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Law and Economics, 6th edition Robert Cooter Berkeley Law
�omas Ulen
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Recommended Citation Cooter, Robert and Ulen, 1omas, "Law and Economics, 6th edition" (2016). Berkeley Law Books. Book 2. h2p://
Authors’ Note
LAW AND ECONOMICS (pdf 6th edition)
by Robert Cooter and Thomas Ulen
This is a pdf version of the latest version (6th edition) of Law and Economics
by Cooter and Ulen. The ownership of this book has reverted from the publisher to
its authors, so we are posting it online for everyone freely to read or use as a
textbook. After more than thirty years as the field’s leading textbook, it continues to
cover the latest developments in the economic analysis of property, torts, contracts,
legal process, and crimes. Each new edition refines the analytical core, incorporates
new applications, and expands previous discussions of empirical legal studies and
behavioral law and economics. We hope that you enjoy reading this book as much as
we enjoyed writing it.
Looking forward to next year, this duet will become an internet symphony
that takes full advantage of the internet revolution in publishing. Improvements
will be posted to the internet continuously in small amounts (7.1, 7.2, 7.3, etc.), until
a new edition appears with large changes (8.0). Not just a textbook, the 7th edition
will have supporting materials, including translations. For updates, join the email
list found by googling “Cooter and Ulen Berkeley Law Repository”. Perhaps you will
have something to contribute to the website. For the best feast, the host supplies the
main course each guest contributes a dish.
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Law& Economics
ROBERT COOTER University of California, Berkeley
THOMAS ULEN University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Addison-Wesley Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River
Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montréal Toronto
Delhi Mexico City São Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Cooter, Robert.
Law and economics / Robert Cooter, Thomas Ulen.—6th ed. p. cm.
Rev. ed. of: Law & economics / Robert Cooter, Thomas Ulen. Includes index. ISBN 978-0-13-254065-0 1. Law and economics. I. Ulen, Thomas. II. Cooter, Robert. Law & economics. III. Title. K487.E3C665 2011 340’.11—dc22
2010049060 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
ISBN-10: 0-13-254065-7 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-254065-0
Preface x
1. An Introduction to Law and Economics 1
I. What Is the Economic Analysis of Law? 3
II. Some Examples 4
III. The Primacy of Efficiency Over Distribution in Analyzing Private Law 7
IV. Why Should Lawyers Study Economics? Why Should Economists Study Law? 9
V. The Plan of This Book 10
2. A Brief Review of Microeconomic Theory 11
I. Overview: The Structure of Microeconomic Theory 11
II. Some Fundamental Concepts: Maximization, Equilibrium, and Efficiency 12
III. Mathematical Tools 14
IV. The Theory of Consumer Choice and Demand 18
V. The Theory of Supply 26
VI. Market Equilibrium 28
VII. Game Theory 33
VIII. The Theory of Asset Pricing 37
IX. General Equilibrium and Welfare Economics 37
X. Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Risk and Insurance 43
XI. Profits and Growth 49
XII. Behavioral Economics 50
3. A Brief Introduction to Law and Legal Institutions 55
I. The Civil Law and the Common Law Traditions 56
II. The Institutions of the Federal and the State Court Systems in the United States 59
III. The Nature of a Legal Dispute 62
IV. How Legal Rules Evolve 64
4. An Economic Theory of Property 70
I. The Legal Concept of Property 73
II. Bargaining Theory 74
III. The Origins of the Institution of Property: A Thought Experiment 76
IV. An Economic Theory of Property 81
V. How are Property Rights Protected? 94
VI. What Can be Privately Owned?—Public and Private Goods 102
VII. What May Owners Do with Their Property? 105
VIII. On Distribution 106
Appendix: The Philosophical Concept of Property 109
5. Topics in the Economics of Property Law 112
I. What can be Privately Owned? 112
II. How are Property Rights Established and Verified? 143
III. What May Owners Do with Their Property? 156
IV. What are the Remedies for the Violation of Property Rights? 166
6. An Economic Theory of Tort Law 187
I. Defining Tort Law 189
II. An Economic Theory of Tort Liability 199
Appendix: Liability and Symmetry 228
7. Topics in the Economics of Tort Liability 230
I. Extending the Economic Model 230
II. Computing Damages 253
III. An Empirical Assessment of the U.S. Tort Liability System 261
