I need the outline and the Draft of the paper. Due in 18 hours. No Plagiarism.Outline should be 1 page and i need the draft of 700 words. This is english class, you can select any essay topic.
One of your most important tasks as a writer is composing your rough draft. Your rough draft should be as complete as possible (it should meet the word count minimum) and should incorporate all of the necessary requirements of the Paper 2 assignment.
For the draft, include the following saved as 1 document with your name, course, section(s), instructor, and assignment as the file name. Example: Clara Oswald 1010-121-122 Smith P2 Draft
1. Essay with title(s), introduction, body paragraphs, and close (include quote(s) from either Postman or Samson)
2. Work cited page
The Little, Brown Essential Handbook contains some good advice about how to make your paragraphs flow through coherence and transitions. Check pages 17-18 as you draft.
You will also go through a peer editing process for each rough draft. This is important because it helps to have outside opinions about your work. In the peer editing process, you will receive some good suggestions and some that you might choose to disregard. As the writer, the final product is your responsibility.
Don't forget that the English Writing Lab is available to offer help as well. See more about online tutoring in this section of Writer's Resources in content and also consider visiting your local campus tutoring office.
Your instructor will provide feedback about ways to improve your paper. Be sure to heed your instructor's advice as you move from the draft to a polished final essay.
You can also see more about editing an academic essay on pages 14-16.
See advice from past students about the importance of meeting all deadlines, especially the draft stage, and carefully editing your paper for all feedback in the Getting Started module or click quick link: Advice from Fellow Students.