BMAL 704 CASE STUDY IN CHANGE RESEARCH PAPER INSTRUCTIONS The student will write a 10–12-page research-based paper in current APA format that examines current research and case studies focusing on organizational change. The paper will present current best practices for organizational change and will present at least three real-world cases that demonstrate organization-level change (include both successful change cases and cases where change was not successful). The paper must include a title page, an abstract, and the content of the paper must include an introduction and a conclusion and the paper must include a Reference section with at least 10 references (5 of which must be from scholarly, peer-reviewed journals within the last five years) in addition to the course texts (including Merida) and the Bible (at least 14 total references). The Case Study in Change Research Paper will adhere to the following outline: • • • • • • • • Title Page Abstract Content (10-12 pages) Introduction Section 1: Best Practices in Organizational Change Section 2: Case Studies in Organizational Change (integrate with practices highlighted in section 1) Conclusion Reference section Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 8. Criteria Content Best Practices Discussion Case Studies Discussion Levels of Achievement Advanced 45 to 50 points The paper provides a welldeveloped, integrated discussion of current best practices in organizational change. Resources are relevant and seamlessly integrated into the discussion. 63 to 70 points The paper presents a dynamic presentation of at least three real-world cases of organizational change. At least one case explores failed change in an organizational setting. The cases include integration from the research presented in the best Proficient 35 to 44 points The paper provides a welldeveloped discussion of current best practices in organizational change. Resources are mostly relevant and integrated into the discussion. Developing 1 to 34 points The paper provides a discussion of current best practices in organizational change, but not all resources are relevant or effectively integrated into the discussion. Not present 0 points No discussion of best practices is provided. 49 to 62 points The paper presents a presentation of at least three real-world cases of organizational change but may not include failed change. The cases include some integration from the research presented in the best practices discussion. 1 to 48 points Fewer than three real-world cases of organizational change are discussed. The cases do not include integration from the research presented in the best practices discussion. The writing lacks development. 0 points No case study discussion is provided. BMAL 704 Criteria Introduction/ Conclusion Structure Grammar, Structure, and Page Count APA Style Materials/Resource s practices discussion. The writing is fluid, engaging, and relevant. 18 to 20 points The paper provides a thorough introduction and conclusion. The introduction provides and effective overview of the paper and the conclusion provides an effective recap of the paper. Levels of Achievement The writing is and relevant and done well overall. 14 to 17 points The paper provides a thorough introduction and conclusion. The introduction provides an overview of the paper and the conclusion provides a recap of the paper. 1 to 13 points The paper provides an introduction and/or conclusion. The introduction does not necessarily provide an overview of the paper and the conclusion may lack a recap of the paper. 0 points The paper does not provide an introduction or conclusion. Advanced 23 to 25 points No grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors are present. Voice and person are used correctly and consistently. Writing is precise and word choice is appropriate. The paper is 10–12 pages. 10 points Citations, references and overall format are in current APA style. Cover page and References are correctly formatted. Paper is written in a clear, consistent font. Proficient 18 to 22 points Few grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors are present. Voice and person are used correctly. Writing style is sufficient and word choice is adequate. The paper is 7–9 pages. Developing 1 to 17 points Several grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors are present. Voice and person are used inconsistently. Writing style is understandable but could be improved. Word choice is generally good. The paper is 4–6 pages. 1 to 8 points Citations, references and overall format are not always in current APA style. Cover page and References are not consistently formatted.