Web Exercise Of MKTG 420
and Budgeting for the
Promotional Program
Value of Objectives
Objectives facilitate coordination of the various
Planning and decision making
Objectives guide decision making and development
of the integrated marketing communications plan
Measurement and evaluation of results
Objectives provide a benchmark to measure success
or failure
Marketing Objectives versus Integrated
Marketing Communications Objectives
Marketing objectives
• Identify what is to be accomplished
by the overall marketing program
• Defined in terms of specific and
measurable outcomes
• Must be quantifiable, realistic, and
Integrated marketing communications objectives
• Statements of what various aspects
of the IMC program will accomplish
• Based on the particular
communications tasks required to
deliver the appropriate messages
to the target audience
Sales-Oriented Objectives
Aim to increase sales
Require economic justification
Required to produce quantifiable results
Based on the achievement of sales results
Factors Influencing Sales
Problems with Sales Objectives
Successful implementation requires all marketing elements to work together
• Carryover effect: Monies spent on advertising do not have immediate impact on sales
Advertising has carryover effect
It is difficult to determine precise relationship between advertising and sales
Do not offer much guidance for planning and developing promotional program
Communications Objectives
Provide relevant information
Create favorable predispositions toward the brand
Set using models wherein consumers pass through
three stages
Communications Effects Pyramid
• Low-level objectives, such as brand awareness, must be accomplished before moving to higher levels. Therefore, advertisers set their communications objectives in relation to where the target audience currently lies, with respect to the various blocks of the pyramid.
• The stages at the base of the pyramid are easier to accomplish than those toward the top, such as trial and repurchase or regular use. Thus, the percentage of prospective customers declines as they move up the pyramid.
Problems with Communications
Translating sales goals into communications
Promotional planners have difficulty estimating
what constitutes adequate levels of awareness,
knowledge, liking, preference, or conviction
No formulas or guidelines
Defining Advertising Goals for Measured
Advertising Results (DAGMAR)
Communications effects are the logical basis for
advertising goals and objectives to measure success
or failure
Communications task
Performed by and attributed to advertising rather
than marketing factors, includes following stages
Awareness, comprehension, conviction, and action
Characteristics of Objectives
Present concrete and measurable tasks
Have well-defined target audience
Take into consideration the benchmark and the
degree of change sought
Benchmark measures: Determine target market’s
present position regarding the various response
Specify the time period in which the goals must be
Criticisms of DAGMAR
Problems with the response hierarchy
Sales objectives
Practicality and costs
Inhibition of creativity
Traditional Advertising-Based View of
Marketing Communications
This slide can be used to discuss the traditional advertising-based view of marketing communications, which uses the hierarchy of response model to move consumers along the pathway toward purchase. Professor Don Schultz calls this inside-out planning. It focuses on what the marketer wants to say when the marketer wants to say it, about things the marketer believes are important about his or her brand, in the media forms the marketer wants to use.
An alternative approach suggested by Professor Tom Duncan is called zero-based communications planning. It involves determining what tasks need to be done, which marketing communications functions should be used, and to what extent. This approach focuses on the task to be done and searches for the best ideas and media to accomplish it. 7-14
Zero-Based Communications Planning
Involves determining:
What tasks need to be done
Which marketing communications functions should
be used and to what extent
Focuses on the task to be done and searches for the
best ideas and media to accomplish
Conclusions on Research of Advertising
in a Recession
Source: G. Tellis and K. Tellis, “Research on Advertising in a Recession,” Journal of Advertising Research 49, no.3 (2009), pp. 304–27.0
Establishing the Promotional Budget
Formulated when:
A new product is introduced
Internal or external factors necessitate a change to
maintain competitiveness
Established using economic theory, marginal
analysis, and contribution margin
Contribution margin: Difference between the total
revenue generated by a brand and its total variable
Marginal Analysis
Increase in advertising/promotional expenditures
increases sales and gross margins to a point, after
which they level off
Weaknesses - Assumes that sales are:
A direct measure of advertising and promotions
Determined solely by advertising and promotion
Marginal Analysis
This slide can be used to explain marginal analysis and how it relates to the advertising budgeting process. Profits are a result of the gross margin minus advertising expenditures.
Using this theory to establish a budget, a firm would continue to spend advertising dollars as long as the revenues created by the expenditures exceeded the advertising costs. As shown on the graph, the optimal expenditure level is the point at which costs equal the revenues they generate (point A).
Advertising Sales/Response
• The concave-downward function assumes that the effects of advertising spending follow the microeconomic law of diminishing returns. That is, as the amount of advertising increases, its incremental value decreases. The logic is that those with the greatest potential to buy will likely act on the first (or earliest) exposures, while those less likely to buy are not likely to change as a result of the advertising.
• The S-shaped response function assumes that initial outlays of the advertising budget have little impact (range A). However, after a certain budget level has been reached (range B), advertising and promotional efforts begin to have an effect, and additional expenditures result in increased sales. When advertising expenditures enter range C, however, incremental spending will have little additional impact on sales.
Budgeting Approaches: Top-Down
Affordable method
•Firm determines the amount to be spent in various areas
Arbitrary allocation
•Budget is determined by management solely on the basis of what is felt to be necessary
Percentage-of-sales method
•Advertising and promotions budget is based on sales of the product
Competitive parity method
•Budget amounts are established by matching the competition’s percentage-of-sales expenditures
•Clipping service: Clips competitors’ ads from local print media
ROI budgeting method
•Advertising and promotions are considered investments, and are expected to earn a certain return
Alternative Methods for Computing
Percentage of Sales
Competitors’ Advertising Outlays do not
Always Hurt
Figure 7.18 - The Objective and Task
Objective and Task Method
Budget is driven by the objectives to be attained
Difficult determine which tasks will be required and
the costs associated with each
Payout Plan
Determines the investment value of the advertising
and promotion appropriation
Projects the revenues a product will generate, as
well as the costs it will incur
Better and logical approach to budget setting than
the top-down approach
Quantitative Models
Employ computer simulation models involving
statistical techniques
Computer simulation models: Help determine the
relative contribution of the advertising budget to
Steps to Develop and Implement the
Employ comprehensive strategy
Develop strategic planning framework that employs an integrated marketing communications philosophy
Develop contingency plans
Focus on long-term objectives
Evaluate effectiveness of programs have to be consistently
How Advertising and Promotions
Budgets Are Set
Budget Allocation: Factors to Consider
Allocating to IMC elements
Client/agency policies
Market size
Market potential
Market share goals
The Share of Voice (SOV)
Effect and Ad Spending: Priorities in Individual Markets
Economies of Scale
Set of advantages that allows firms to spend less on advertising and realize a better return
This slide can be used to define economies of scale. Larger advertisers can maintain advertising shares that are smaller than their market shares because they get better advertising rates, have declining average costs of production, and accrue the advantages of advertising several products jointly. In addition, they are likely to enjoy more favorable time and space positions, cooperation of middlepeople, and favorable publicity. These advantages are known as economies of scale.
Organizational Characteristics
Factors that influence advertising and promotion budgets
Organizational structure: Centralized versus decentralized, formalization, and complexity
Power and politics: Including the level of interaction between functional departments
Use of expert opinions: For example, advise from consultants, or trade and academic journals
Characteristics of the decision maker: Preferences and experience
Approval and negotiation channels: How many approval levels, approval limitations, and so forth
Pressure on senior managers to arrive at the optimal budget: More important than ever in an economic downturn