Complete the following case study questions. Think analytically, look at the forensic evidence, the role of prosecutor and defense attorney, as well as the role of witnesses.
List the people involved in Carmela Coppilino’s death. Why is there a possible problem with her death certificate?
How did William Farber die? Was there a problem with his death certificate?
Why was Dr. Coppolino charged with the murders of his wife and William Farber?
Why was Dr. Coppolino not convicted of William Farber’s murder?
What did Dr. Umberger do to prove Dr. Coppolino’s guilt?
How would the “Frye Standard” be applied in this case?
What was the final ruling in Dr. Coppolino’s 2nd trial?
The case against Dr. Coppolino for his wife’s murder was tried under the Dauber Ruling? Why was it resolved the way it was? Compare it to the first.