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Hospital Billing
Epic 2017
RHB101 Resolute Hospital
Billing Fundamentals
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Epic Systems Corporation
1979 Milky Way • Verona, WI 53593 • Voice: (608) 271 -9000 • Fax: (608) 271-7237
Last Revision: August 11, 2017
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RHB101 Resolute Hospital Billing
Introduction: Hospital Billing Fundamentals ...................................... 1•3
Introduction to the Hospital Billing Revenue Cycle .......................... 2•3
Linking Records in Registration........................................................... 3•3
Scheduling and Checking In a Patient in an HOD ........................... 4•3
Entering Charges from a Fee Ticket ................................................... 5•3
Correcting and Reviewing Charge Errors .......................................... 6•3
Reporting on Revenue ........................................................................ 7•3
Correcting Prebilling Edits................................................................... 8•3
Combining Consecutive Accounts.................................................... 9•3
Sending Claims ................................................................................. 10•3
Correcting Claim Errors..................................................................... 11•3
Processing Late Charges .................................................................. 12•3
Following Up on Outstanding Claims ............................................... 13•3
Posting Basic Insurance Payments .................................................. 14•3
Managing Denials ............................................................................. 15•3
Resolving Underpayments................................................................ 16•3
Sending Guarantor Statements ........................................................ 17•3
Researching Balance and Statement Inquiries............................... 18•3
Accessing Accounts for Follow-up .................................................. 19•3
Updating Guarantor Information...................................................... 20•3
Updating Coverage Information ...................................................... 21•3
Posting Guarantor Payments ............................................................ 22•3
Managing Credit Balances .............................................................. 23•3
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Reviewing Adjustments ..................................................................... 24•3
Contacting Guarantors about Unpaid Balances............................. 25•3
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Introduction: Hospital Billing Fundamentals 1•1
RHB101 Resolute Hospital Billing Fundamentals Resolute Hospital Billing Epic 2017
Lesson 1: Introduction: Hospital Billing
Fundamentals Introduction.................................................................................................................... 1•3
Prerequisites and Assumptions ................................................................................... 1•3
How to Use This Training Companion......................................................................... 1•3
Certification ................................................................................................................... 1•5
Class Attendance ...................................................................................................... 1•5
Exams .......................................................................................................................... 1•5
Failed Exams............................................................................................................ 1•6
How to Study for Your Epic Exams .......................................................................... 1•6
Project......................................................................................................................... 1•7
Maintaining a Certification ........................................................................................ 1•7
Proficiency .................................................................................................................. 1•8
Contact Information .................................................................................................. 1•8
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1•2 Introduction: Hospital Billing Fundamentals
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Introduction: Hospital Billing Fundamentals 1•3
RHB101 Resolute Hospital Billing Fundamentals Resolute Hospital Billing Epic 2017
Introduction: Hospital Billing Fundamentals
Welcome to Resolute Hospital Billing Fundamentals! In this class we'll explore the hospital revenue
cycle and the end user features the software supports to address it.
We'll discuss account creation, charge entry, and the charge editing tools in the software. Next we'll
discuss claims processing and claim editing, followed by insurance payment posting. We'll also
touch on guarantor statement processing and guarantor payment posting. For balances that remain
after payment posting we'll address adjustment posting, and self-pay follow-up.
During the class, keep in mind that we'll primarily discuss end user functions, and not
administrative system configuration, which is covered in the Resolute Hospital Billing
Administration class.
Prerequisites and Assumptions
Before undertaking the course of study within this class, it is recommended that you complete pre-
requisite e-learning lessons. The list of lessons is found on the UserWeb Course Catalog.
How to Use This Training Companion
This training companion is intended as a tool for learning the material presented in class. Please use
it as a place for notes on the topics and additional details covered in class.
Recommendations for certification success:
Practice in the system.
Take thorough notes during class in your companion.
Review your companion and lecture notes.
Review questions at the end of each chapter.
Informative text boxes throughout the companion will draw your attention to content of particular
interest. Here are examples of types of text boxes you might encounter:
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Critical information for the setup or use of a particular feature. For example: a particular
feature is only available if application X is installed.
Setup information related to the current feature. This provides basic information about the
system build required to get a feature to work properly.
Extra information related to a given topic. You do not need to know this information for
Foundation System information or recommendations. You do not need to know this
information for certification.
The Foundation System is regularly updated and improved based on lessons learned
and customer feedback. Log in to the Foundation Hosted environment to see our current
Our documents include Epic's standard copyright statement. Do not remove it.
If you create new materials, include: "This material contains confidential and copyrighted
information of Epic Systems Corporation" whenever that document contains Epic's screen shots or
other content based on our materials. You should also consider adding your own copyright
Be sure not to post Epic-related e-learning or documentation on an unprotected website that can be
accessed by the general public. This includes both materials that Epic has written and that you have
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Introduction: Hospital Billing Fundamentals 1•5
RHB101 Resolute Hospital Billing Fundamentals Resolute Hospital Billing Epic 2017
The requirements to achieve certification are listed below for the Resolute Hospital Billing
Administration and Single Billing Office Administration certifications. If you are attending HB
Fundamentals as a pre-req to another certification (such as Resolute Hospital Billing Claims
Administration) then please reference the certification requirements contained in those courses.
