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Marketing Challenge Option 1
Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program
Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program
You are tasked with attracting future fellow students for this Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program. More specifically, your objective is to collect email addresses of potential students, who could be interested in taking this course. In order to do this, we have created a landing page, where prospective students can download a free eBook if they provide us with their email address. The eBook – a Social Media Advertising Guide – is a short excerpt from the Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program, content that you will see in the Social Advertising course. For the purpose of the projects, assume costs of $0 for the eBook and a conversion value (revenue) of $15 per collected email address.
Marketing Challenge Option 2
Udacity Enterprise
Udacity Enterprise
Your task is to generate new business for Enterprise’s DMND Corporate Training, in order to equip a company’s team into with the latest skills in digital marketing. More specifically, your objective is to generate leads, i.e., collect contact information of companies that could be interested in the services offered by Udacity Enterprise. In order to do this, we have created a landing page, where prospective client companies can learn more about Enterprise’s offerings for the Digital Marketing Nanodegree program. From this page, clients can then request more information through a contact form after filling out required fields about their company that provides crucial information to the Udacity Enterprise team.
For the purpose of the project, assume a cost of $0 since potential customers provide their email addresses for free, and a conversion value (revenue) of $150 per collected lead.
Marketing Challenge Option 3
Your Company
Your Company
If you have chosen option two, you either own your own company or work for one that will let you run campaigns for them. Your marketing challenge is completely personal to the company you own or a part of. For example, if you are a new company looking to bring awareness, maybe your marketing challenge is to send traffic to your website. On the other hand, if you work for a small clothing company, may be your marketing challenge is to increase sales for blouses.
For the purpose of the project, assume a cost of $0 since potential customers provide their email addresses for free, and define your conversion value (revenue) per lead, by assuming how much a potential lead is worth to you.
Step 1:
Getting Started
DMND Program, Enterprise, or Your Own Company
Which option did you choose? (Udacity or your own company)
If Udacity, which product did you choose? (DMND Program or Enterprise)
If your own company, tell us about your product/service (insert a link to your landing page in your submission)
Marketing Objective: DMND, Enterprise, or Your Company
Provide the marketing objective for the product you chose?
For example: Betabrand might have a marketing objective to sell 1,000 pairs of women’s pants in May 2017.
KPI: DMND, Enterprise, or Your Company
What is your primary KPI to measure marketing success? For example: The KPI for Betabrand’s marketing objective would be the number of women’s pants sold in May.
Step 2:
Value Proposition
Value Proposition
Write a value proposition using Geoffrey Moore’s template for the product you chose: For (target customer) who (statement of the need or opportunity) our (product/service) is (product category) that (statement of benefit). Unlike (closest competitor), our offer (primary differentiation). For example, Ezequiel Farca’s value proposition might read: FOR design minded customers WHO need a home custom designed to their needs and taste OUR architecture and design services THAT offer high end modern design UNLIKE architecture firms like WRNS Studio OUR OFFER balances harmonious modern architecture, with our own award winning interior design & furniture If you need more inspiration, see more on value propositions on HubSpot.
Step 3: