Girl by jamaica kincaid
Article Summaries
For each article summary, provide the following information.
1. Citation information in MLA format:
2. Which of the following does this source explore:
**Place an X next to all that apply
3. Identify and quote the thesis statement from the article/source:
4. Summarize: Identify and summarize the main supporting points that the author uses to support the claim in his/her thesis statement. Hint: a paragraph per main point would provide a detailed summary. And remember: use your own words and sentence structures when summarizing and paraphrasing. While you are free to include any quotes you found especially helpful, don’t forget the source integration formula (Signal Tag + Direct Quote + Ending Citation + SOI).
Research: Key Terms and Popular Interpretations
To complete this assignment, fill out the following information:
Step 1: Key Terms
As you think about researching your story, list at least 5 different key terms that may help you in your research:
1. Type here
2. Type here
3. Type here
4. Type here
5. Type Here
Now, for each key term above, come up with a synonym:
1. Type here
2. Type here
3. Type here
4. Type here
5. Type Here
Step 2: Popular Interpretations.
Get ready. I’m giving you permission to look up your short story on Wikipedia and SparkNotes. Looking through these websites, what are the popular interpretations of your story? List as many as you can find:
1. Start typing here. Hit enter to add a new popular interpretation.
Girl by jamaica kincaid