Class Attendance
To achieve certification you must attend class at Epic. Attending class at Epic allows you to
network and experience the culture of Epic, all while getting the most up to date and accurate
information about an application directly from an application trainer. You are required to attend:
RHB101 Resolute Hospital Billing Fundamentals
REV201 Shared Revenue Administration
RHB302 Resolute Hospital Billing Administration
Class attendance never expires.
Certification requires the taking and passing of various exams as a demonstration of content
knowledge. There is one exam per class attended.
RHB101 Resolute Hospital Billing Fundamentals
NOTE: Use caution when requesting your exam. The Resolute Hospital Billing
Fundamentals for Single Billing Office (RHB102) exam is NOT the correct exam.
Minimum passing score required is 80%.
REV201 Shared Revenue Administration
NOTE: You do not need a proctor for this exam and the exam can be taken an unlimited
number of times without returning to class.
Minimum passing score required is 80%.
RHB302 Resolute Hospital Billing Administration
NOTE: Use caution when requesting your exam. The Resolute Hospital Billing
Administration for Single Billing Office (RHB303) exam is NOT the correct exam.
Minimum passing score required is 80%.
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1•6 Introduction: Hospital Billing Fundamentals
Resolute Hospital Billing Epic 2017 RHB101 Resolute Hospital Billing Fundamentals
All exams are formatted to be True/False or Multiple Choice questions only. You can see an
example of this format at the end of each chapter in this book (the Reviewing the Chapter - Review
Questions section). All questions are worth one (1), three (3), or five (5) points each unless
otherwise noted for that exam. The higher the point value the more challenging the question. Five
point questions are almost entirely scenario based questions, which require providing multiple
responses. Exams are proctored and have a two (2) hour time limit unless otherwise noted per
Score expiration
If you pass an exam the score is valid to be used toward achieving certification for a limited time. If
you do not finish your certification before the expiration date your exam score will no longer be
valid. For exam expiration dates, follow these steps:
1. Go to the User Web.
2. Click the Training Home link along the left-hand side in the Training section (scroll down if
3. Expiration dates are along the right-hand side in the Important Dates Section.
Failed Exams
There are considerations on the number of times you can fail an exam. Please consider, and verify
your understanding of, these considerations before you take your first exam.
All exam attempts you make are tracked by exam, regardless of version.
After your third (3rd) fail on an exam you must return to Epic and retake the associated class
before you can make another attempt to pass that exam. This attendance is considered refresher
If you fail the same exam five (5) times you must return to Epic and retake the associated class
before you can make another attempt to pass that exam. This training is not considered
refresher training and will be charged to your organization.
Every subsequent failing score beyond five (5) fails will require re-attendance at Epic for the
associated class before you can make another attempt to pass the exam.
The limitations described above will be enforced into the future.
This limit is also documented in Epic's Training Guide - Epic Community Member and Epic's
Training Guide - Consultant on the UserWeb.
How to Study for Your Epic Exams
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Introduction: Hospital Billing Fundamentals 1•7
RHB101 Resolute Hospital Billing Fundamentals Resolute Hospital Billing Epic 2017
Whether you have recently taken exams or have not taken an exam in quite some time, you will
want to make sure that your study techniques will work for your long-term learning.
To that end, Epic training has developed a piece of documentation, How to Study for Your Epic
Exams that you can access through Galaxy or through the hyperlink.
You are required to complete one project for the Resolute Hospital Billing Administration
certification. The project details will be introduced in your Administration class as the project
cannot be started until after that class.
Project Grading:
You will receive a score back within three business days of submitting as well as the high-level
areas where you missed points. You may resubmit your project for a higher score considering the
following rules:
You are limited to a total of two (2) submissions per day, per project.
Plan your project build against your personal certification deadlines before starting the
You are expected to fully troubleshoot before submitting your project.
Score expiration
If you pass a project, the score is valid to be used toward achieving certification for a limited time. If
you do not finish your certification before the expiration date your project score will no longer be
valid. For expiration dates, follow these steps:
1. Go to the User Web.
2. Click the Training Home link along the right-hand side in the Training section (scroll down if
3. Expiration dates are along the right-hand side in the Important Dates Section.
Maintaining a Certification
With each software update we update the version of the available certifications as well. It is
required that you maintain your certification to the most current version, regardless of the version
your organization uses. Maintaining certification is done through the Continuing Epic Education
process, by which you will demonstrate your application knowledge using the following:
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1. New Version Training - requires reading an overview of the new features for an application
and passing a short, non-proctored quiz. This is required with every Epic release and should
take an hour or less per NVT.
2. Application Essentials Assessment - take and pass a one-hour assessment covering the core
concepts of the certification, reinforcing knowledge of the concepts currently in the
certification. You will be required to do this approximately every five years (or about three Epic
versions). Expect 6-8 hours of time required to review material and complete the assessment.
Where do you stand with your requirements? For each version you will automatically receive an
email from Epic detailing what you are required to do and the deadlines for completing those
items. Your organization is also notified and tracking your progress.
If you do not complete your Continuing Epic Education requirements your certification will
lapse. This means you are no longer certified. If your certification lapses you can regain it
by retaking and passing all certification exams. Please see Epic's Training Guide - Epic
Community Member on the UserWeb for details on regaining lapsed certifications.
Alternatively, if you are a consultant, view the Epic's Training Guide - Consultant.
Proficiency allows trainees to self-study the materials and demonstrate a lower threshold of content
knowledge. All requirements are the same as certification except for the following:
Attendance at Epic is not required
Minimum scores to pass are reduced by 10%
Continuing Epic Education requirements are the same for certified and proficient individuals.
Please reference the following information about Proficiency before attempting to complete
a Proficiency:
Steps to Attain Proficient Status
Contact Information
The table below provides you with contact information you may need during your certification
Contact Used For
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Contact Used For
hospitalbillingtrainingsubmissions@epic.com The vast majority of your questions should be
directed to this email address. This will connect
you with the HB trainers who can answer your
questions on anything related to billing. All
requests for concept clarification, practice
patient lists, or user login information should be
directed to this email address and not to the
certification environments or UserWeb
addresses listed below. If you aren't sure about
who to contact, use one of these email addresses.
epicaccess@epic.com Use this only if your access specifically to the
certification environments is broken or lost. If
you can access the certification environments
but are having trouble logging in to Hyperspace
contact the training teams directly instead.
userwebaccounts@epic.com Use this only if your access to specifically the
UserWeb is broken or lost. If you have a
question regarding billing contact the training
team directly instead.
Direct email for your Epic representative (either
the implementers or your technical services
You can find this information by asking a
member of your own project team or by asking
the training teams listed above.
Exam Reviews...Reply All to your exam score
For all exam reviews. This will route to the
appropriate parties who will in turn contact you
to set up a time to discuss the content you
exams@epic.com Use this to ask questions about requesting,
submitting, or taking exams, as well as proctors
for those exams.
registrations@epic.com Use this to ask questions about registering for
classes at Epic.
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1•10 Introduction: Hospital Billing Fundamentals
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Contact Used For
training@epic.com Use to inquire about the status of your paper
certification or NVT stickers.
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Introduction to the Hospital Billing Revenue
RHB101 Resolute Hospital Billing Fundamentals Resolute Hospital Billing Epic 2017
Lesson 2: Introduction to the Hospital
Billing Revenue Cycle Introduction to Hospital Billing....................................................................................... 2•3
By the End of This Lesson, You Will Be Able To... ........................................................ 2•3
In-Class Activity ............................................................................................................. 2•4
Reviewing the Standard Revenue Cycle .................................................................. 2•4
Hospital Account Creation..................................................................................... 2•5
Charge Generation ................................................................................................ 2•5
Discharged-Not-Billed ............................................................................................. 2•6
Initiate Billing............................................................................................................ 2•6
Claims Processing and Insurance Payment Posting.............................................. 2•6
Statement Processing and Guarantor Payment Posting ...................................... 2•6
Closed Accounts .................................................................................................... 2•7
Buckets .................................................................................................................... 2•7
Reviewing Errors throughout the Revenue Cycle ..................................................... 2•9
Reviewing the Chapter................................................................................................ 2•11
Review Questions ..................................................................................................... 2•11
Review Key ............................................................................................................... 2•14
Study Checklist ......................................................................................................... 2•17
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2•2 Introduction to the Hospital Billing Revenue
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Introduction to the Hospital Billing Revenue
RHB101 Resolute Hospital Billing Fundamentals Resolute Hospital Billing Epic 2017
Introduction to the Hospital Billing Revenue Cycle
Introduction to Hospital Billing
The purpose of this chapter is to introduce you to Epic's Hospital Billing revenue cycle, the tools
used to accomplish billing objectives, and key vocabulary used in Hospital Billing.
For more information, view the following e-learning module, available through
RHB003 Resolute Hospital Billing Revenue Cycle Overview
By the End of This Lesson, You Will Be Able To...
Describe the revenue cycle
Define key terms of the revenue cycle
Define all hospital account statuses
Define all bucket statuses
Describe which tools are used to find errors throughout the revenue cycle
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2•4 Introduction to the Hospital Billing Revenue
Resolute Hospital Billing Epic 2017 RHB101 Resolute Hospital Billing Fundamentals
In-Class Activity
Reviewing the Standard Revenue Cycle
Across healthcare organizations, the billing process is similar. The ultimate goal is to charge for the
services provided and then receive payment for those services from the patient's insurance
company (if applicable) and the guarantor. Resolute Hospital Billing is built to handle the key
components of the revenue cycle, while incorporating additional functionality for ease of use and
better resolutions in billing.
The following are some frequently asked questions that may help you understand Hospital Billing
a little better.
1. What is the purpose of Hospital Billing and where is it used?
Hospital Billing is how we bill for the services provided and resources used by patients at a
hospital. Hospital Billing charges are often called technical charges. Most of the time,
Hospital Billing is only used in a hospital setting.
2. Is Hospital Billing how we bill for physicians?
While it is possible, we typically do not bill for physicians using Hospital Billing. Fees for a
physician's time and expertise - often called professional fees - are billed through
Professional Billing. Professional Billing is most often used in a clinic setting. Physicians
working in a hospital setting are often part of a medical group, which uses Professional
Billing to reimburse the physicians.
3. What is Accounts Receivable?
Accounts Receivable (or A/R) refers to a facility's outstanding dollars that are due from
patients, insurance companies, third-party payors, etc. These dollars are most often
categorized and aged by payor, third-party, and patient.
The following diagram depicts the revenue cycle in an error-free scenario.
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Introduction to the Hospital Billing Revenue
RHB101 Resolute Hospital Billing Fundamentals Resolute Hospital Billing Epic 2017
Key Term Definition
Hospital Account Creation
The revenue cycle begins the moment a hospital account is created during preadmission,
admission, appointment scheduling, or check-in. A patient must have a hospital account to be
admitted or checked in. This hospital account holds all hospital charges, payments, and
adjustments for the encounter. When the hospital account exists and while the patient is admitted,
the status of the HAR is Open.
Charge Generation
Technical charges can be filed to a HAR as soon as it exists. Most charges occur while the patient is
in the hospital (HAR status = Open), but they can also appear on the HAR after the patient is
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2•6 Introduction to the Hospital Billing Revenue
Resolute Hospital Billing Epic 2017 RHB101 Resolute Hospital Billing Fundamentals
discharged (HAR status = DNB). Charges are considered Late Charges if they are posted after the
HAR is Billed.
After a patient is discharged the hospital account status changes from Open to DNB (Discharged-
One of the important tasks that typically occurs while the account is in a DNB status is coding.
Coding is the identification of the diagnosis and the procedures that were performed while the
patient was at the hospital. Because this information is not always available immediately at
discharge, we wait a pre-determined number of days before attempting to bill the account so that
coding can occur. This period of time is known as min days. Min days is defined by your
organization and can differ by scenario.
Initiate Billing
After the initial account has been held for min days, the system attempts to bill the account through
an automated process known as Initiate Billing. During Initiate Billing, the account is evaluated
against a series of checks to make sure all necessary information is present and the account is
eligible to be billed. The checks are known as DNB checks. If an account successfully passes these
checks, the status changes to Billed. Accounts that do not pass the checks are held in a DNB status
and routed to the appropriate users for follow-up.
DNB checks can also be run at the time of discharge. This would allow users to begin following up
on account issues sooner. The decision to run DNB checks at discharge is configured for each
individual DNB check.
Claims Processing and Insurance Payment Posting
A billed account that has an associated coverage goes through claims processing. Claims processing
is an automated process that evaluates accounts against checks in an attempt to generate a claim.
These checks are known as claim edits. Accounts that pass claim edit checks produce clean claims
that are sent to a clearinghouse, external scrubber, or payor. Claims with errors are sent to the error
pool to be fixed before they are sent to the payor.
When remittance advice and payments are received from a payor, they are posted into the system
either manually or electronically.
Statement Processing and Guarantor Payment Posting
After the insurance payment is posted, the remaining balance is moved on to the next responsible
party. If there is a secondary payor on the hospital account, the system produces a secondary claim.
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Introduction to the Hospital Billing Revenue
RHB101 Resolute Hospital Billing Fundamentals Resolute Hospital Billing Epic 2017
When the balance moves to self-pay, the guarantor becomes eligible for a statement. When a
guarantor payment is received, through mail, Welcome, or MyChart, it is posted to hospital
accounts either manually or through lock-box remittance.
Closed Accounts
Once the balance of the account is $0, the hospital account has finished its journey through the
Revenue Cycle, and it now has a status of Closed.
How are buckets used in the revenue cycle?
There are various parties that might be responsible for a patient's medical expenses, such as
insurance or the guarantor. Buckets are used to assign and track financial liability for a HAR. The
three most common types of buckets are:
1. Pre-billed - holds charges before they are assigned to another bucket.
2. Insurance - holds charges, payments, and adjustments assigned to a specific insurance.
3. Self-pay - holds charges, payments, and adjustments assigned to the guarantor.
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2•8 Introduction to the Hospital Billing Revenue
Resolute Hospital Billing Epic 2017 RHB101 Resolute Hospital Billing Fundamentals
Pre-billed and self-pay buckets are created as soon as the HAR exists. Insurance buckets are created
when liability is assigned to that insurance. This happens either during initiate billing (for the
primary insurance) or when a balance is moved to the next responsible party.
Like the HAR, buckets have statuses.
Bucket status Description
Created All buckets start in this status. No communication with the entity that
owes has been made.
Outstanding Balance of that bucket has been communicated. For insurance buckets this
means the claim was accepted in Epic. For self-pay buckets the balance is
on an accepted statement.
Closed No balance exists on the bucket.
Other buckets and bucket statuses exist, but are not commonly used. Examples include the
Undistributed bucket (for undistributed payments directly attached to the HAR) and the Rejected
and Replaced bucket statuses.
The assignment of financial liability typically flows in a very linear fashion in the revenue cycle: the
outstanding balance moves from pre-billed to insurance (if appropriate) to self-pay. In some
circumstances though, the assignment needs to flow backwards. This backward flow of liability is
known as "undo billing" (or "undo transfer" in situations where multiple buckets exist). If the action
of undo billing is performed on a bucket, the bucket status changes from its previous status to
Rejected and charges will return to the pre-billed bucket.
When are buckets created?
PREBILLED__________ and SELF-PAY_____________buckets are automatically created
when the HAR is created. When Initiate Billing is successful and there is a coverage
record valid for the encounter, the INSURANCE____________ bucket is created.
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Introduction to the Hospital Billing Revenue
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Review: The three most common bucket statuses are:
Reviewing Errors throughout the Revenue Cycle
Though the previous diagram shows an error-free revenue cycle, Epic is prepared to handle many
different problems that can arise in the business office. From the initial preadmission to guarantor
follow-up, tools exist to help users expedite the billing process.
