I need help with a Health & Medical question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
What would you consider to be the elements of an ethical sampling plan?
The ethical focus of a sampling plan changes depending on the focus of research. Suhonen, Stolt, Katajisto, & Leino-Kilpi (2015) adresses the ethical approach of sample size. Suhonen et al. mentions that although a small sample size reduces the strength of research there is lots of use for results that advance care. Further into the article Suhonen et al. flips the scenario and states that a larger ethical concern would be using a sample size that is unecessarly too large creating more burden for more people. These simple statements help broaden the view on the ethical focus of sampling plans. Size, both too small and too large, as mentioned above, is a priority element of sampling plans. Confidentiality and consent for sampling must be maintained to increase validity. Who will be included and who will be excluded in the study must be considered to increase the strength and ethical consideration of results. The choice of sampling technique is determined by the research question as well. For example, are you looking at a specific patient diagnosis, data, or institution?You should ask yourself why you are including or excluding items/populations? Are you using convenience sampling because of ease? Being aware of these questions, as well as many others, will reduce prejudices or bias that the researcher may introduce, and is another way to ensure that the project remains ethical.