Week 1 - Homework
10/22/2019 - AU Undergraduate
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Research Notebook
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You must complete activities in your Research Notebook each week. You will not submit this assignment until Week 4, Day 7. However, you must keep up with the assigned sections each week to be successful in class.
You have two options for this Research Notebook. You may do your work on the computer or you may print it out and complete the pages by hand. If you choose to complete the notebook by hand, please be prepared to scan your pages in Week 4 so you can submit your work as a digital file (PDF format) for grading. The research notebook is your personal writing tool, so you will only be graded on a holistic, four-level scale: 100% (A), 75% (C), 50% (F), 0% (no credit).
Download the Research Notebook Here:
MS Word VersionPreview the document
PDF VersionPreview the document
This week, you must:
Brainstorm in Discussions
Develop Keywords and a Research Question (Use Section 2.1 in the textbook to guide you)
Complete Section One in the Research Notebook
Begin Section Two in the Research Notebook
Begin Section Three in the Research Notebook
Homework Week-by-Week:
You Are Here
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Complete Section One
Begin Section Two
Begin Section Three
Complete Section Two
Continue Section Three
Begin Section Four
Continue Section Three
Continue Section Four
Begin Section Five
Complete Section Three
Complete Section Four
Complete Cover Page
Submit Completed Research Notebook
For more information: Annotated Research Notebook Instructions, Week 1Preview the document
You are required to use LibraryU (Links to an external site.) and The Writing Center (Links to an external site.) to develop your skills and complete homework each week. Be sure to save your work. Your entire Research Notebook must be completed and submitted by 11:59pm on Week 4, Day 7.
The Research Process.png