Consider a steam power plant operating on the ideal regenerative Rankine cycle with one open feedwater heater . Steam enters the turbine at 20 MPa and 500°C and is condensed in the condenser at a pressure of 10 kPa. Some steam is extracted from the turbine, at the extraction pressure, and enters the open feedwater heater. Using the EES program :
Investigate the effect of extraction pressure on the thermal efficiency of the cycle using a pressure range of 2 MPa. .
Investigate the effect of extraction pressure on the second-law efficiency of the cycle. Heat is supplied to the steam in a furnace maintained at 800 K, and waste heat is rejected to the surroundings at 300 K.
Determine the exergy destruction in the boiler, turbine and feed water heaters? Comment on the results.
Repeat the same analysis (1 to 3) if the OFWH is replaced by a closed feed water heater
All thermo-physical properties should be calculated as functions of the state pressure and temperature using the EES library.
Assumptions, if any, should be mentioned clearly and justified in your report.
Create parametric tables and plot efficiency versus extraction pressure.
The report (word format) should include: schematic diagrams , T-s diagrams, thermodynamics analysis of the cycles, results and discussions, and conclusions.