Discussion 1: Personality Assessments
Personality assessments are widely used in the workplace for purposes of personal growth, career guidance, and personnel selection. Analyze the use of personality assessments in the workplace and discuss the types of concerns practitioners have about their use. In what types of circumstances would you recommend that an organization administer a personality assessment such as the MBTI assessment? In what types of circumstances would you not recommend the use of a personality assessment? Explain your answer, referencing course readings and other academic sources. Must be 300 words or more.
Discussion 2: Tests of Knowledge and Skill
Organizations have been using assessments of knowledge and skill for many years to determine potential aptitude or qualifications for a specific pursuit. For example, aptitude tests have some established predictability in terms of who might be successful in a given job or career. Tests of knowledge may be useful in determining who is eligible to practice in a certain vocational capacity, such as a CPA or a licensed engineer. Referencing Russell’s (2010) discussion, analyze the use of assessments of knowledge and skill to determine declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge and skill, and motivation. Under what circumstances do you believe such assessments are appropriate? Under what circumstances do you believe such assessments are inappropriate? Explain your answer, referencing course readings and other academic sources. Must be 300 words or more.
Recommended Resources (you may use a minimum of 2 references from below)
Atwater, L. E., Brett, J. F., & Charles, A. C. (2007). Multi-source feedback: Lessons learned and implications for practice. Human Resource Management, 46(2), 285-307. https://doi.org/10.1002/hrm.20161
Campion, M., Fink, A., Ruggeberg, B., Carr, L., Phillips, G., & Odman, R. (2011). Doing competencies well: Best practices in competency modeling. Personnel Psychology, 64(1), 225-262.
Creative Organizational Design, Inc. (COD). (n.d.). Campbell Leadership Index (CLI). Retrieved from https://www.creativeorgdesign.com/tests_page.php?id=50 (Links to an external site.). This website describe the Campbell Leadership Index, an assessment that measures characteristics associated with strong leadership behaviors.
Eisenbraun, G. A. (2006, Feb-March). The pros and cons of personality testing in the workplace. Law Now, 30(4), 17-19.
Goleman, D. [Talks at Google]. (2007, November 12). Daniel Goleman: "Social Intelligence" | Talks at Google. [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/-hoo_dIOP8k (Links to an external site.). This YouTube video features Daniel Goleman speaking on aspects of social and emotional intelligence. *Closed-captioning available.
Gough, H.G. & Bradley, P.. (n.d.). CPI 260 Client Feedback Report . Retrieved from https://shop.cpp.com/en/cpiproducts.aspx?pc=67 (Links to an external site.). The CPI 260 is a leadership assessment used widely to help individuals determine leadership strengths and opportunities for development. The CPI 260 is based on the California Psychological Inventory, restructured to focus on leadership behaviors.
Groves, K. S., McEnrue, M. P., & Shen, W. (2008). Developing and measuring the emotional intelligence of leaders. The Journal of Management Development, 27(2), 225-250.
Joseph, D. L., & Newman, D. A. (2010). Emotional intelligence: An integrative meta-analysis and cascading model. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(1), 54-78.
Judge, T. A., Bono. J. E., Ilies, R. & Gerhardt, M. W. (2002). Personality and leadership: A qualitative and quantitative review. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(4), 765-780. https://doi.org/10.1037/0021-9010.87.4.765
Kilmann Diagnostics. (n.d.). Welcome to Kilmann Diagnostics. Retrieved from http://www.kilmanndiagnostics.com/ (Links to an external site.). Discusses the use of the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument, a widely used assessment of conflict resolution strategies. The TKI measures five approaches to addressing conflict situations.
Kouzes, J.M. & Posner, B.Z., (2013, February 22) Leadership Practices Inventory: LPI - Amanda Lopez Individual Feedback Report. Retrieved from https://managersandleaders.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/LPI360Report-Sample.pdf (Links to an external site.)
Kram, K., Ting, S., & Bunker, K. (2002). On-the-job training for emotional competence. Leadership in Action, 22(3), 3-7.
Meinert, D. (2011). Seeing behind the mask. HR Magazine, 56(2), 31 – 37.
Morgeson, F. P., Mumford, T. V., & Campion, M. A. (2005). Coming full circle: Using research and practice to address 27 questions about 360-degree feedback programs. Consulting Psychology Journal, 57(3), 196-209. https://doi.org/10.1037/1065-9293.57.3.196
O’Meara, D. P. (1994). Personality tests raise questions of legality and effectiveness. HRMagazine, 39(1), 97-100.
Ployhart, R., & Holtz, B. (2008). The diversity-validity dilemma: Strategies for reducing racioethnic and sex subgroup differences and adverse impact in selection. Personnel Psychology, 61(1), 153-172.
Scott, J. C. & Reynolds, D. H. (Eds.). (2010). Handbook of workplace assessment. Retrieved from https://redshelf.com