The following diagram depicts the revenue cycle and the tools Epic has designed to catch hospital
accounts that contain errors. Each of these tools will be defined in the diagram below, but more
detail on how they are used will be discussed in later chapters.
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2•10 Introduction to the Hospital Billing Revenue
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DNB Checks
Stop Bill
Follow-up Record
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Introduction to the Hospital Billing Revenue
RHB101 Resolute Hospital Billing Fundamentals Resolute Hospital Billing Epic 2017
Reviewing the Chapter
Review Questions
1. What holds the hospital charges for a hospital-based encounter?
A. Guarantor account
B. Coverage record
C. Hospital account
2. True or False: All liability buckets are created when you initiate billing on the hospital account.
3. Which of the following is the best description of a DNB check? (Select one answer)
A. HAR edit checks that are evaluated either when the patient is discharged or when initiate
billing is attempted.
B. Charge review edit checks.
C. Claim edit checks.
D. Self-pay edit checks.
4. What happens to any hospital account that fails a DNB check? Choose all that apply.
A. Initiate billing cannot be completed.
B. Account remains in status of DNB
C. Account status changes to Billed
D. Account is routed to an account workqueue
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2•12 Introduction to the Hospital Billing Revenue
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5. What is the status of this hospital account?
A. Open
B. Created
D. Outstanding
E. Billed
F. Closed
6. What is the status of this hospital account?
A. Open
B. Created
D. Outstanding
E. Billed
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F. Closed
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2•14 Introduction to the Hospital Billing Revenue
Resolute Hospital Billing Epic 2017 RHB101 Resolute Hospital Billing Fundamentals
Review Key
1. What holds the hospital charges for a hospital-based encounter?
A. Guarantor account
B. Coverage record
C. Hospital account
C. Hospital account
2. True or False: All liability buckets are created when you initiate billing on the hospital account.
False. The Self-pay and Pre-billed buckets are created when the hospital account is created. The primary
insurance bucket is created when you initiate billing. Non-primary insurance buckets are created after an
NRP (next responsible party) action performed on the previous insurance bucket.
3. Which of the following is the best description of a DNB check? (Select one answer)
A. HAR edit checks that are evaluated either when the patient is discharged or when initiate
billing is attempted.
B. Charge review edit checks.
C. Claim edit checks.
D. Self-pay edit checks.
A. HAR edit checks that are evaluated either when the patient is discharged or when initiate billing is
4. What happens to any hospital account that fails a DNB check? Choose all that apply.
A. Initiate billing cannot be completed.
B. Account remains in status of DNB
C. Account status changes to Billed
D. Account is routed to an account workqueue
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5. What is the status of this hospital account?
A. Open
B. Created
D. Outstanding
E. Billed
F. Closed
E. Billed.
There is an outstanding self -pay bucket, which means the hospital account must be in a Billed status.
6. What is the status of this hospital account?
A. Open
B. Created
D. Outstanding
E. Billed
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F. Closed
E. Billed
This hospital account is also billed. The created insurance bucket means the hospital account made it through
the Initiate Billing process successfully, which means it can't be Open or DNB.
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Introduction to the Hospital Billing Revenue
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Study Checklist
Make sure you can define the following key terms:
Hospital Account
Min Days
Accounts Receivable
Follow-up Records
Make sure you fully understand and can explain the following concepts:
HAR statuses
Bucket Statuses
Stop Bills
DNB Checks
Bad Debt
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Linking Records in Registration 3•1
RHB101 Resolute Hospital Billing Fundamentals Resolute Hospital Billing Epic 2017
Lesson 3: Linking Records in
Registration Linking Records in Registration...................................................................................... 3•3
By the End of This Lesson, You Will Be Able To... ........................................................ 3•3
The Big Picture................................................................................................................ 3•4
In-Class Activities .......................................................................................................... 3•5
Task: Log into Hyperspace ......................................................................................... 3•5
Task: Use Patient Station to Access a Pending Admission ........................................ 3•5
Task: Add Information to a Patient Record ............................................................... 3•6
Enter Patient Demographics .................................................................................. 3•6
Short Cut Keys...................................................................................................... 3•7
Enter a Patient's Contacts ...................................................................................... 3•7
Task: Create a Guarantor Record ............................................................................. 3•7
Create a New Guarantor Account ....................................................................... 3•7
Task: Create a Coverage Record ............................................................................. 3•8
What is a coverage record? .................................................................................. 3•8
Components of Hyperspace ..................................................................................... 3•9
Hyperspace Components ...................................................................................... 3•9
Task: Enter Admission and Provider Information...................................................... 3•10
Task: Create a Hospital Account ............................................................................. 3•11
Complete an Admission........................................................................................... 3•12
After-Class Exercises ................................................................................................... 3•13
Activity 1 - Admit a Patient ...................................................................................... 3•13
Create a Guarantor Account .............................................................................. 3•13
Create a Coverage.............................................................................................. 3•14
Complete the Encounter Specific Forms ............................................................. 3•14
Activity 2 - Discharge an Admitted Patient............................................................. 3•15
Reviewing the Chapter................................................................................................ 3•16
Review Questions ..................................................................................................... 3•16
Review Key ............................................................................................................... 3•18
Study Checklist ......................................................................................................... 3•20
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Linking Records in Registration 3•3
RHB101 Resolute Hospital Billing Fundamentals Resolute Hospital Billing Epic 2017
Linking Records in Registration
Linking Records in Registration
By the End of This Lesson, You Will Be Able To...
