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adolescents are often diagnosed with disruptive, impulsive control and conduct disorders which disrupt their lives and the lives of those around them. They always end up causing physical harm to themselves, to others, to animals and they also destroy properties, depending on the type of disorder that has been diagnosed. These are always problems associated with self-control, behaviors and emotions (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). One group therapy strived to help adolescents that present with such behavioral and motional problems. This group therapy focused on adolescents that particularly had uncontrolled aggression because of their diagnoses. Notably, aggression is common, complex and very challenging in adolescents and they are associated with a number of risk factors such as personal temperaments, dysfunctional family dynamics, exposure to violence and poor practices when it comes to parenting (Ogundele, 2018). The counselling of these adolescents in the selected group was meant to help them in changing their behavior, attitude and emotions as they deal or cope with issues in their lives. Anger management was also a very crucial part of the counseling process.
One client, a 15-year-old boy was in the group because he had become a truant and he started missing school when he was 12 years. He also has a history of shoplifting and this is what made his parents consider the group therapy. He was arrested and the authorities asked his parents to consider looking for help, otherwise their son would end up in deeper troubles. This patient was physically cruel to persons and animals and he was suspended from school several times because it was confirmed that he bullied other students. After the counselling started, some progress was seen with this client. For example, he stopped causing physical harm to animals and he also stopped being a truant. However, there were still complains from his school regarding his behavior around other students. He was still being aggressive towards them and he seemed not to stop bullying them. This was a serious concern because the school gave him a last warning. He was told that if this happened again, he was going to be expelled from the school. The parents did not want such a record under their son’s name.
The approach that was being used here was cognitive behavioral therapy. It was implemented with a view of helping the patient improve on his ability to socialize with others, communicate with others, cope with stress and to effectively solve problems. Cognitive behavioral therapy is known to help children and adolescents in improving these skills (Sagar, Patra & Patil, 2019). This patient seemed to be in need of expressing some anger and frustration in his life and this is why he was still bitter and aggressive towards other students. Further questioning of his parents helped in understanding his behavior.
The parents admitted that they have been separated for a while and that the child started exhibiting these behaviors around the same time when the separation was underway. Parental divorce is known to cause significant problem in children and adolescents and this can affect them even when they get into adulthood. This needs to be looked into in an effective manner because parental separation leading to externalizing problem behavior may not only be a danger to the affected person but also to other members of the society through criminal activities and associated costs in healthcare (Sillekens & Notten, 2020). In this case, there is need to actively add the parents to he counselling process and involve them in parental training as well. This patient will need to spend some more time with both parents as opposed to spending time with his mother alone.
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Pub
Ogundele, M. O. (2018). Behavioural and emotional disorders in childhood: a brief overview for paediatricians. World journal of clinical pediatrics, 7(1), 9.
Sagar, R., Patra, B. N., & Patil, V. (2019). Clinical practice guidelines for the management of conduct disorder. Indian journal of psychiatry, 61(Suppl 2), 270
Sillekens, S., & Notten, N. (2020). Parental divorce and externalizing problem behavior in adulthood. A study on lasting individual, family and peer risk factors for externalizing problem behavior when experiencing a parental divorce. Deviant Behavior, 41(1)