In your previous accounting courses, you have studied for-profit financial accounting. In this course, we are studying government and not-for profit accounting. Who might be some of the users of governmental and not-for-profit entity accounting information? Also, what purpose might these users need and use this information?
To receive full-credit for this discussion, be sure to make the distinction between the users of government financial information and the users of NFP financial information.
By the end of this week, you should be able to
- research, analyze, and understand financial statements, and communicate relevant information to appropriate stakeholders
- prepare required reports and financial statements for governmental and not-for-profit entities
Explore the web site sponsored by the Greater Washington Society of CPAs (GWSCPA), based in Washington DC to learn more about the financial reporting for Not for Profit Organizations, using Assets, Liabilities, and Net Assets
Financial management for the Not for Profit organization is introduced at the web site .
The CAFR itself is educational to explain its structure, beginning with the table of contents. The details of the CAFR are presented at a web site such as .
Our course focuses on the financial reporting for government entities at the state and local level using Generally Accepted GASB
The key financial report for government entities at the state and local level is the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) . You will select a government entity with a recent CAFR as a key project and learning process for our course.
The CAFR itself is educational to explain its structure, beginning with the table of contents. The details of the CAFR are presented at a web site such as .
Access this web site to begin your study of the CAFR structure. As you consider the organization of the example CAFR you should read your government entity CAFR so you can develop a plan for your project as you learn about the form (CAFR) and your government entity.
Table of Contents
Introductory section
- Letter of Transmittal
- Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting
- Statewide Elected Officials as of June 30, 2015
- 2015 State Organization Chart
Financial section
- Independent Auditor's Report
- Management's Discussion and Analysis
- Basic Financial Statements
- Notes to the Financial Statements
- Required Supplementary Information
- Governmental Funds
- Proprietary Funds
- Fiduciary Funds
- Component Units
- Individual Fund Schedules Statistical section
- Statistical Section
Learn more about the IRS Form 990 and Not for Profit (NFP) Organizations
Learn more about the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR):
State of Maryland General Revenue Reports
State of Maryland Local Government Landing Page