Find an existing patient record through Patient Station
Create a Patient Record
Create a Guarantor Record
Create a Coverage Record
Record encounter level information
Create a hospital account
Explain how the patient record, guarantor record, coverage record, and hospital account are
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3•4 Linking Records in Registration
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The Big Picture
During the admission or pre-admission processes, an admission clerk links together the necessary
records for appropriately billing the insurance and guarantor. In this chapter, we'll examine the
different records that can be linked at registration.
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Linking Records in Registration 3•5
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In-Class Activities
Preadmission is the process of gathering important information prior to a patient's arrival at the
hospital. Epic's preadmission workflow allows you to gather demographic, billing, and insurance
data for a patient in advance of the patient's arrival. Also, the manual creation of the patient's
Hospital Billing Account is part of this workflow.
In this lesson, we will log in as an admission clerk and admit Lorelai. During this
admission process, you will link the necessary records for appropriate billing. We will
find Lorelai's admission and gather the missing information.
Task: Log into Hyperspace
1. Login as an admission clerk:
User ID: adtpa
Password: epic
2. Press ENTER.
3. Confirm your department is EMH Admitting by pressing ENTER.
Task: Use Patient Station to Access a Pending Admission
Patient Station neatly displays all encounters for a patient. Some users will also be able to create
new patients directly.
1. Select Patient Station in your Hyperspace toolbar.
Keyboard shortcut: CTRL + 1
2. In the Name/MRN field search for "<Your Theme Last Name>, Lorelai".
Your Assigned Last Name can be found on your Classroom Information Sheet.
3. Click Find Patient.
4. Click Select.
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5. DOUBLE-CLICK Lorelai's pending admission.
There are times when searching just by patient name and date of birth won't work, as that
information may not be available. Patient lookup fields can also reference the following
shortcuts. Note that not all shortcuts listed make sense for all users.
Look up by... Shortcut to use
Insurance ID number IN.####
Member ID number MI.####
Phone Number PH.####
Contact Serial Number CSN.####
Hospital Account Number HAR.####
Task: Add Information to a Patient Record
The New Patient Wizard is an activity that presents a guided workflow for entering basic
registration information for a new patient. This information is stored in the patient record. There
should be only one patient record per patient in Epic.
Enter Patient Demographics
We call Lorelai to enter the rest of her information. She lives at 4565 Lake Street in
Madison, WI (ZIP code is 53702).
1. Click to edit the current address (which is blank) or create a new one.
2. Enter Lorelai's street address "4565 Lake St" and press TAB.
3. Enter "53702" in the City (or ZIP) field and press TAB.
4. She is married, so indicate that in the Marital Status field
5. Click in the Preferred language field.
The magnifying glass icon indicates that you have a list of values to select from.
6. Select "English".
7. Enter "Very Good" in the Form confidence field.
8. Navigate to the Patient Contacts form.
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Linking Records in Registration 3•7
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Short Cut Keys
CTRL + ENTER To see available choices in Selection List fields.
CTRL + Click To view item information
ALT + [Underlined
To select the button.
Enter a Patient's Contacts
Lorelai would like her husband, Luke, listed as an emergency contact.
1. Click Add in the Patient Relationships section
2. Enter "Danes, Luke" in the Name field.
3. Locate the Patient Link section in the upper right.
4. Click Pull Info.
5. Enter "Spouse" in the Rel to patient field.
6. Click Accept.
7. Go to the Account Questionnaire form.
Task: Create a Guarantor Record
A guarantor is the person or entity who is financially responsible for a patient. A guarantor account
is a record in Epic that stores information about a guarantor, such as the guarantor's name and
Every patient needs to have at least one guarantor account before being admitted.
One patient may have multiple guarantor accounts.
Guarantor Accounts do not hold insurance information in Epic.
Create a New Guarantor Account
1. Click Create New Account.
2. In the Address Link field confirm "Yes "is entered.
a. Click Accept to copy patient address to guarantor.
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3•8 Linking Records in Registration
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3. Click Next.
Task: Create a Coverage Record
A coverage record holds insurance information for a patient. This record in Epic is the unique
combination of three things:
1. Payor
2. Plan
3. Subscriber
Coverage records are re-used in Epic anytime you need to represent those three things (within the
proper effective dates). Note that in Epic there are no self-pay coverages. The lack of a coverage
record for a patient indicates self-pay.
What is a coverage record?
Must have one SUBSCRIBER
May have unlimited MEMBERS
You ask Lorelai if she has insurance. She tells you she has Aetna insurance and that her
card lists her as the subscriber.
1. Enter "Aetna" in the search field and press ENTER.
2. DOUBLE-CLICK the line with Aetna in the Payor and Plan columns.
3. Indicate Lorelai is the subscriber.
4. Enter the following information:
Group number: 50010
Subscriber ID: 560911647
5. Click Send.
6. Click Admission.
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Linking Records in Registration 3•9
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You are on the Interactive Face Sheet in the Admission workflow. This form displays a
summary of registration information and provides links for editing registration
7. Click the Response Received button.
This button appears at the bottom of Hyperspace when a response to the Eligibility Query
has been received.
