Task: Post the Discussion Response for two students with at least 150 words with separate in-text citations and references
Question Under Consideration:
Identify two developmental experiences you have had that may have strengthened your ability to lead. What did those experiences teach you and how have you shared what you have learned with others? Be specific.
Yashaswini Raviillu Leadership-Yashaswini RaviilluCOLLAPSE
Experience one: I used to work for a Geotechnical firm. It was a small firm and had ten employees. During the initial months, I was working on my the projects that were being assigned to me. As the time passed by I developed the skills of the accountant and also performed the duties of my receptionist. While the accountant was out of the office, I was performing accountants duty along with my engineering duty and the same situation happened when the receptionist or the other engineer were not able to make it to office, I would take up their responsibilities too. The bosses were impressed with my efficiency and started assigning me their tasks in order for me to develop the skill set of a leader and perform their duties in their absence. There was an emergency situation where my accountant, bosses and receptionist were not able to make it to office for three days. That period helped me build the confidence of a leader. After that week, I was assigned the role of a substitute leader ''Substitutes for leadership" (S.Bateman & Konopaske, p382) whenever the bosses were out I was giving directions to the colleagues and eventually the bosses would take my suggestions to improve the company and if they had to retain or fire an employee. This also helped me learn to develop visions (S.Bateman & Konopaske, p368), the vision to better myself and also to help grow the organization.I have shared this experience with my coworkers and my juniors at school that every opportunity to learn should be taken and this quality helps in developing additional skill sets and adds confidence to an employee and also creates a vision for the future.
Experience two: In my current organization, the team I work for the work pressure is more in comparison to the other teams. Often times employees transfer to other teams or other organization. During January, most of my colleagues quit. It was just three of us in the team from the mid of October to beginning of February including my supervisor. However the other person in the team was transferring to the other team in two weeks so he refused to take up any new projects. I had to take the lead and perform the job of five team members to help my supervisor. At the end of the period, my supervisor noticed my efficiency and skill sets. When we had new team members joining, she assigned me the task of training the new team mates. I would provide corrective feedback to the new team mates whenever they made a mistake during the review. This helped me develop "supervisory leadership" (S.Bateman & Konopaske, p371). The experience helped me develop the training skills and also helped me learn to provide constructive feedbacks.In this situation, my new team mates saw the efficiency in me and that inspired them to develop skills and also improve their efficiency and put in more efforts to learn new concepts and implement it in their day to day work.
1. Bateman.T.S & Konopaske. R. Management: Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World. Leadership, 12, 364-397.