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Winter 2015

ENG 101 ONLINE – College Composition I (3 Credits)

Prerequisite: ENG 010A, ENG 011, or Equivalent

Instructor: Monica D’Antonio

Office Phone: 215-641-6325

Emails: mdantoni@mc3.edu ( Best way to reach me

Office Location: PH 406

Office Hours: By appointment only (Skype is also acceptable)

NOTE: This is an intensive, 3-week online writing course. It requires a lot of work and self-regulation. If you do not keep up with the reading and writing assignments, you will fail.


ENG 101 is based on the premise that critical thinking generates clear writing. In this course, the student learns to read critically, a skill that involves distinguishing central ideas from supporting material and identifying an author’s purpose, assumptions, attitudes, and biases. Additionally, the student in ENG 101 learns a writing process that involves generating ideas, drafting, composing, revising, and editing. The student also learns to locate, use, and accurately reference various sources of information.


Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

· Read critically

· Evaluate a writing task for purpose, audience, context, and point of view

· Address a topic using a rhetorical strategy appropriate to the writing task

· Locate and use outside information sources with basic proficiency

· Develop coherent and persuasive essays that present carefully developed and well-supported theses

· Use formal, standard usage, grammar, and punctuation

· Cite the work of others using a standard model of documentation

· Adopt ethical writing standards


· A Writer’s Reference, 8th Edition with Exercises by Diana Hacker

· All other materials can be found on Blackboard


All College policies must be followed and are a binding part of this syllabus. Please refer to the student handbook for the Student Code of Conduct and Student Academic Code of Ethics policies.

MCCC Student Conduct Policies

Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism Policy: MCCC takes academic dishonesty and plagiarism very seriously. The Student Academic Code of Ethics ( http://www.mc3.edu/policy/aa/ethics.htm ) — which defines academic dishonesty, its consequences, and the appeal process—can be found on the MCCC web site. Take special note of the “XF” grade. In this course, cheating of any kind, particularly plagiarism, will not be tolerated. Your textbook, A Writer’s Reference, defines plagiarism and explains how to avoid it on pages 445-447. A simple note: if an idea didn’t come from your head originally, then you need to cite it (even if it’s a source that you’re putting in your own words).

Plagiarism tends to happen most often when:

· Students wait until the last minute to do an assignment

· Students do not know how to properly cite someone else’s work

· Students erroneously believe that simply putting someone else’s idea into their own words (paraphrasing/summarizing) makes it their own idea (it doesn’t)

· Students do not understand the assignment

All three of these problems can be avoided if:

· Students do not wait until the last minute to begin a writing assignment

· Students closely read the assigned pages in A Writer’s Reference. Pages 445-447 explain how to properly find, use, and cite sources. This section also contains a sample essay at the end that has both in-text citations and a Works Cited page. Please read these pages!

· Students use the textbook, online writing help (such as the Purdue OWL website: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/), MCCC’s Tutorial Services (located on the bottom floor of College Hall next to the cafeteria and library computer lab; online help is also available - http://www.mc3.edu/campusLife/student-resources/lal ) or the MCCC library website (http://www.mc3.edu/campusLife/student-resources/lrc) as resources for questions about citation methods

· Students ask their classmates and/or teacher questions about things that they don’t understand

Plagiarism will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis because every kind of plagiarism is unique. There is a huge difference between a student who incorrectly cites a source and a student who copies and pastes an entire paragraph (or more) from a website into his/her essay without citations. Please note that depending on the severity of the event, one or more of the following actions may be applied:

· You may be told to re-do the assignment

· You may earn a ZERO on the assignment with no opportunity for a make-up assignment

· You may earn an XF grade for the course and will not be given the chance to withdrawal

MCCC Withdrawal Policy (“W”): Students are encouraged to consult with their instructor and/or an academic advisor when initiating a Course Withdrawal. The instructor’s permission must be requested and received if requesting a withdrawal after 60% and before 75% of the course is completed. After 75% of the course is completed, students may apply for an Excused Withdrawal due to medical, catastrophic, or other circumstances beyond the student’s control.

As a reminder withdrawals are date sensitive and must be completed before the deadline specified on the Registration Calendar. No refund will be issued during this period, refer to the Tuition Refund Policy.

Information about withdrawal can be found at: https://mymccc.mc3.edu/allcampusresources/studentaffairs/srr/Pages/withdraw.aspx

Important dates to remember:

· Last day to drop: 12/26/15

· Withdrawal period without faculty signature: 12/27 – 1/7/16

· Withdrawal period with faculty signature: 1/8/16 – 1/12/16

· Excused withdrawal only (Dean’s permission): 1/13/16 –

Student Services

Tutorial Services: Tutorial Services is located on the ground floor of College Hall (Suite 168) – next to the cafeteria and library computer lab. These services are available to all students if additional one-on-one writing help is required. Tutorial Services is staffed by faculty members and professional tutors. Tutoring is available every day of the week on a walk-in basis, and online tutoring is available as well. See https://mymccc.mc3.edu/allcampusresources/academicaffairs/lal/Pages/tutor-online.aspx for more information on tutor schedules and online tutoring.

