Help? 576
13.3 How Is the Biomedical Approach Used to Treat Psychological Disorders? 577 Drug Therapy 577
Other Medical Therapies for Psychological Disorders 581 Hospitalization and the Alternatives 583
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: What Sort of Therapy Would You Recommend? 584
13.4 How Do the Psychological Therapies and Biomedical Therapies Compare? 585 Depression and Anxiety Disorders: Psychological versus
Medical Treatment 587 Schizophrenia: Psychological versus Medical
Treatment 587 “The Worried Well” and Other Problems: Not Everyone Needs
Drugs 588
PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology 588
CRITICAL THINKING APPLIED: Evidence-Based Practice 589
Chapter Summary 592 Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide 594
P R E FA C E xiii
T O T H E S T U D E N T . . .
There is one simple formula for academic success, and the following demonstration will show you what it is. Study this array of letters for a few seconds: I B M U F O F B I C I A
Now, without peeking, write down as many of the letters as you can (in the correct order).
Most people remember about five to seven letters correctly. A few people get them all. How do these exceptional few do it? They find a pattern. (You may have noticed some familiar initials in the array above: IBM, UFO, FBI, CIA.) Finding the pattern greatly eases the task because you can draw on material that is already stored in mem- ory. In this case, all that needs to be remembered are four “chunks” of information instead of 12 unrelated letters.
The same principle applies to material you study for your psychology class. If you try to remember each piece of information as a separate item, you will have a difficult time. But if instead you look for patterns, you will find your task greatly simplified— and much more enjoyable.
USING PSYCHOLOGY TO LEARN PSYCHOLOGY So, how can you identify the patterns? Your friendly authors have developed several learning features that will make meaningful patterns in the text stand out clearly:
Core Concepts We have organized each major section of every chapter around a single big idea called a Core Concept. For example, one of the four Core Concepts in Chapter 5, Memory, says:
Core Concept 5.4 Human memory is an information-processing system that works constructively to encode, store, and retrieve information.
The Core Concept, then, becomes the central theme around which about 10 pages of material—including several new terms—are organized. As you read each chapter, keep- ing the Core Concept in mind will help you encode the new terms and ideas related to that concept, store them in your memory, and later retrieve them when you are being tested. To borrow an old saying, the Core Concepts become the “forest,” while the details of the chapter become the “trees.”
Key Questions Each Core Concept is introduced by a Key Question that also serves as a main heading in the chapter. Here, for example, is a Key Question from the Memory chapter:
5.4 KEY QUESTION Why Does Memory Sometimes Fail Us?
Key Questions such as this will help you anticipate the most important point, or the Core Concept, in the section. In fact, the Core Concept always provides a brief answer to the Key Question. Think of the Key Question as the high beams on your car, helping
xiv T O T H E S T U D E N T
you focus on what lies ahead. Our Key Questions should also serve as guides for you in posing questions of your own about what you are reading.
Both the Key Questions and the Core Concepts later reappear as organizing fea- tures of the Chapter Summary.
Psychology Matters Psychology has many captivating connections with events in the news and in everyday life, and we have explored one of these connections at the end of each major section in every chapter. To illustrate, here are some examples from the Memory chapter:
• Would You Want a “Photographic” Memory? • “Flashbulb” Memories: Where Were You When . . . ? • On the Tip of Your Tongue