APH - 2 - 1
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INTRODUCTION ________________________________________________________________________________________
For many years pneumatic equipment has been used to provide useful work
and to operate complex control systems. However, this would not have been
possible without a supply of compressed air of the correct quality with regard
to cleanliness, pressure level and flow rate.
In this lesson we deal with the theory of air compression, an understanding of
which is essential for the efficient operation and maintenance of compressed
air equipment for production plant.
YOUR AIMS ________________________________________________________________________________________
On completion of this lesson you should be able to:
• explain the difference between isothermal, adiabatic and polytropic
compression processes
• use a p – V diagram to explain the compression cycle of a
reciprocating piston compressor
• define volumetric efficiency in relation to air compressors
• explain the effect that clearance volume has on volumetric efficiency
• explain the effect of pressure on volumetric efficiency
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© Teesside University 2011
• appreciate the effect that pressure and temperature have on the
moisture-carrying capacity of air
• explain the reasons for multi-stage compression.
STUDY ADVICE ________________________________________________________________________________________
It would be advantageous for your understanding of this text if you review the
Gas laws prior to starting this lesson.
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© Teesside University 2011
AIR COMPRESSORS ________________________________________________________________________________________
The function of an air compressor is to take a definite quantity of air and
deliver it into a system at an increased pressure.
The most efficient machine is one which will accomplish this objective with a
minimal input of mechanical work.
The most common types of air compressors in use today are:
• reciprocating or piston compressors
• rotary screw compressors
• rotary sliding vane compressors
• centrifugal compressors
• axial flow compressors.
The last two types are roto-dynamic machines while the other designs are
positive displacement air compressors. In a pneumatic system, the type of
compressor used depends upon the system requirements in terms of pressure
and flowrate.
A general distinction can be made on the basis of performance. Positive-
displacement types have the characteristics of low mass flowrate and high
pressure ratios whilst roto-dynamic machines are usually associated with low
pressure ratios and high mass flow rates. However, pressures ranging from
atmospheric to 9 bar are common to most types.
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FIGURE 1 shows the broad pressure and capacity ranges over which the
various types of compressor normally operate. Note that the scales on both
axes of the diagram are not linear but logarithmic.
FIG. 1
10 100 1000 10 000 100 000 106 107 108
1 0
00 0
0 00
Reciprocating compressors
Centrifugal compressors
Axial flow compressors
Rotary compressors
G au
ge p
re ss
ur e
(b ar
Air flow rate (m3 h–1)
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© Teesside University 2011
AIR COMPRESSION THEORY ________________________________________________________________________________________
The compression of air requires an input of power to the compressing
elements. If we consider a simple single-cylinder reciprocating-piston
machine, most of the power supplied to drive the piston reappears as heat in
the air being compressed. This generated heat is an unwanted product of the
compression process.
The temperature increase of the air is due to the increase in velocity of the air
molecules, which bombard each other and the confining walls of the
compression space while the confined volume is being reduced. This causes a
conversion of some of the kinetic energy of the molecules into heat energy.
If a means could be devised to remove this heat from the air as fast as it is
generated then the temperature of the air would remain constant throughout the
compression cycle.
The instant removal of this heat is impossible to achieve in practice but the
condition can be approached in machines running at very low speeds. Under
these conditions, the theoretical concept of compression at a constant
temperature is termed isothermal and represents the ultimate in compression
At the other extreme, compression occurring quickly without time for heat
extraction is known as adiabatic or isentropic. During this process of
compression the temperature rises rapidly and progressively. Since the air is
confined in a cylinder and cannot expand, the effect is to increase the rate at
which the pressure rises. This in turn calls for an increased power input to the
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© Teesside University 2011
In practical reciprocating compressors running at moderate speeds, the mode
of compression lies between these two extremes, with some of the heat of
compression being extracted by means of a compressor cooling system.
Alternatively, or in addition, the compression may be carried out in a number
of stages. Each stage of compression is followed by a cooling process to
reduce the temperature of the gas.
Why is it not possible to achieve in practice isothermal or adiabatic compression?
To achieve isothermal compression would require perfect cooling and to achieve adiabatic
compression would require perfect insulation. However, as it is impossible to obtain perfect
cooling or perfect insulation it is therefore impossible to achieve adiabatic or isothermal
The theoretical power required for isothermal compression is, however, only about 36% of
that required for adiabatic compression, which is why designers strive to produce
compressors that operate as close to isothermal conditions as possible.
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© Teesside University 2011
The cycle of events of the reciprocating compressor may be illustrated using a
pressure-volume diagram, which will aid your understanding of the
compression process.
A pressure-volume diagram is a graph which illustrates the pressure-volume
relationship within a compression process. Volume is plotted on the horizontal
axis and the corresponding pressure on the vertical axis.
