Plumley 1
Basil Plumley, Research Paper Topic and Thesis
Mr. Wright
EH 1302
10 October 2017
Research Paper Topic and Thesis
I have read and understand “A Word about the Thesis.” My research paper topic
and thesis are submitted for consideration.
Topic: The Ubiquitous Disgronificator
Thesis: After the cowardly attack on the United States by radical Muslim terrorists in
September 2001, almost every adult American considered the portable
disgronificator as an essential household security device, and residents of large
cities who could not afford to own or rent a disgronificator often exhibited a
troublesome sense of low self-esteem and insecurity.
The Works Cited page below contains one source of my online research that supports
my argument (thesis).
Plumley 2
Instructor Comment If you do not understand this assignment, please contact me by phone or email. Mike Wright,, 251-533-3119