8. In the Create New Coverage section, make sure the guarantor account that the coverage should
be linked to is highlighted.
Since Lorelai only has one guarantor account, it is automatically selected.
9. Click Create Coverage in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
10. From the Plan Select window, DOUBLE-CLICK the line with Aetna in the Plan column.
Components of Hyperspace
Before moving on, learn the different components of Hyperspace. Read the following descriptions
and then write the number of the component in the corresponding box on the screenshot above.
Hyperspace Components
1. Hyperspace Title Displays basic information about your Hyperspace session, such as the
department you logged into.
2. Epic Button Contains menus that are available to you, such as Reports and Tools.
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3•10 Linking Records in Registration
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Select a menu to access the options on it.
3. Workspace Tabs Tabs, such as the Workqueue List and Your Assigned Last Name,
Kaviram, are linked to active workspaces. Each workspace you open
generates a tab. Select the tab of an open workspace to go to that
workspace. Click the X to close the workspace.
4. Hyperspace
Lists the menu options most frequently accessed by a user. In addition to
buttons for your most common workflows, it includes the Print and Log
Out buttons.
5. Patient Header Displays information about the current workspace and patient.
6. Activity Tabs Tabs, such as Form Reprints, and Event Management that allow you to
access other activities related to the activity you have open.
7. Activity Toolbar Provides buttons, such as PCP and MSPQ, to accomplish tasks related to
the current activity.
8. Form Navigator Displays a list of forms within the current activity. Select a form in the
Form Navigator to go to that form.
9. Form Pages of fields in which you can enter or view data. Some forms are view
10. Sidebar Checklist Shows the verification checklist so staff can verify patients, guarantors,
coverages, and more from anywhere in the workflow.
Task: Enter Admission and Provider Information
Use the Encounter Info form to enter information about the patient's hospital stay.
1. Click on the Encounter Info form.
2. Enter the following information:
Point of origin: Physician or Clinic Office
Private Encounter?: No
Accident related?: No
Admission Type: Elective
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Linking Records in Registration 3•11
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Free Text Diagnoses: Type anything in this field
3. Move to the Accommodations form.
Enter an Admission date of "T".
Enter an Admission time of "N".
4. Enter "TRN HB Pool Room" in the Room field if it isn't selected already.
5. Move to the Hospital Accounts form.
Task: Create a Hospital Account
A hospital account records all of the hospital charges, payments, and adjustments for the encounter.
The hospital account also determines which coverage is sent claims for the encounter, and which
guarantor receives a bill for any balance not covered by insurance. Every hospital encounter must
have a hospital account.
Why are hospital accounts important?
Hospital Account Linking
1. Before clicking Create New Account, verify Lorelai has a Patient Class of "Inpatient" and a
Guarantor of "P/F".
Patient Class describes the type of hospital stay that the patient will have. It is a way of
grouping patients, especially for patient access workflows. It is used for error checking,
driving hospital account recommendation, and can be one factor in determining the bed
charge that posts. For preadmissions linked to surgery cases, the patient class pulls in from
the surgical case.
The Guarantor acct type field determines which type of guarantor account will be linked to
the hospital account.
2. Click Create New Account.
3. Move to the Coverage Info form.
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Complete an Admission
1. Click to expand the Sidebar Checklist.
2. Click Verify to verify the patient.
3. Click the remaining Verify buttons to verify all records for the patient.
4. If a Confirmation Messages window appears:
Use the links to move to the forms and fix the problems.
Click Verify to verify that you fixed the registration.
5. Click Admit.
Click Continue to move past any warnings that you receive.
You return to Patient Station for Lorelai.
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Linking Records in Registration 3•13
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After-Class Exercises
Activity 1 - Admit a Patient
After admitting Lorelai , you continue to admit patients. You need to enter information
for Susanna.
1. Click Patient Station in your Hyperspace toolbar.
2. In the Name/MRN field search for <Last Name>, Susanna.
3. Click Find Patient.
4. From the Patient Select window, click Select to open Patient Station for your Susanna.
5. To open the Grand Central New Patient Wizard and collect information from Susanna,
DOUBLE-CLICK on the Pending Admission line.
6. You are on the Demographics form.
You call Susanna's home phone number. She answers and tells you she has time to be
registered for surgery.
7. Enter a street address.
8. Enter a ZIP code and press TAB.
9. Enter a phone number in the Home Phone Number field.
10. Enter an E-mail address.
11. Complete the fields in the General Information section.
12. Move to the Patient Contacts form.
13. Add "Champion, Physician" as Susanna's PCP.
14. Add Susanna's husband, Dale, as an emergency contact. Use the Pull Info button to pull
address information from Susanna and complete the rest of the fields manually.
15. Enter Susanna's Employer "Home Improvements" and her Employment status "Full Time".
16. Move to the Additional Demographics form.
17. Select "No" in the Visually impaired and Hearing impaired fields.
18. In the Preferred communication field, select the No preference option.
19. Navigate to the Account Questionnaire form.
Create a Guarantor Account
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3•14 Linking Records in Registration
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Susanna will be responsible for any balance not covered by insurance.
