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Unlicensed assistive personnel are very important within the medical field. They do not hold any certification or license but they do receive a training that provide them with the knowledge to provide care always under the supervision of a registered nurse. There exist many duties that an UAP can perform to collaborate with patient’s care. Unlicensed assistive personnel can be employed to work as nursing assistants, clerks, health aides, lab techs and certified nursing assistants (Bobo, 2014). According to Wu et al., (2017) there are six actions that should be implemented in order to further educate the UAP and prepare them for safe practice. These actions should be included in health policy to help to create national and state policy for UAPs. These actions or steps are stage setting, which is the first step, policy formulation, adoption following by implementation, evaluation and termination as the last one.
The first step is stage setting, and this is the stage in which the existing issue will be addressed and discussed. The second stage is policy formulation, on this stage, the responsible party will develop a plan or strategy that will better solver the current problem. The third stage will seek the acceptance of the policy by the federal and state. Following the implementation of the policy, an evaluation of the policy will be necessary to ensure the correct functioning of the intended purpose. The last step of the process will be the termination of an obsolete and expired policy that’s no longer useful. The delegation of the different tasks on an UAP will depend of their experience and skills. Therefore, an evaluation of their skills, abilities and also their level of education should be always evaluated before to delegate any major responsibility.
According to the American Nursing Association (Josephsen, 2013) there exists general keys that the nurse manager should review with the RN in order to for the registered nurse to understand what tasks should be delegated to the UAP. Examples of these general keys are that the registered nurse can delegate tasks that are not within the nursing process. Even though many tasks can be delegated to the nursing assistant, it's important for the RN to know that they are the ones taking responsibility for the patient’s safety. In addition, the RN will always be in charge and will determine the correct and adequate provision of care. It is responsibility of the registered nurse to evaluate the UAP skills, experiences and competencies before to delegate any tasks. Besides of delegation, it is also fundamental to establish the evaluation and monitoring the competency levels that will determine the levels of tasks that can be delegated.
Bobo, N. (2014). Nursing delegation to unlicensed assistive personnel in the school setting: Principles of Practice. Silver Spring, MD: National Association of School Nurses.
Josephsen, J. (2013). Teaching nursing delegation: An on-line case study. Teaching and learning in nursing, 8(3), 83-87.
Wu, X., Ramesh, M., Howlett, M., & Fritzen, S. A. (2017). The public policy primer: Managing the policy process. Routledge.