FIGURE 2 illustrates an ideal single-cylinder compressor and its p – V
FIG. 2(a) Reciprocating Compressor Layout
Stroke length
Air out
Air in
Swept volume = length of stroke × area of piston
Piston area
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© Teesside University 2011
where swept volume = stroke length × piston area.
FIG. 2(b) Pressure – Volume (p – V) Diagram for Reciprocating Compressor
Assume that the cycle starts with the piston at its top dead centre (TDC),
position A. Line AB represents the suction stroke where air is being drawn
through the inlet valve into the cylinder by the action of the piston being
withdrawn. This will occur at a constant pressure with a gradual increase in
Line BC represents the compression stroke where the piston is advancing to
reduce the volume of the air with a corresponding increase in pressure.
Line CD represents discharge of air from the cylinder through the delivery
valve at constant pressure.
FIGURE 2 (b) neglects to show the effect on the p – V diagram of the
clearance space between the piston and cylinder head at TDC.
0 V
Swept volume
A – B B – C C – D W.D.
= = = =
Induction Compression Delivery Work Done
Atmospheric pressure
Absolute pressure
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© Teesside University 2011
How do you think the plate valves controlling the flow of air in and out of the
compression chamber are activated?
Both the inlet and outlet valves are usually spring-loaded and are made to open and close
automatically by a pressure differential across each valve. The strength of the springs and
the area of valve plate exposed to the pressure differential control the opening and closing
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© Teesside University 2011
THE EFFECT OF CLEARANCE VOLUME ________________________________________________________________________________________
Prior to the inlet valve opening and air entering the cylinder, pressure within
the cylinder must be less than atmospheric. In reciprocating compressors it is
necessary to have a gap between the top of the piston and the cylinder head at
TDC. This will result in a clearance volume in which will be held a small
amount of high pressure gas. This gas must be re-expanded to below
atmospheric pressure before induction of a fresh charge of air can take place.
FIGURE 3 shows the actual sequence of events as they would occur in a
compressor with a clearance volume (CV).
(a) p – V diagram with clearance volume
(b) Actual reciprocating compressor layout
FIG. 3
0 V
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The inlet valve opens at point A, when the pressure in the cylinder is below
atmospheric, and air is drawn into the cylinder. Line AB now represents the
effective swept volume (ESV) which can be seen as being less than the total
swept volume (SV).
At point B the piston reverses direction and compression takes place up to
point C.
At point C the pressure in the cylinder has risen to delivery pressure and the
discharge valve opens. Line C to D represents the delivery volume at a
constant pressure.
At point D (TDC) the piston reverses direction, the delivery valve closes and
the clearance gas is re-expanded down to point A where the inlet valve opens
and the cycle recommences.
It can be seen that induction of air does not take place until the pressure inside
the cylinder is lower than atmospheric, which requires the clearance volume to
be expanded. This will have the effect of delaying the opening of the inlet
valve hence reducing the volume of air drawn into the cylinder during
induction, resulting in a reduction in volumetric efficiency.
Why do you think it necessary for a reciprocating piston compressor to have a
clearance space between the piston and the cylinder head at top dead centre?
The reason for a clearance space at top dead centre on a single-acting compressor (and a
clearance space at bottom dead centre also for double acting machines) is to prevent the
compressor internal components (piston, rod and valves etc.) from mechanical damage due
to the piston striking the cylinder head during operation.
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© Teesside University 2011
VOLUMETRIC EFFICIENCY ________________________________________________________________________________________
For the purpose of this text and to aid your understanding of the effect
clearance volume has on the operation of a reciprocating compressor, we will
treat volumetric efficiency as:
Theoretically, the compressor will draw in its swept volume of air per stroke,
which is equal to the area of the piston × the stroke length, but in practice the stroke length can only be considered from the point that the inlet valve opens.
Therefore, the volumetric efficiency becomes:
From this it can be seen that if the effective swept volume reduces, so too does
the volumetric efficiency.
Consider now the effect of increasing the clearance volume: this will result in a
greater volume of high-pressure air trapped in the clearance space which must
be re-expanded to below atmospheric pressure to allow the inlet valve to open;
this means that the piston must travel further down its induction stroke before
the inlet valve opens. This will give a reduction in the effective swept volume
and hence volumetric efficiency. In simple terms, the compressor will be
passing less air through the system per cycle. FIGURE 4 illustrates this effect.
effective swept volume total swept volume
volumetric efficiency = actual volume drawn inn per stroke
theoretical volume drawn in perr stroke
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FIG. 4 Effect of Changing the Clearance Volume
0 V
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How do you think clearance volumes are set and what do you think would be the effect
of an incorrectly set clearance volume on the operation of a reciprocating piston
On single-acting machines, clearance volumes are usually factory set and not adjustable.
However, machining the cylinder head or altering its gasket thickness will affect the
clearance volume.
