Paper: You will produce a 3-5 page report (not including an event tree or fault tree) of the engineering disaster or Grand Challenge you proposed. The report must be well cited and be logical. You must include at least 3 concepts and methods studied in class to receive a passing grade. A moral theories analysis will count for one concept, and must include analysis by all three moral theories. Your final grade will be based on the ABET rubric listed below. To receive an A you must “exceed expectations.” To receive a B you must “Meet Expectations.” To receive a C or a D you must show that you are “Developing.” If your analysis or report is “Unsatisfactory” you will fail. For formatting questions, follow the format listed below. Late reports will receive a 0. Format (No double spacing – single spaced only) Name Date Course Final Paper Title of Topic Conflict of Interest: I [potentially could] have a conflict of interest in this topic because: I believe in XYZ, I benefit from XYZ, I have been impacted by this in my personal life, I have faced legal charges because of this law, etc. As an engineer/scientist, I acknowledge and disclose my conflict of interest willingly and will try to remain as objective as possible within this report. Introduction (1-2 pages): Provide brief introduction and background to this topic. Why are there ethical dilemmas? What are the different sides of this issue? Are there any current events or widely known instances of this event occurring? You need to cite sources. References need to be as unbiased as possible. They can come from news media or scholarly articles. MAKE SURE YOU CITE! Here’s a chart that can help you. If you want to look at different angles or opinions when analyzing your topic, choose one from either side and evaluate the differences as fairly as possible. Analysis (1.5-3 pages): Use topics from class. At the end of this analysis I should be able to see that you are able to take concepts you learned in class and apply this to a real ethical topic. Conclusion/Summary (0.5-1 page) Briefly state your findings of your analysis from the different sides of the analysis. You do not have to write what side you agree with you. If you want to, by all means go for it, but the purpose of this paper is to analyze an ethical issue, not choose sides. This is not a persuasive paper. References Use whatever citations style you prefer. You must have sources – this is not an opinion piece. I prefer numbered Chicago format. However, any professional format will be accepted. Only providing URL’s will result in point deductions. Paper: You will produce a 3-5 page report (not including an event tree or fault tree) of the engineering disaster or Grand Challenge you proposed.