(School Measurement,Assessment and Reporting Toolkit)
The following teaching strategies can assist children meet
outcomes in the content areas of:
Number and Algebra
Measurement and Geometry
Statistics and Probability
For syllabus details and specific outcomes click here
Number encompasses the development of number sense and confidence and competence in
using mental, written and calculator techniques for solving problems.
Teaching Strategies for this strand include a range of engaging interactive activities for st
ES1 to 5 to support the development of skills in Number. They link to the progression of
strategies that form
The Numeracy Continuum
, strategies such as counting on
split and jump are vital for students to gain an understanding of place valu
e and to become
In the primary curriculum, formal written algorithms are introduced after students have
gained a firm understanding of basic concepts including place value, and have developed
mental strategies for computing with two
digit and thr
digit numbers.
In the secondary curriculum, students will continue to develop knowledge, skills and
understanding in mental and written computation and numerical reasoning.