2. Your project should include descriptions of each scientist’s contributions to the developing theory of evolution. The following checklist provides the required information to be included for each scientist:
The country in which the scientist lived
Dates when the scientist lived
The scientist’s main findings, publications, and contributions, with corresponding dates
Explanations of how these findings impacted the developing theory of evolution and relate to the modern theory of evolution
Information on how these findings and publications relate to the commonly held beliefs of the day
3. You should present your research in a creative and detailed project. You may choose one of the following formats, or have another format approved by your instructor:
Slide-show presentation (I suggest)
Detailed interactive timeline
4. Be sure that your project:
is your own work and all text is written in your own words
includes citations of all resources used for your research
is presented in a way that is neat, organized, and clear
complete sentences should be used in all written descriptions and explanation