I’m working on a Writing exercise and need support.
Answer the following Questions. Each response to each question must be 4 Sentences long. Cite references.
1) Identify and describe one effective strategy to de-escalate a student’s acting out behavior within the inclusive classroom. How can you provide positive behavior supports to the student to prevent unwanted behavior and increase desired behaviors in school settings?
2) Students may argue about fairness and ask why a student with special education needs is treated differently in regards to behavioral discipline, accommodations, etc. Review the picture from the topic material, Chapel Hill Autism Resources and Tools “Fair vs Equal”. What do you notice? Consider the statement, fair is not always equal, how will you, as a teacher, address this issue without divulging confidential information?
3) Consider your role as a general or special education teacher. What considerations should you make when preparing, participating, and/or facilitating an IEP meeting? Imagine you have just completed an IEP meeting. What questions would you ask yourself to reflect on the meeting?
4) GCU believes in carrying out our work within the public arena with compassion, justice, and concern for the common good. Using material from this topic's readings and additional research of your own, describe three ways you can, as a general education or special education teacher, demonstrate compassion, justice and concern with parents or other IEP team members. Rationalize your choices.
5) Co-teaching is challenging in an inclusion classroom. How might co-teachers maintain a united partnership in front of students and parents when they disagree?
6) This topic's readings offer some ideas on “educational prenuptials” to consider before co-teaching. Identify and describe three more items to add to the list. Rationalize your choices.