NSW Department of Education & Training31452010 Annual School ReportTabulam Public SchoolNSW Public Schools –Leading the way
1Our school at a glanceStudentsTabulam Public School had 66 students from K-6 in 2010. Our student population consists of students from a variety of backgrounds. We have students from Aboriginal families, traditional farming families and new settler families.The majority of students travel to school by bus, some having a school day from 7am to 5pm.StaffTabulam Public School has 14 members of staff who are all dedicated and committed to improving outcomes for Tabulam students.All teaching staff meet the professional requirements for teaching in NSW public schools.Significant programs and initiativesTabulam Public school students are supported by avariety of programs: Schools In Partnership, AboriginalEarly Language Development Program, Reading Recovery, Priority Schools Programand Norta Norta.Tabulam students are all supported by Personal Learning Plans (PLPs).Student achievement in 2010NAPLANdata indicates that while many students have succeeded and growth in writing and numeracy is strong, there is a need to continue to improvethe literacy and numeracy outcomes of all students.MessagesPrincipal’s messageThe achievements of Tabulam PublicSchool over the last year have been very positive,reflecting the strong support from our community and the dedication of all staff to the continual improvement of student outcomes and well being at Tabulam Public school.The Dare To Lead snapshot processconducted in term 4 2010, was a very positive experience with a large number of commendations for the programs in place at Tabulam Public School. Recommendations are to form part of the School Management Plan for 2011-2013.Tabulam Public School received a High Achievement Award for Excellence from Dare To Lead, a NSW Director General’s Award for Excellence in Aboriginal Education in 2010and a Cohesive Community Awardfrom the Education Department.Tabulam Public School’s (Personal Learning Plan) PLP initiative has been recognized as best practice and our process has been included in a national information booklet by Dare To Lead.We look forward to a productive partnership with the whole school community in 2011 to further support and develop outcomes and opportunities for Tabulam students.I certify that the information in this report is the result of a rigorous school self-evaluation process and is a balanced and genuine account of the school’s achievements and areas for development.Lesley MillsP & C This year, with the support of students, staff, carers, parents, community members, and sponsors from small and corporate businesses, the P & C has donated $2500 to the school.$1300 was donated toward the cost of excursionsand $800 towards the cost of Presentation Day, including 14 printed graduation jackets for year 6.The P & C was able to support the schools No Hat No Play policy, buying a hat for each student to keep at school. A $100 sport’s scholarship to help students qualifying in state sports events to travel was started this year.The P & C works with students, staff, and other parents, carers and community members, to celebrate our important school and community traditions. This year, our canteen menu has been divided into a tuck shop with a healthier menu, and two” red” days a term ,where the traditional favourites mark important celebrations .Educational theme days in the canteen have been proposed for 2011.Ideally, the P & C should represent and include everyone in our school community. In2011, P & C meetings have been planned for weeks 2 and 6 of each term.Tabulam Public School P&C.Student representative’s messageTabulam Public School’s Student Council for 2010includedtwo school captains and four prefects.There aretwo class captains elected from each classwhoare also members of the Student Council.The student council treasurerand secretary assistwith therunning of the meetings.This year’s student Council raised $113.00 forCharityin 2010. The Rural Flying Doctor’sService was one of the charities. We had competitions forthe best dressedpeople in the theme:“What you want to be