On double-acting machines clearance volumes will usually be adjustable and be set to a
predetermined value supplied by the machine manufacturer. The degree of adjustment is
usually achieved by screwing the piston rod in or out of the crosshead.
If the clearance volume is incorrectly set at a higher value than that recommended by the
manufacturer this will usually result in a loss of volumetric efficiency leading to a reduction
in compressor performance. If the value is set at a level lower than recommended then this
will increase the risk of mechanical damage occurring due to contact between the piston and
cylinder head.
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EFFECT OF PRESSURE ON VOLUMETRIC EFFICIENCY ________________________________________________________________________________________
Another factor which will affect the opening of the inlet valve and hence the
effective swept volume is the pressure of the air in the cylinder. If the pressure
is low, only a small increase in its volume will be necessary to achieve the
required pressure reduction, but if it is high then a greater increase in its
volume will be required to allow the inlet valve to open.
FIGURE 5 illustrates this effect for three different pressures.
FIG. 5 Effect of Delivery Pressure on Swept Volume
It can be seen from the diagram that, as maximum system pressure increases,
there is a delay in the opening of the inlet valve resulting in a decrease in the
effective swept volume.
pATM A1 A2 A3 B
D3 C3
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With reference to FIGURE 5 the lowest pressure cycle (p1) is the most efficient
in terms of volume (A1–B–C1–D1).
p2 is less efficient (A2–B–C2–D2).
p3 is the least efficient (A3–B–C3–D3).
What effect would a defective delivery valve have on the volumetric efficiency of the
If the valve had springs which had become weak or broken due to fatigue failure, it would
open at a lower than desired pressure difference: this would improve volumetric efficiency,
but reduce the effective pressure of the air being delivered into the system. If for any reason
the valve was prevented from opening at the desired pressure differential then this would
put a higher effective pressure into the system but would reduce the volumetric efficiency of
the machine.
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© Teesside University 2011
ISOTHERMAL AND ADIABATIC COMPRESSION ________________________________________________________________________________________
The compression of air with all the heat of compression removed (isothermal)
and with "none" of the heat of compression removed (adiabatic) was outlined
earlier in the text. We will now consider the effect on the input power to the
compressor for each process. The p – V diagram will again be used to explain
these effects.
If none of the heat generated during the compression process is allowed to
escape, the rate of pressure rise within the cylinder will be extremely high due
to the expansion of the gas during the process.
If all the heat generated during the compression process is removed as it is
generated this will result in a slow rate of pressure rise within the cylinder
solely due to the reduction in volume.
Both processes are illustrated in the p – V diagram, FIGURE 6.
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FIG. 6
FIGURE 6 shows that during isothermal compression work done will be at a
minimum where the area inside the p – V loop is a minimum: this is the ideal
situation. The compressor designer aims to approach this mode of
The adiabatic curve is the worst situation showing work done in compressing
the gas is at a maximum where the area of the diagram is maximum. This is a
situation that designers try to avoid.
In practice, the mode of compression falls some way between the two and is
known as polytropic. It is shown on the diagram as a broken line.
Thus it is important to note that the extraction of heat of compression is an
important factor in compressor efficiency.
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© Teesside University 2011
MOISTURE CONTENT IN AIR ________________________________________________________________________________________
Atmospheric air will always contain some moisture and under certain
conditions the amount can be considerable. This moisture, if allowed to enter
compressed air systems, can have a detrimental effect, therefore its removal is
The amount of moisture that can be supported by air is dependent on various
factors, two of the most important are:
• as temperature rises more water can be held
• as pressure rises less water can be held.
Since compressors both raise the temperature and the pressure of the air there
is some balancing of water retention capabilities. If we assume that air leaving
a compressor is just able to support its moisture content, any reduction in
temperature would result in the moisture being condensed and deposited into
the system with adverse effects. It is therefore desirable that the air is cooled
immediately after compression to remove moisture before it can enter the
pipework system.
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© Teesside University 2011
MULTI-STAGE COMPRESSION ________________________________________________________________________________________
It can be recognised now that there are limitations to the use of single-stage
• there is a limited maximum pressure due to the problem of re-expansion
of the clearance gases
• it is difficult to remove all the heat generated during the compression
process quickly enough to achieve a process approaching isothermal.
A common method employed to help overcome the above two problems is the
use of a multi-stage compressor where air is cooled between each stage. This
method of compressing air has several advantages which are outlined briefly
• Less work is done on the gas during the compression process, hence
greater efficiency is achieved.
• Higher pressures can be achieved due to reducing the problems of
clearance-space expansion.
• Moisture present in the air can be removed between stages.
FIGURE 7 illustrates the compression of air in two stages with cooling
between the stages. This cooling is known as inter-cooling.
The operation of the compressor plant in FIGURE 7 is as follows.