The Full and Complete Title of Your Paper Goes Here
Your First and Last Name
Waldorf University
ORG 6700
My Diversity Wheel
Name: Click here to enter text.
Primary Dimensions Secondary Dimensions
Source: Cañas & Sondak (2014)
Running head: MY DIVERSITY WHEEL 1
Identity Self-Assessment
The content of your paper goes here. Include an introductory paragraph explaining the purpose of the paper and provide a road map; describe the topics discussed. For example, this paper will evaluate the sociocultural, technological, economic, environmental and political-legal environment of Coca-Cola. Additionally, this paper distinguishes fragmented and consolidated industries and the corporation’s structure and culture of internal strengths and weaknesses. Do not use first person pronouns, unless requested, to complete the assignment. Three sentences or more are necessary for a paragraph. Margins are one-inch left and right.
My Identity or Self-Concept
Introduce the specific topic and subheadings for this section. Include level two headings and apply level three headings when appropriate. A paragraph will follow each heading; do not apply a level one heading, subsequently followed by a level two heading, without a paragraph between explaining the next heading’s topic. Additionally, this is not a full research paper; therefore, you only need one level one heading.
Primary dimensions. Discuss your identity or self-concept. Evaluate how each of the primary dimensions you listed in My Diversity Wheel contributes to your overall self-concept. Whenever you reference anything from another source, make certain to cite that source within the context of your paper. Any content used from another author must be cited; each sentence must be cited even if material is used from the same author. If someone else’s writing or thought has influenced your work, you must give credit to that source. This is also true if you are paraphrasing (putting the information in your own words) or directly quoting another source. APA format utilizes an author and date (date refers to the year of publication) format for citation. When in doubt, cite. The correct in-text citation format is last name(s) of author, publication year, and then page number (page number is required for direct quotes and can be included for any reference notation that is not a direct quote). Correct APA in-text citation format is (Ciccarelli & White, 2015). Indicate the page number when quoting; this is the correct format (Ciccarelli & White, 2015, p. 281).
My learning. As you completed the My Diversity Wheel exercise, what did you learn about your self-concept? The first time you cite information with three to five authors, include all of the author names (Zimbardo, Johnson, & McCann, 2013). The second (and any subsequent) time this same source with three to five authors is referenced in the paper, utilize the et al., citation format (Zimbardo, et al., 2013). A direct quote still requires the page number(s) in the parenthetical citation (Zimbardo et al., 2013, p. 313). If you are using a source, which happens to have six or more authors, each time the source is cited in the paper, indicate the last name of the primary author followed by et al.; this type of citation would appear as follows each time the source is referenced in the body of your paper (Sanders, et al., 2011).
For a source that has two authors, always use the names of both authors in the in-text citation. For instance, the current child psychology textbook would be cited as follows throughout the entire paper (Boyd & Bee, 2012). The same rules would apply for providing a page number for a direct quote within your paper (Boyd & Bee, 2012, p. 111). According to Purdue OWL (2014),
Use block text format for quotes over 40 words. Long quotations. Place direct quotations that are 40 words, or longer, in a free-standing block of typewritten lines, and omit quotation marks. Start the quotation on a new line, indented 1/2 inch from the left margin, i.e., in the same place you would begin a new paragraph. (pg. or para 4)