MC3 Library: The MC3 main campus library is located on the 2nd floor (main entrance floor) of College Hall. The library offers assistance with research and information literacy both face to face and online (chat). You can also access online tutorials here: http://mc3libraries.ask.libraryh3lp.com/questions/380

Services for Students with Disabilities: Montgomery County Community College (MCCC) welcomes qualified students with disabilities and endorses the principles of nondiscrimination and reasonable accommodation as described in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). To see if you are eligible for services and reasonable accommodations in this course please review the policy on the Disabilities website at: http://www.mc3.edu/campusLife/student-resources/disabilities

Services for Veterans: Student veterans may be eligible for benefits and services related to military service. For the veteran’s resources available at the College please go to the Veterans Affairs Office website at: http://www.mc3.edu/campusLife/student-resources/veterans

Expectations for Online Course Work

By registering for a Web-based course, you have made a commitment to participate in your course conferences, as well as in other on-line activities. This course may be the first online course experience for you. A certain amount of uncertainty and frustration is to be expected as you learn to use the technology during the first weeks. It's important you recognize that this online asynchronous classroom retains many of the requirements of the traditional classroom, such as lectures, class discussions, assignments, and required readings, while offering you greater control over your time as well as access to the all instructional resources available through the World Wide Web. Please always remember that the course is tied to an academic calendar, with weekly required activities, clear due dates for assignments, and an end to the semester.

Courses earning three credits require a minimum of three hours in the Web classroom each week and a minimum of two additional hours of preparation for each classroom hour. That’s nine hours of work per week. Weeks with more difficult reading assignments and papers often require more time. You should allow for those requirements in planning your study schedule.

If your time is limited, you need to be very self-disciplined as a class member. Be prepared to visit the online classroom three times each week and to fulfill each of the assignments your instructor requires. During your preparation time outside the classroom, study the readings carefully and engage in any research or writing activities assigned. And of course, avoid the temptation to procrastinate: not preparing for or not logging in to class each week—or postponing that research project!—will almost certainly lead to unnecessary stress later and probably be reflected in your final grade.

Although online courses do retain many of the same schedules and requirements of a classroom-based course, there are some important differences. In an online course such as this one, class members may literally be scattered around the world, and instructors and students are not simultaneously logged in to the class. The class discussions deserve your particular attention, as you'll have the time to contribute in a thoughtful and reflective manner.

I will log in regularly to respond to e-mail and to grade submitted assignments, as well as to participate in class discussions. Note: I am not online 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and I need time to read and grade assignments before returning them to you. Please be patient and any questions you might ask will be answered and your work graded.

General Information on ENG 101 ONLN Grading Policies and Coursework

Major Writing Assignments: There will be three major essays and one reflective letter assigned this semester. Essay #3 is a research paper and has multiples parts, and these parts are mandatory and are GRADED assignments.

Your writing assignments are being graded on the following criteria:

· Ability to establish a critical argument (Thesis Statements)

· Ability to substantiate that argument using evidence that is properly cited (Support)

· Ability to keep each paragraph on one topic at a time, and the ability to keep all paragraphs connected to the thesis (Unity)

· The ability to write logical sentences that transition smoothly from one to the next, and the ability to write logical paragraphs that transition one to the next (Coherence)

· The ability to produce thoughtful analysis of texts and issues (Critical Thinking Skills)

· The ability to produce writing free of grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors (Sentence Skills)

· The ability to properly use and cite sources both in-text and in a Works Cited page (Information Literacy)

Expectations/Rubrics: For every essay assignment, I have included a grading rubric in the assignment folder on Blackboard to help you better understand my grading system. You should read this rubric before starting your essay assignments and before submitting them to me. Allow them to be your guide for understanding my expectations.

Grading for Major Writing Assignments (total = 345 points):

· Essay #1 (narration/illustration) = 100

· Essay #2 (analysis/exemplification) = 100

· Essay #3 (research project) = 125 (total)

· Annotated Bibliography (15 points)

· Proposal (10 points)

· Research essay (100 points)

· Final Letter (narration/illustration/analysis/exemplification) = 20

Grading for Discussion Boards (total = 40 points): We will be using the Black Board Discussion Board function to discuss our class readings and writing assignments as well as for peer review for all major essays; therefore, you should be checking DB a few times per day. Participation on the Discussion Boards is MANDATORY and will be graded.