1. Verify that the Personal/Family and Self options are selected.
2. Click Create New Account.
3. Navigate to the Coverage Selection form.
Create a Coverage
You ask Susanna if she has insurance. She tells you she has Aetna insurance. You ask
her to take out her insurance card.
1. Enter "Aetna" in the search field and click the search button.
2. DOUBLE-CLICK the line with "Aetna" in the Payor and Plan fields.
3. Select Susan as the subscriber.
You are on the Eligibility Query form.
4. Enter a Group number and Subscriber ID.
5. Click Send.
You are on the Summary form.
6. Click Preadmit or Admission.
You are on the Interactive Face Sheet.
7. Click the Response Received button at the bottom of Hyperspace.
8. Click Create Coverage.
You are on the Interactive Face Sheet.
9. Select the line with Aetna in both the Payor and Plan columns.
Complete the Encounter Specific Forms
1. Move to the Encounter Info form.
2. Enter the following information:
Expected time: 2:00 PM
Point of origin: Physician or Clinic Office
Accident related?: No
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Linking Records in Registration 3•15
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Private Encounter?: No
Admission Type: Elective
Free Text Diagnoses: "influenza"
3. Move to the Accommodations form.
Enter "TRN HB Pool Room" in the Room field.
4. Navigate to the Provider Info form.
5. Select "Physician, Champion" in the Referral source field.
6. Move to the Hospital Accounts form.
7. Click Create New Account.
8. Use the Sidebar Checklist to verify all of Susanna's records.
If any error messages appear, click the link to move to the form and fix the problem. Then,
try again.
9. Click Admit.
Activity 2 - Discharge an Admitted Patient
Lorelai suddenly needs to be discharged.
1. From Patient Station, select Lorelai's Admission and click the Discharge button located in the
middle of your screen.
2. Enter a discharge date of today and a discharge time of now.
3. Enter a Discharge Disposition of "Home or Self Care".
4. Click the Discharge button, located in the bottom right portion of your screen.
Bypass any warning messages you receive.
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3•16 Linking Records in Registration
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Reviewing the Chapter
Review Questions
1. Which keyboard command allows you to see the list of choices available for a field with a
selection list in Hyperspace? Choose only ONE answer.
A. F7
B. F2
C. Ctrl+Enter
D. F9
2. True or False: When a letter in the title of a button is underlined you can select the button by
holding down the ALT key and pressing the underlined letter.
3. Which one of the following is responsible for any balance not covered by insurance? Choose
only ONE answer.
A. Patient
B. Subscriber
C. Guarantor
D. Member
4. True or False: One patient can only be linked to one guarantor account.
5. True or False: A guarantor account is a record that holds insurance information for a patient.
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Linking Records in Registration 3•17
RHB101 Resolute Hospital Billing Fundamentals Resolute Hospital Billing Epic 2017
6. Which of the following statements are true about setting the Address link? field on the
Guarantor Info form to "Yes"? Choose only ONE answer.
A. It links the patient address to the guarantor address
B. It links the guarantor address to the subscriber address
C. It links the patient address to the subscriber address
D. It links the guarantor employer to the patient employer
7. Which of the following best describes the purpose of coverage records? Choose only ONE
A. They store information needed to send a bill for balances not covered by insurance.
B. They store information about where to send claims.
C. They store information about where to send appointment reminders.
D. They house all of the charges, payments, and adjustments for a hospital stay.
8. True or False: One coverage can have multiple subscribers.
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3•18 Linking Records in Registration
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Review Key
1. Which keyboard command allows you to see the list of choices available for a field with a
selection list in Hyperspace? Choose only ONE answer.
A. F7
B. F2
C. Ctrl+Enter
D. F9
C) Ctrl+Enter
2. True or False: When a letter in the title of a button is underlined you can select the button by
holding down the ALT key and pressing the underlined letter.
3. Which one of the following is responsible for any balance not covered by insurance? Choose
only ONE answer.
A. Patient
B. Subscriber
C. Guarantor
D. Member
C) Guarantor
4. True or False: One patient can only be linked to one guarantor account.
5. True or False: A guarantor account is a record that holds insurance information for a patient.
6. Which of the following statements are true about setting the Address link? field on the
Guarantor Info form to "Yes"? Choose only ONE answer.
A. It links the patient address to the guarantor address
B. It links the guarantor address to the subscriber address
C. It links the patient address to the subscriber address
D. It links the guarantor employer to the patient employer
A) It links the patient address to the guarantor address
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Linking Records in Registration 3•19
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7. Which of the following best describes the purpose of coverage records? Choose only ONE
A. They store information needed to send a bill for balances not covered by insurance.
B. They store information about where to send claims.
C. They store information about where to send appointment reminders.
D. They house all of the charges, payments, and adjustments for a hospital stay.
B) They store information about where to send claims.
8. True or False: One coverage can have multiple subscribers.
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3•20 Linking Records in Registration
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Study Checklist
Make sure you can define the following key terms:
Guarantor account type
Hospital Account
Patient class
Make sure you can perform the following tasks:
Label the components of Hyperspace
Enter patient demographic information
Recognize fields with a selection list
Pull information from another record
Create a new guarantor account
Create a new coverage
Create a hospital account
Make sure you fully understand and can explain the following concepts:
The purpose of a patient record
The purpose of a guarantor account
The purpose of a coverage record
The purpose of a hospital account
The relationship between a hospital account, guarantor account, patient record, and
coverage record