I’m trying to learn for my Programming class and I’m stuck. Can you help?
In this problem, you will build three small classes based on the person. The three classes are: Employee, HourlyEmployee, and SalariedEmployee. Implement this program using Python.
An employee has an employee’s name (inherited from the class person), an annual salary, a hired date that gives the year, month, and date that the employee got hired, and a social security number. Choose appropriate data types for this information. HourlyEmployee and SalariedEmployee are derived from Employee. The difference between HourlyEmployee and SalariedEmployee is the way that the salary is calculated. For HourlyEmployee, salary = number of hours worked * hourly rate; for SalariedEmployee, salary = annual salary + bonus. To accommodate the calculation of salary, HourlyEmployee and SalariedEmployee need additional data members, including number of hours worked, hourly rate, or bonus.
Program design requirement:
1. Be sure your classes have a reasonable set of constructors, accessor methods, and mutator methods so that object states can be manipulated.
2. Be sure to demonstrate method overloading and method overridden in your classes.
3. Be sure to demonstrate the appropriate use of access modifiers for class and its members.
4. You may use abstract method.
5. Be sure to document your source code
1. Source code for the program.
2. Source code for testing program (see example in c++)