Other HW Assignments (total = 5 points):

· Syllabus Scavenger Hunt HW Assignment: This HW assignment will familiarize you with the syllabus, the technology, and the course expectations. This assignment is worth 5 points.

Final grading note: In order to pass this course with a C or better, your FOUR ESSAY GRADES must AVERAGE out to a 70% or higher regardless of additional points you may earn on Discussion Boards or other homework assignments. Meaning, if your essay grades average out to a 65%, but you earned perfect scores on all of your discussion boards, you still CANNOT pass the course because YOU HAVE NOT SUCCESSFULLY PASSED THE CENTRAL FOCUS OF THE COURSE (ESSAY WRITING).

Grade Scale: A = 100-95; A- = 90-94; B+ = 89-87; B = 86-84; B- = 83-80; C+ = 79-75; C = 74-70; D = 60-69; F = Below 60

Directions for ENG 101 ONLN Homework and Essay Assignment Policies

HW and Major Writing Assignment Requirements:

· Format: All assignments will be typed and in standard MLA (Modern Language Association) format. Please see pages 511-516 in Hacker and Somers’s A Writer’s Reference for a sample paper in MLA format. Make note of the proper heading, placement and style of title, and the font type and size and spacing of the rest of text.

· Submission of work: ALL assignments must be completed on Google Docs and shared with me at the following email address: mdantoni@mc3.edu. Your MCCC student email account is provided to you through GMAIL, so you already have a Google account here at the college.

· Using Google Docs:

· Login to your student GMAIL account or go to https://www.google.com/docs/about/

· Click “Blank Document”

· At the top of the screen, give your document a name (put cursor in the box that says untitled document)

· Begin typing. Google saves your document as you type, so you don’t have to save it along the way.

· When you’re finished the assignment, click on SHARE (top right of screen) and type my email: mdantoni@mc3.edu

· If you have never used Google Docs before, here is a link to a tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBh8bMC7XEU

· Due dates: Please check the syllabus for all due dates. Grading will take place ASAP, and it will never take me longer than TWO WEEKS to email your work back to you with feedback and grades.

· Feedback/Grading: I will type feedback directly onto the shared document. You may receive emails from Google that indicate someone is altering your document. That’s just me typing feedback. When I’m finished grading, I’ll “share” the document with you so you can see the feedback and grade. I’ll send a message to the entire class when I have completed grading everyone’s papers so that you all know I’m finished. If you don’t see a grade for your paper on Blackboard My Grades, then that means I never received your work.

· Late work policy: If you need an extension on an ESSAY ASSIGNMENT, please email me your request at least 24 hours in advance of the due date. If no extension is requested, essays submitted beyond the deadline will earn a zero. No late Discussion Board posts (both readings and peer review DBs) will be accepted simply because it just doesn’t make sense to post late when the DB is supposed to represent ongoing class discussion. You’re either in the discussion or you’re not; therefore, no late posts will be accepted.

· Extra credit: If you submit your essay to the online tutors, get feedback, and make corrections, your essay can earn +5 points added to your final grade. In order to get the extra credit, you must submit the tutor reviewed draft in an email to me. In that email you must also include an explanation of what you revised in your final draft (submitted through Google Docs to mdantoni@mc3.edu) based on the tutor’s feedback.

· Optional Rewrite: You will have the opportunity to revise ONE of the THREE MAJOR ESSAY ASSIGNMENTS that we do in this class (you may not revise the final letter assignment). When you submit your rewrite, you also have to submit a short statement (either in the email or a separate document) that explains the following: 1) Your understanding/interpretation of the feedback that I gave you on the first draft (what were the major issues that I told you to fix); 2) What you revised in the second draft (what changes did you actually make). Rewrites that are submitted without these explanations will not be re-evaluated. The rewrite is due by the final day of the semester (see syllabus for specific date). If the paper shows significant improvement, then you may earn a new grade. Your grade cannot go down. It either stays the same (if you didn’t make substantive improvements) or it goes up.

Directions for Two types of Discussion Boards (Unit Readings DB and Peer Review DB)

General Directions for Posting to the Discussion Board (DB):

· On Blackboard’s main page, there is a link on the left hand side that says Discussion Board. Click on that link. (You can also access the DB in each of the unit tabs found on Blackboard)

· Once in DB, you will see a blue link that highlights the unit FORUMS. Click on that link to enter that unit’s discussion.

· Once in the Forum, you will see THREADS that I've started. The threads contain discussion questions or topics based on the readings and/or writing assignments for that unit.

· On the thread, you will see a REPLY button. Click REPLY. A box will appear that looks like an email box. Begin typing your post in the box.

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