EdPsych Modules Third Edition
EdPsych Modules Third Edition
Cheryl Cisero Durwin Southern Connecticut State University
Marla Reese-Weber Illinois State University, USA
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Brief Contents Introduction
Module 1: Using Science to Inform Classroom Practices Unit 1: Personal Development
Unit 1: Case Studies Module 2: Contexts of Development Module 3: Social-Emotional Development Module 4: Moral Development
Unit 2: The Developing Learner Unit 2: Case Studies Module 5: Brain Development Module 6: Cognitive Development Module 7: Language Development
Unit 3: Learning Theories Unit 3: Case Studies Module 8: Behavioral Learning Theories Module 9: Social Cognitive Theory Module 10: Information Processing
Unit 4: Cognitive Processes Unit 4: Case Studies Module 11: Metacognition Module 12: Transfer of Skills and Knowledge Module 13: Higher Order Thinking
Unit 5: Motivation Unit 5: Case Studies Module 14: Behavioral Theory Module 15: Cognitive Theories Module 16: Self Theories
Unit 6: Classroom Management and Instruction Unit 6: Case Studies Module 17: Classroom Management Module 18: Instruction: Applying Behavioral, Cognitive, and Constructivist Approaches Module 19: Grouping Practices
Unit 7: Learner Differences
Unit 7: Case Studies Module 20: Intelligence and Giftedness Module 21: Cognitive Disabilities Module 22: Emotional, Social, and Behavioral Disorders
Unit 8: Assessment Unit 8: Case Studies Module 23: Assessing Student Learning Module 24: Test Construction and Use Module 25: Standardized Tests and Scores
Detailed Contents Preface
Acknowledgments Digital Resources About the Authors Introduction
Case STUDY Module 1: Using Science to Inform Classroom Practices
Outline and Learning Goals Educational Psychology: A Resource for Teachers Educational Psychology: The Science
Research Designs Samples Measures
Educational Psychology: Classroom Practices Best Practices Addressing Diversity Using a Case Study Approach
Summary Key Concepts Case Study: Reflect and Evaluate
Unit 1: Personal Development Unit 1: Case Studies Module 2: Contexts of Development
Outline and Learning Goals Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory Family Context
Parenting Practices Divorce and Remarriage
Peer Context Friendships and Peer Groups Peer Statuses
Broader Contexts Parental Employment Cultural Factors
Summary Key Concepts Case Studies: Reflect and Evaluate
Module 3: Social-Emotional Development Outline and Learning Goals Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory Aspects of Identity
Identity Statuses Ethnic Identity Gender Identity
Understanding the Self Self-Concept Self-Esteem
Social Competence Applications: Fostering Social Competence
Fostering Social Skills Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Programs
Summary Key Concepts Case Studies: Reflect and Evaluate
Module 4: Moral Development Outline and Learning Goals Cognitive-Developmental Moral Reasoning
Piaget’s Theory Kohlberg’s Theory Gilligan’s Criticism
Prosocial Behavior Eisenberg’s Theory Perspective Taking Empathy
Aggressive Behavior Social-Cognitive Domains Social-Information Processing
Applications: Advancing Moral Development Family Context Peer Context School Context
Summary Key Concepts Case Studies: Reflect and Evaluate
Unit 2: The Developing Learner Unit: Case Studies Module 5: Brain Development
Outline and Learning Goals Influence of Neuroscience on Education Neuroscience 101
Brain Structures and Functions Factors Affecting Brain Development