8. An Economic Theory of Contract Law 276
I. Bargain Theory: An Introduction to Contracts 277
II. An Economic Theory of Contract Enforcement 283
III. An Economic Theory of Contract Remedies 287
IV. Economic Interpretation of Contracts 291
V. Relational Contracts: The Economics of the Long-Run 299
viii Contents
9. Topics in the Economics of Contract Law 307
I. Remedies as Incentives 307
II. Formation Defenses and Performance Excuses 341
Appendix: Mathematical Appendix 373
10. An Economic Theory of the Legal Process 382
I. The Goal of the Legal Process: Minimizing Social Costs 384
II. Why Sue? 386
III. Exchange of Information 391
IV. Settlement Bargaining 399
V. Trial 403
VI. Appeals 410
11. Topics in the Economics of the Legal Process 419
I. Complaints, Lawyers, Nuisances, and Other Issues in the Legal Process 419
II. An Empirical Assessment of the Legal Process 442
12. An Economic Theory of Crime and Punishment 454
I. The Traditional Theory of Criminal Law 455
II. An Economic Theory of Crime and Punishment 460
13. Topics in the Economics of Crime and Punishment 485
I. Crime and Punishment in the United States 485
II. Does Punishment Deter Crime? 491
III. Efficient Punishment 501
IV. The Death Penalty 510
V. The Economics of Addictive Drugs and Crime 518
VI. The Economics of Handgun Control 522
VII. Explaining the Decline in Crime in the United States 526
Case Index 533
Name Index 535
Subject Index 539
Contents ix
This sixth edition of Law and Economics arrives as the field celebrates its(roughly) 30th birthday. What began as a scholarly niche has grown into one ofthe most widely used tools of legal analysis. The subject has spread from the United States to many other countries. As scholarship deepens, the concepts in the core of law and economics become clearer and more stable, and new applications develop from the core like biological species evolving through specialization. With each new edition, we continue to refine the explanation of the analytical core and to incorporate new applications selectively as space permits. This edition expands previous discus- sions of empirical legal studies and behavioral law and economics. As we incorporate new material and respond to the suggestions that so many people have sent us, the book feels more like a symphony and less like a duet. We hope that you enjoy reading this book as much as we enjoyed writing it.
The book continues to cover the economic analysis of the law of property, torts, contracts, the legal process and crimes. Instructors and students who have used previ- ous editions will notice that we have reversed the order in which we treat torts and con- tracts, and we have divided the material on legal process into two chapters—one on theory and one on topics—in parallel with our treatment of all the other substantive ar- eas of the law. Below we describe what is new in this edition, followed by an account of the book’s website.
New to This Edition The Sixth Edition has been revised and updated to reflect the latest developments in law and economics. Major changes to the text are as follows:
• Tables and graphs have been updated. • New boxes and suggested readings have been added throughout the text. • Web Notes have been updated and added. • Chapter 6 contains additional information on liability and customs in trade. • Chapter 8 improves the explanation of contractual commitments through a better
representation of the principal-agent problem.
• Chapter 9 now includes new material on lapses, vicarious liability, incomprehensi- ble harms, punitive damages, mass torts, medical malpractice, and some behav- ioral aspects of contract remedies.
• Chapter 10 contains a new treatment of decision making by potential litigants and their lawyers, and new figures and decision trees.
• Chapter 11, a new chapter, combines new material on the legal process and an updated empirical assessment of various aspects of legal disputes.
• Chapter 12 now contains the theoretical material on crime and punishment, updated and clarified.
• Chapter 13 applies the theoretical insights of the previous chapter to wide-ranging policy issues in criminal justice and updates data and information from previous editions.
Online Resources The Companion Website presents a wealth of supplementary materials to help in teaching and learning law and economics. “Web Notes” throughout the book indi- cate the points at which there is additional material on the Companion Website at These notes extend the text presentations, provide guides and links to new articles and books, and contain excerpts from cases. We also include some examples of examinations and problem sets.